Grandmas wanted: The Grandmothers Club will meet Friday, Aug.
15, at the Veterans Memorial Building at noon. All grandmothers are
Grandmas wanted: The Grandmothers Club will meet Friday, Aug. 15, at the Veterans Memorial Building at noon. All grandmothers are welcome.
‘Cinderella’ auditions: Auditions for Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” will take place Aug. 18 and 19 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Tres Pinos School. The play is the children’s fall production of the San Benito Stage Company, and will run in October. Auditions are open to children ages 8 to 18 for more than 17 roles. For appointments and information, call Toni at 637-7293 or Kathy at 638-9213.
Rehearsals commence: Rehearsals for the South Valley Symphony will commence on Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 7:30 p.m. in room AL 101 at Gavilan College. The orchestra is need of violin, viola and cellists in the string section as well as two contrabass players for the volunteer orchestra and bassoon, trombone, french horn players and a percussion player.
Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. This is the 30th season for the orchestra and the opening concert is slated for Oct. 11. For more information, call Sue Piccardo at 408-683-4848.
4-H looking for members: Union 4-H in San Benito County is looking for new members. The club meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Members are involved in sheep, clothing, arts and crafts, food and various community projects. To find out where the meeting will be, call the office at 637-5346 Aug. 13. For more information, people can also call Sandra Green at 637-1216.
CARES: The CARES Project, created by Ombudsman/Advocate, will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 13, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hollister Community Center at 300 West St. The meeting is free and open to the public. The CARES Project was created to address the needs and concerns of family and friend caregivers of facility-placed seniors. Details: 429-1913 or 636-1638.
Kids at the Park: The 10th annual Kids at the Park will be held Wednesday, Aug. 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Dunne Park (West Street between Sixth and Seventh streets). The event is free and open to the public. There will be free fingerprinting, face painting and healthy snacks. Children can meet the Tooth Fairy, Smokey the Bear and McGruff. The event is organized by the San Benito County Safe Kids Coalition and sponsored by the SBC Health and Human Services Agency and Public Health Services. Fore more information, call 637-5367.
Rabies vaccination clinics: The San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency will conduct rabies vaccination clinics on certain Wednesdays through Aug. 13.
Vaccination fee is $5. Dogs and cats from four months to one year old must be revaccinated within 12 months. Additional revaccinations are required thereafter every three years. All dogs must be leashed at the clinics and all cats must be caged.
All clinics will be held at the city yard, 1321 South St., from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on the last available Wednesday: Aug. 13. For more information, call the health department at 636-4035.
Vacant board positions: The San Benito Health Foundation is accepting applications for consumer and non-consumer board of director positions. Applications are available at the Foundation or by calling Sylvia Ayala at 637-5306, ext. 37, and are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15. Board elections will held in the community room of the Foundation on Aug. 19 at 7 p.m.
Volunteer/advocate training: Community Solutions is sponsoring Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training for those who want to be volunteers or advocates for survivors of abuse. The 60-hour state-certified training runs from Aug. 12 to Sept. 18, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and every other Saturday. Participants receive state certification as a domestic violence and sexual assault advocate and basic orientation to Community Solutions and its services. The class is open to Santa Clara and San Benito county residents. For registration and information, call Amy Molica at 408-846-4751.
YMCA Charity Golf: YMCA’s fifth annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held Aug. 22 at San Juan Oaks Golf Club. Cost is $150 per golfer which includes green fee, cart, range balls, box lunch, dinner and prizes. Check-in time is 8:30 a.m. with a shot-gun start at noon. Entries must be received by Aug. 15. All proceeds will benefit the YMCA of San Benito County.
Details: 637-8600 or
‘Right Bed, Wrong Husband:’ Pintello Comedy Theater in Gilroy will present “Right Bed, Wrong Husband” beginning Aug. 15. Performances are Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. through Sept. 13. Tickers are $15. The theater is located at 8531 Church St. in Gilroy. For reservations or questions, call 408-776-8004 or e-mail pi******@ga****.com.
