music in the park, psychedelic furs

San Juan Soccer Club: Last chance to sign-up for soccer on from 6-8 p.m. Wed. July 14 at the Pizza Factory in San Juan Bautista. For more information call Danny Avalos at 623-4063.

Meeting Canceled: The regular meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Commission has been canceled due to the lack of a quorum. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 2.

Relay for life Fundraisers: For the American Cancer Society’s Hollister’s Relay for Life to held Aug. 6 and 7:

Key Club is hosting a car wash from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat. July 10 in the Sunnyslope Medical Center parking lot.

Washington Mutual will host a hot dog barbecue lunch 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday, July 9. For only $3 you get a hot dog, drink, chips and a cookie. For more information call 637.1694

First Presbyterian Church will host a book sale from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Sunday July 18. For more information call Willis at 831-636-8505

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Board meeting of the Friends of the San Benito County Free Library will meet at noon, Thursday, July 15, in the Barbara Memorial Room at the Hollister Library, 470 Fifth Street. The public is invited and all members are urged to attend.

CITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS: The filing period for City Council Districts 1, 4 and 5 open Monday, July 12 at 8 a.m. and close August 6 at 5 p.m. unless an incumbent does not file; then the filing periond will be extended until August 11. All interested candidates must be a registered voter within their district and come to the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall at 375 Fifth Street to pull papers. We require signatures in lieu of a filing fee. Each term is for four years. The other two seats will be up in November of 2006.

CLASS OF 79 REUNION: San Benito High School Class of 1979 will hold its 25th reunion on August 21 at Ridgemark. Contact Laurie or Jerry at 831-636-9028 for more information and tickets.

SBHS 30th REUNION: Attention classmates, if you are planning on attending the 30th class reunion on August 14th, 2004 send in your confirmation now. Don’t get left out. We need to submit the final count soon. For more info. please contact Linda at 831-637-3349

SUPPORT GROUP: The Bariatric Support Group will meet on Tuesday, July 13 at 7 p.m. in the Gil Gallery of Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital at 911 Sunset Drive. Call Lynn at 831-636-2607 for more information.

HORSE SHOW MEETING: The directors of the San Benito County Saddle Horse Association will hold a critique meeting with a dinner at 7 p.m. and discussion at 8 p.m. at Bolado Park. Call 831-628-3545 for more information.

CAR CAMPAIGN: Boys and Girls Clubs in California are running car campaigns to help support their programs. If you would like to donate your automobile, call 800-246-0493. Some restrictions apply.

VENDOR SEARCH: The Hazel Hawkins Hospitals Auxiliary is seeking interested vendors for their Craft & Antique Faire on November 19 and 20, 2004. The Faire will be held at the Hollister Presbyterian Church gymnasium and fellowship halls. Please contact Juli Vierra at 637-1488 for applications. All applicants will be juried after July 15th.

FREE BEES Seminar: A free Burt’s Bees seminar featuring natural make-up and skin care will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 15 at the Old Flower Mill. Space is limited, call 831-635-0195 to reserve your spot.

Attention 1968 Graduates: Our committee is looking for 1968 SBHS graduates for a reunion to be held July 31, 2004. They can call Margie (Sanchez) Barrios at 831-637-8717 for more information.

Writing Your Business Plan: Good planning is the basis of any successful business start-up, and a necessity for a loan application. This workshop will lead you to focus on a marketing plan, financial projections and a strategic plan to put your business on the road to success.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 14 , 2004 from 6:00 – 9 p.m. at the Gavilan College SBDC offices in the Dry Creek Village Center, 8351 Church Street, Building E, Gilroy, CA. Please note that registration begins at 5:45 p.m. The cost for this 3-hour workshop is only $20.00 payable in advance or at the door. Due to limited space please call in advance to pre-register (408) 847-0373.

Adoption day: All Creatures Great and Small will be adopting pets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 10 at 930 Sunnyslope Road in Hollister. Come and see our wonderful pets available for adoption. These dogs and cats and kittens have been raised in foster homes, and they now need permanent caring and loving homes. The adoption fee includes spay/neuter, tests, shots and worming. For further information, or volunteering to help, please call Vivian 831-636-7559.

