A plane spirals down while not using his engine to land the plane.
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Find out the latest events and announcements in San Benito County.
Wag ‘N Walk
Join Pet Friends for a 5K Family Fun Run/Walk at the Graniterock Southside Sand Gravel facility at 7:15 a.m. Saturday, June 14. Afterward, visit the Graniterock Open House for a hot dog BBQ. Registration and check-in start at 7:15 a.m. and the run/walk starts at 8:30. The course closes at 10:30 a.m.
Hollister Airshow
The city is hosting the Hollister Airshow this Father’s Day weekend. The event will be held at the Hollister Municipal Airport on San Felipe Road. Gates open at 9 a.m. and the show begins at 11 a.m. with the singing of the National Anthem and the flag drop. Other events include acrobatic aerial performances, experimental and classic aircraft static displays, stunts performed on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and even a jet car. Vendors, as well as aviation promotional groups and local non-profit organizations, will be easily accessible to guests. Additionally there is free seating in the viewing area, available on a first-come first-served basis. It is set for the Hollister Airport, 90 Airport Drive. The price is $15 for general admission with youths under 13 $10 and kids 5 and under free. For more, go to hollisterairshow.com.
Kids’ Fun in Hollister
Join Kids’ Fun in Hollister for an afternoon of fun and food at the Historical Park, located just off of Highway 25, at 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 13. It is a free event, at $3 per car to park. Head into the park and turn right. Meet up at the play structure. Bring your own food/drinks and play toys, and gather with friends to have a great afternoon. Kids’ Fun in Hollister is a Facebook group that has been in existence for two years.
Author to sign books at car show
Local author John Chadwell will be selling and signing his novels at the 10th Annual Father’s Day Car Show at South Valley Community Church, 2350 Technology Parkway, from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Chadwell has resided in Hollister for the past 14 years. He has written and self-published six novels: Hunt of the Sea Wolves, Pershing, The Soldier’s General, Major Crime Unit: Operation Casablanca, Legends and Liars, Werewolves of New Idria and most recently Last Sunrise, his first western. He will be selling signed copies of all six at the event. Registration for the car show is at 9 a.m. with no entry fee and no judges. For more, call (408) 848-2363, ext. 105.
San Juan VFW annual meeting
The San Juan Bautista Historical Society’s June 14 Annual Meeting will be at the VFW, and the speaker will be Tony Boch, who will talk about the cemetery. This will be a brunch meeting, earlier than usual, so come with a hearty appetite and questions you may have for Tony. All proceeds from the brunch will go directly to the VFW for their new roof. If you cannot attend, please consider a donation to their roof fund, which will be greatly appreciated.  Please RSVP to Georgana at (831) 623-2001; leave a message.
VFW golf tournament
The Hollister Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9242 is hosting free tables at the banquet for the 2nd annual golf tournament at San Juan Oaks on June 20. Veterans who also want to participate in the golf tournament will be given free entry and placed on teams. Prizes include a free car and $25,000. For information, call Mike Scalmanini at (831) 794-8920. The deadline is June 18.
Show & Shine
The third annual LDS Show & Shine car show is set for June 21. It will include up to 100 cars with motorcycles welcome as well, a free jump house, free hot dogs and pinewood derby races. Car owners preregistering will get a free car show T-shirt. To register call (831) 636-6822. The show is at 1670 Cienega Road in the church parking lot. It is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with sign-in at 8 a.m. For more go to the following website: facebook.com/ldscarshow.
Mission Fiesta
Old Mission San Juan Bautista continues a long tradition when it again hosts the great fiesta to honor its namesake St. John the Baptist on June 22 in the historic Olive Grove adjacent to the Mission. In addition to the concheros, Mariachi Juvenil Alma de Mexico, a youth mariachi group from Gilroy, will perform.  And finally, back again by popular request and closing the generations gap, is the ever popular Nu-Horizon Band playing their traditional Mexican and Latin groove dance music. For years now, the San Juan Club has served the barbecue chicken dinners. Starting early in the morning the oak fire is prepared for the chicken from the mystery marinade known only to the group. By late morning it is served with salad, French bread and chili beans. This year the dinner is $8 per plate. Beer, wine and sodas are available and the food booths have exotic foods. The Fiesta is a multi-cultural, family event for the summer and is open to all with free admission, free stage entertainment, affordable food, free demonstrations, and affordable activities. Children will be entertained with games and game booths. A second popular feature is the annual drawing for the grand prize, which this year is $2,000. Tickets are $2 each or six for $10. The Fiesta is planned and staffed entirely by volunteers. If you’d like to be part of this modern/historical event, call David or Diana Bruce, the co-chairs, at (408) 500-8353.           