Street Festival coming: The 17th Annual Hollister Street Festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. With more than 10,000 people expected, the event will feature a petting zoo, a classic car show, kiddie carnival, live entertainment, new car alley, and over 60 food, craft, information and sales booths. Admission is free. Details: 636-8406.
Volunteers needed: The 17th annual Street Festival will be held in downtown Hollister on Saturday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are needed and there is still space available in the classic car show. Call the Hollister Downtown Association to volunteer or to enter the show at 636-8406.
Beach Boar
CHILDCARE PROVIDER WORKSHOPS: Go Kids, Inc. (formerly Growth & Opportunity) sponsors the Childcare Initiative Project, a 10-week program of workshops to provide basic information and education to open your home for quality childcare.
Classes are held on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Grace Bible Church, 634 Monterey St. There is no charge. Call Cyndi Torres at 637-9205 to reserve a place.
AFTER-SCHOOL KIDS PROGRAM: The San Benito County Free Library sponsors an after-school kids club for children ages 6-12 on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the library, 470 Fifth St. Activities include homework assistance, arts and crafts projects, educational videos and presentations.
A library card is a “passport” to the program, which is sponsored by the Hollister Youth Alliance and Friends of the Library.
JOB INTERVIEW CLASSES IN SPANISH: The San Benito County One-Stop Career Center will conduct free classes in job interview skills in Spanish on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-noon. Topics covered will include how to fill out a job application, interviewing and the importance of a resume.
Additional classes will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. For more information or to register, call the Career Center at 637-5627. The center is located at 1111 Calle San Felipe, No. 107.
NEWBORN STORY TIME: Sponsored by the Friends of the Library’s “Born to Read” program, Newborn Story Time is for children ages birth to 2 years. It is held Mondays at 1:30 p.m. at the San Benito County Free Library, 407 Fifth Street. There is no charge.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Celebrate Recovery, a Christian-based recovery group, meets from 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Hillside Christian Fellowship, 281 San Felipe Road. For more information, call 630-0800.
SPANISH CAREGIVER SUPPORT: A support group for Spanish-speaking families and caregivers of adults with brain impairments meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 6-7 p.m. at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. For more information, call 637-9275.
LULAC YOUTH MARIACHI: The San Benito County chapter of LULAC is forming a youth mariachi and invites all youths to participate. Parent or guardian permission is required. Details: 877-77LULAC.
FREE/LOW-COST SPAY & NEUTER CLINICS: Drs. Alan Painter and Jerry Leroux are participating in the Low-Income Owner/Caregiver Cat Altering Program sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Association and offer free or low-cost spay and neutering surgery for cat owners with a Medi-Cal card. There is a limit of three cats per client. To schedule an appointment, call the Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.
IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: The San Benito County Public Health Services holds childhood immunization clinics on Tuesdays from 8:30-10:30 a.m. for walk-ins and from 3-5 p.m. by appointment only. The agency is located at 439 Fourth St. Fee for children who do not qualify for CHDP program. Details: 637-5367.
The agency also provides adult immunizations for flu and pneumonia during the season to eligible adults, as well as children, and confidential HIV testing is available by appointment only. And TB skin testing is held on Tuesday’s from 3-5 p.m. for eligible children and adults. Details: 637-5367.
AUXILIARY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Hazel Hawkins Hospital’s Auxiliary is looking for hospital and thrift shop volunteers. Anyone interested in helping out can call 637-5711 for more information.
PET FRIENDS: Pet Friends of San Benito County offers discount certificates for spaying and neutering cats and dogs. Certificates are free and are redeemable at any local veterinarian. Procedures are discounted $30 for cats and dogs with a certificates. Certificates must be picked up at the Pet Friends Center at 2973 Buena Vista Road. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Details: 634-1191.
BREASTFEEDING CLASSES: Baby’s Breastfeeding is offering breastfeeding classes for new and expectant parents at the Hollister Family Resource Center. Parents will learn the basics of breastfeeding as well as how to avoid difficulties.
