I think a new soccer complex like the one being proposed in San
Benito County is a great idea in theory, but let’s look at the
bigger picture. Soccer is a growing sport and the more
accommodations you have, the more traffic will follow.
I think a new soccer complex like the one being proposed in San Benito County is a great idea in theory, but let’s look at the bigger picture. Soccer is a growing sport and the more accommodations you have, the more traffic will follow. To get to Shore Road, near where it will be, you will have to use Highway 25, a single-lane highway in both directions. To get to Frazier Lake Road, you will have the same problem.
Before any fields are put into full swing, we need to accommodate our local residents with a two-lane highway in both directions. Shore Road and Frazier Lake also will need to be two lanes in both direction. Think about how many of us use these roads on the weekends being residents. Why burden us with the traffic we see during the week?
We should just build high rises and encourage Manhattan to come here and relocate. We have one lane in each direction and feel confident there will be no impact? It’s kind of like no future thinking is being considered on any of this. Let’s fix the traffic corridors for adequate access before we build it. Because if we build it they will come, and do you really think it won’t have any affect on locals, both good and bad?
Moe Fink, Hollister