Pat’s Place anniversary
Pat’s Place, a thrift store to benefit the Community Food Bank of San Benito County, is celebrating its five years in business from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 1. Refreshments will be served. The store is at 101 Fifth St. Also, the store needs volunteers. If you have hours to spare, come by and see the store at 101 Fifth St. or call (831) 637-5500. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday or 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. Proceeds benefit the Community Food Bank.
Rodeo parade entries
The annual Saddle Horse Parade is taking place on Thursday, June 26. Sponsorship forms are available at the chamber office, 243 6th St., Suite 100, Hollister, or by sending an email to: ad***@sa********************.com.
Street Festival coming
The Hollister Downtown Association celebrates the 28th Annual Street Festival and Car Show on Saturday, July 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Historic Downtown Hollister!
This family-friendly event features free admission, an automotive swap meet, free watermelon, a Kid’s Zone, approximately 200 show cars, food concessions, youth performances, live entertainment, specialty vehicles, beer and wine garden, and much, much more!
Come join in the fun! For more information, contact the Hollister Downtown Association at 831-636-8406, on the website at www.downtownhollister.org, or on Facebook at Hollister Downtown Association.
New fair CEO wanted
The 33rd District Agricultural Association – San Benito County Fair in Hollister California is accepting applications for its chief executive officer. According to the agricultural district, the ideal candidate will have a demonstrated knowledge and experience in developing and managing budgets, maintaining sound fiscal policy, day-to-day record keeping, preparation of board reports, other required reports, planning, organizational structuring, business development, fundraising, grants and sponsorship development, producing and directing community relevant programs, entertainment activities and special events, developing and implementing marketing plans and strategies, knowledge in the areas of purchasing, facility maintenance, public relations, contracting, and technology will also be required. The candidate must have the ability to work cooperatively and communicate effectively with staff and volunteers, the board of directors, governmental agencies, local businesses, media and the community. For more, go to sanbenitocountyfair.com.
Pancake biker breakfast
The Hollister United Methodist Church at Fifth and Monterey streets is presenting its All You Can Eat Breakfast for the Hollister Rally motorcycle event. It is set for July 4, 5 and 6 at the church and includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, orange juice and coffee. It is $12 for adults and $6 for children 12 and under. Take out is available. For information, call (831) 637-4240.
Top Hatters Poker Run
The 67th annual Top Hatters Independence Run is set for July 5. It includes a meal, run pin, support sticker and $300 High Hand. All bikes are welcome. Check-in is 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, go to tophatters-mc.com or call (831) 801-6737.
West Nile reminder
The San Benito County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office has released a reminder to residents about vaccinating horses against West Nile virus in the wake of last year’s equine fatality from the illness.
The following is the agriculture commissioner’s office mosquito abatement program.
In October 2003, West Nile Virus was diagnosed for the first time in a horse in California. Today, West Nile Virus is considered endemic in California. Last year San Benito County suffered its first equine West Nile Virus fatality since 2006. This horse had not been vaccinated. Vaccination and mosquito control minimize the risk of your horse contracting West Nile Virus.
The American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends incorporation of a West Nile Virus vaccine as an annual core vaccination in equine vaccination protocols. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure your horse’s West Nile Virus vaccination is up to date.
You can also minimize your horse’s exposure to West Nile Virus by using an insect repellent and eliminating mosquito breeding sites. Methods to eliminate mosquito breeding sites include:
•    Draining unnecessary standing water found in wheelbarrows, tires, etc.
•    Cleaning water containers at least weekly (especially bird baths, fountains or plant saucers).
•    Scheduling pasture irrigation to minimize standing water.
•    Using Mosquito “Dunks” in water troughs that are unable to be cleaned weekly or stock troughs with mosquito fish. If you need mosquito fish contact the San Benito County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office at (831) 637-5344.
Kids Rule theater camp
Registration is open for the San Benito Stage Company’s Kids Rule Theatre Camp. Camp is scheduled for June 23-27. It includes workshops in ensemble music, dance movement, acting, improv, pantomime, small group vocal and much more.  Entry forms are available at Postal Graphics, www.sanbenitostage.org  or by calling Kristy at (831) 636-6810.

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