Classes are offered in English and Spanish on Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. Registration is required by the Wednesday prior to a class. Cost is $20 per couple. For more information or to register, call Yvonne at 636-6781.
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Those grieving a death, whether recent or long past, are offered a compassionate support by a caring group that meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at noon at the Social Hall of the Hollister Methodist Church at Monterey and Fifth streets. The group is sponsored by the Visiting Nurses Association Hospice and is led by a counseling professional. The group is confidential, non-denominational and open to the all at no cost. For more information, call Barbara 628-3305 or (831) 758-8283.
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: The Community Foundation is looking to help new non-profit agencies get started. A non-profit organization formed in 1992 to enhance the quality of life of county residents and to build a stronger community, the foundation has since contributed more than $250,000 to local philanthropic causes.
For more information, call Bernie Furman at 630-0476, fax to 630-0852 or send a letter to: The Community Foundation of San Benito County, P.O. Box 2062, Hollister 95024-2062.
BRIDGE CLUB: The Hollister/Gilroy/Morgan Hill Bridge Club meets each Tuesday at noon at the I.O.O.F. Lodge on Sixth Street in Hollister. All levels of bridge players are welcome. For more information, call the club director at (408) 277-0870.
FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: A no-cost family support group is being offered through the Apostolic Bible Learning Center each Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at the center, located at 153 Fifth St. The program offers practical and emotional support guided by a licensed therapist. Groups are available for adults, teens and children. Babysitting is available and refreshments are served at the end of the program. For more information, call Estella at 630-9227 or Roland at 636-1250.
PREGNANCY SERVICES: Compassion Pregnancy Services, located at 910 Monterey St., suite 10, is open Monday through Thursday from noon-4:30 p.m. All services are free and include: confidential pregnancy tests, peer counseling, maternity clothes, baby clothes and other items to support mom and baby. For more information, call 637-4020.
RECYCLING PROGRAM: Community Pantry and Leatherback Industries are providing a mixed paper recycling program. Residents may bring mixed paper such as newsprint, used computer paper, office paper, cereal cartons, magazines, junk mail as well as cardboard to Leatherback’s paper plant, located at South McCray Street and Gibbs Drive. A collecting bin will be provided and funds received from the program will benefit Community Pantry.
‘Cinderella’ auditions: Auditions for Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” will take place Aug. 18 and 19 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Tres Pinos School. The play is the children’s fall production of the San Benito Stage Company, and will run in October. Auditions are open to children ages 8 to 18 for more than 17 roles. For appointments and information, call Toni at 637-7293 or Kathy at 638-9213.
Rehearsals commence: Rehearsals for the South Valley Symphony will commence on Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 7:30 p.m. in room AL 101 at Gavilan College. The orchestra is need of violin, viola and cellists in the string section as well as two contrabass players for the volunteer orchestra and bassoon, trombone, french horn players and a percussion player.
Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. This is the 30th season for the orchestra and the opening concert is slated for Oct. 11. For more information, call Sue Piccardo at 408-683-4848.
4-H looking for members: Union 4-H in San Benito County is looking for new members. The club meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Members are involved in sheep, clothing, arts and crafts, food and various community projects. To find out where the meeting will be, call the office at 637-5346 Aug. 13. For more information, people can also call Sandra Green at 637-1216.
CARES: The CARES Project, created by Ombudsman/Advocate, will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 13, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hollister Community Center at 300 West St. The meeting is free and open to the public. The CARES Project was created to address the needs and concerns of family and friend caregivers of facility-placed seniors. Details: 429-1913 or 636-1638.
Kids at the Park: The 10th annual Kids at the Park will be held Wednesday, Aug. 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Dunne Park (West Street between Sixth and Seventh streets). The event is free and open to the public. There will be free fingerprinting, face painting and healthy snacks. Children can meet the Tooth Fairy, Smokey the Bear and McGruff. The event is organized by the San Benito County Safe Kids Coalition and sponsored by the SBC Health and Human Services Agency and Public Health Services. Fore more information, call 637-5367.
Rabies vaccination clinics: The San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency will conduct rabies vaccination clinics on certain Wednesdays through Aug. 13.