Bygone years: Attention all members, the submission deadline for the July edition of the capsule is July 14. Send information to: Editor, The Time Capsule c/o Bygone years, P.O. Box 273, San Juan Bautista, 95045. The monthly meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday July 24 at Granville Hall. The deadline for agenda items is July 21. The monthly general membership meeting will be 7 to 10 p.m. with a social hour at 6 p.m. July 29 at Granville Hall with guest speaker Peter Vafiadis. Call 831-637-8450 for more information.

MEETING NOTICE: The San Benito County Republican Central Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday July 7 at the Hollister Library. Anyone interested in working on fall election campaigns is invited to attend. Plans for the August street festival will also be discussed. Call Jennifer Zapata at 831-637-9111 for more information.

Advocate training: Community Solutions is offering 60-hour training sessions which will teach peer counseling and crisis intervention skills for sexual assault and domestic violence training. Training will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evening and 2 full Saturdays beginning July 13. Call Amy M. Molica at 408-846-4751 for more information.

San juan bautista Festival: San Juan Bautista Fine Arts and Quality Festival will be held from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday July 10 and 11 along Third Street. Call 831-623-4661 for more information.

CAMPERSHIP BARBECUE: At First Presbyterian Church 2060 Cienaga Road. Watch for the bright yellow truck. Money raised will send children to church camp.Cost is $10 a plate for a big meal. Call 637-1596 for more information.

A COMMUTER’S ROAD RAVES WRITING CONTEST: San Benito County Rideshare together with the Association of Monterey bay Area Governaments is inviting writers who live or work in Monterey and San Benito Counties to submit a short story on commuting alternatively. Contest ends July 16, $100 cash prize.

FOSTER PARENT ORIENTATION: Aspira Foster & Family Services will hold a foster parent orientation at the Gilroy Aspira office located on 8375 Church St. It is free and open to all who are interested in becoming foster parents. For more information, call Marisa at 831-63-1632 or 408-848-8128

Art museum outing: The Free Caregivers will hold a social outing to the Monterey Museum of Art at La Mirada on July 15 from ll:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Caregivers from Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties are welcome. The Health Projects Center (HPC), sponsor of the Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center (DMCRC) and the Monterey County Respite Coalition present this free outing, which includes a picnic lunch at Lake El Estero followed by a guided tour of the Museum and grounds and finishing with light tea and snacks in the garden.Please call Health Projects Center for more information, 831-424-4359. Pre-registration is required.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Sacred Heart / St. Benedict’s VBS, SonGames 2004 is a week long outdoor camp for children entering into Pre-Kindergarten (age 4) through 6th grade in the fall of 2004. It will be held the week of July 26-30th, 2004 9am to 2pm. At SonGames, children will discover how to live as members of God’s team as they Join In! Team Up! Get Strong! Keep On! And Celebrate! To register, please call the Religious Education Office at 831-637-8291, or pick up a registration form at St. Benedicts Church by July 19, 2004.

FLOG TOURNAMENT: The SBCAOR will hold it’s annual Flog Tournament on July 23, 2004 at the Bolado Golf Course. Don’t miss your chance to be a sponsor, the cost is only $25. Please contact the San Benito County Association of REALTORS for more information at 636-4605.

COLLEGE FOR KIDS: There is still time to register for the second session of Gavilan College-College For Kids. The session goes from July 6 to July 23, and runs Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Kids entering grades 4-7 get their choice of morning specialty classes in subjects like computers, math, and foreign language, plus afternoon swimming and outdoor fun. The fee is only $315.00. Call Gavilan College Community Education to register at (408) 847-2514 or go to

LIbrary Book SALE: The Friends of the Library will hold its monthly book sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday July 24 behind the SBC Free Library at 470 Fifth and Monterey streets. Find new and used books on health, education, mystery, religion, romance, science, childrens, Spanish, travel and National Geographics. If you have books, cd’s or videos to donate bring them to the book sale or to the donation bin in the library lobby. For more information call 636-4107.

Volleyball Camp: San Benito High School will host a volleyball camp for incoming freshman through senior girls on Aug. 2-4. For a registration brochure or more information call Coach Villegas at 831-637-5831 ext. 286.

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