Vaccination fee is $5. Dogs and cats from four months to one year old must be revaccinated within 12 months. Additional revaccinations are required thereafter every three years. All dogs must be leashed at the clinics and all cats must be caged.
All clinics will be held at the city yard, 1321 South St., from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on the last available Wednesday: Aug. 13. For more information, call the health department at 636-4035.
Vacant board positions: The San Benito Health Foundation is accepting applications for consumer and non-consumer board of director positions. Applications are available at the Foundation or by calling Sylvia Ayala at 637-5306, ext. 37, and are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15. Board elections will held in the community room of the Foundation on Aug. 19 at 7 p.m.
Volunteer/advocate training: Community Solutions is sponsoring Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training for those who want to be volunteers or advocates for survivors of abuse. The 60-hour state-certified training runs from Aug. 12 to Sept. 18, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and every other Saturday. Participants receive state certification as a domestic violence and sexual assault advocate and basic orientation to Community Solutions and its services. The class is open to Santa Clara and San Benito county residents. For registration and information, call Amy Molica at 408-846-4751.
YMCA Charity Golf: YMCA’s fifth annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held Aug. 22 at San Juan Oaks Golf Club. Cost is $150 per golfer which includes green fee, cart, range balls, box lunch, dinner and prizes. Check-in time is 8:30 a.m. with a shot-gun start at noon. Entries must be received by Aug. 15. All proceeds will benefit the YMCA of San Benito County.
Details: 637-8600 or
‘Right Bed, Wrong Husband:’ Pintello Comedy Theater in Gilroy will present “Right Bed, Wrong Husband” beginning Aug. 15. Performances are Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. through Sept. 13. Tickers are $15. The theater is located at 8531 Church St. in Gilroy. For reservations or questions, call 408-776-8004 or e-mail pi******@ga****.com.
Street Festival coming: The 17th Annual Hollister Street Festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. With more than 10,000 people expected, the event will feature a petting zoo, a classic car show, kiddie carnival, live entertainment, new car alley, and over 60 food, craft, information and sales booths. Admission is free. Details: 636-8406.
Volunteers needed: The 17th annual Street Festival will be held in downtown Hollister on Saturday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are needed and there is still space available in the classic car show. Call the Hollister Downtown Association to volunteer or to enter the show at 636-8406.
Beach Boar
CHILDCARE PROVIDER WORKSHOPS: Go Kids, Inc. (formerly Growth & Opportunity) sponsors the Childcare Initiative Project, a 10-week program of workshops to provide basic information and education to open your home for quality childcare.
Classes are held on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Grace Bible Church, 634 Monterey St. There is no charge. Call Cyndi Torres at 637-9205 to reserve a place.
AFTER-SCHOOL KIDS PROGRAM: The San Benito County Free Library sponsors an after-school kids club for children ages 6-12 on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the library, 470 Fifth St. Activities include homework assistance, arts and crafts projects, educational videos and presentations.
A library card is a “passport” to the program, which is sponsored by the Hollister Youth Alliance and Friends of the Library.
JOB INTERVIEW CLASSES IN SPANISH: The San Benito County One-Stop Career Center will conduct free classes in job interview skills in Spanish on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-noon. Topics covered will include how to fill out a job application, interviewing and the importance of a resume.
Additional classes will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. For more information or to register, call the Career Center at 637-5627. The center is located at 1111 Calle San Felipe, No. 107.
NEWBORN STORY TIME: Sponsored by the Friends of the Library’s “Born to Read” program, Newborn Story Time is for children ages birth to 2 years. It is held Mondays at 1:30 p.m. at the San Benito County Free Library, 407 Fifth Street. There is no charge.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Celebrate Recovery, a Christian-based recovery group, meets from 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Hillside Christian Fellowship, 281 San Felipe Road. For more information, call 630-0800.
SPANISH CAREGIVER SUPPORT: A support group for Spanish-speaking families and caregivers of adults with brain impairments meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 6-7 p.m. at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. For more information, call 637-9275.
LULAC YOUTH MARIACHI: The San Benito County chapter of LULAC is forming a youth mariachi and invites all youths to participate. Parent or guardian permission is required. Details: 877-77LULAC.
FREE/LOW-COST SPAY & NEUTER CLINICS: Drs. Alan Painter and Jerry Leroux are participating in the Low-Income Owner/Caregiver Cat Altering Program sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Association and offer free or low-cost spay and neutering surgery for cat owners with a Medi-Cal card. There is a limit of three cats per client. To schedule an appointment, call the Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.
IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: The San Benito County Public Health Services holds childhood immunization clinics on Tuesdays from 8:30-10:30 a.m. for walk-ins and from 3-5 p.m. by appointment only. The agency is located at 439 Fourth St. Fee for children who do not qualify for CHDP program. Details: 637-5367.
The agency also provides adult immunizations for flu and pneumonia during the season to eligible adults, as well as children, and confidential HIV testing is available by appointment only. And TB skin testing is held on Tuesday’s from 3-5 p.m. for eligible children and adults. Details: 637-5367.
AUXILIARY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Hazel Hawkins Hospital’s Auxiliary is looking for hospital and thrift shop volunteers. Anyone interested in helping out can call 637-5711 for more information.
PET FRIENDS: Pet Friends of San Benito County offers discount certificates for spaying and neutering cats and dogs. Certificates are free and are redeemable at any local veterinarian. Procedures are discounted $30 for cats and dogs with a certificates. Certificates must be picked up at the Pet Friends Center at 2973 Buena Vista Road. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Details: 634-1191.
BREASTFEEDING CLASSES: Baby’s Breastfeeding is offering breastfeeding classes for new and expectant parents at the Hollister Family Resource Center. Parents will learn the basics of breastfeeding as well as how to avoid difficulties.
Classes are offered in English and Spanish on Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. Registration is required by the Wednesday prior to a class. Cost is $20 per couple. For more information or to register, call Yvonne at 636-6781.
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Those grieving a death, whether recent or long past, are offered a compassionate support by a caring group that meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at noon at the Social Hall of the Hollister Methodist Church at Monterey and Fifth streets. The group is sponsored by the Visiting Nurses Association Hospice and is led by a counseling professional. The group is confidential, non-denominational and open to the all at no cost. For more information, call Barbara 628-3305 or (831) 758-8283.
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: The Community Foundation is looking to help new non-profit agencies get started. A non-profit organization formed in 1992 to enhance the quality of life of county residents and to build a stronger community, the foundation has since contributed more than $250,000 to local philanthropic causes.
For more information, call Bernie Furman at 630-0476, fax to 630-0852 or send a letter to: The Community Foundation of San Benito County, P.O. Box 2062, Hollister 95024-2062.
BRIDGE CLUB: The Hollister/Gilroy/Morgan Hill Bridge Club meets each Tuesday at noon at the I.O.O.F. Lodge on Sixth Street in Hollister. All levels of bridge players are welcome. For more information, call the club director at (408) 277-0870.
FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: A no-cost family support group is being offered through the Apostolic Bible Learning Center each Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at the center, located at 153 Fifth St. The program offers practical and emotional support guided by a licensed therapist. Groups are available for adults, teens and children. Babysitting is available and refreshments are served at the end of the program. For more information, call Estella at 630-9227 or Roland at 636-1250.
PREGNANCY SERVICES: Compassion Pregnancy Services, located at 910 Monterey St., suite 10, is open Monday through Thursday from noon-4:30 p.m. All services are free and include: confidential pregnancy tests, peer counseling, maternity clothes, baby clothes and other items to support mom and baby. For more information, call 637-4020.
RECYCLING PROGRAM: Community Pantry and Leatherback Industries are providing a mixed paper recycling program. Residents may bring mixed paper such as newsprint, used computer paper, office paper, cereal cartons, magazines, junk mail as well as cardboard to Leatherback’s paper plant, located at South McCray Street and Gibbs Drive. A collecting bin will be provided and funds received from the program will benefit Community Pantry.