‘Twice is Nice’ sale at Methodist Church
Hollister United Methodist Church at 521 Monterey St. is hosting a “Twice is Nice” sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 16. Clothing for men, women, children and teens, quilting and crafting items, toys, books, tools, furniture, household and knickknacks will be available. A hot dog lunch is available for $1.50 and includes chips and soda/water. For more information, call the church office at (831) 637-4240.
Kinship Wine & Food Tasting
Gabilan Chapter Kinship Center presents its annual Wine & Food Tasting – the oldest wine tasting event in California. It is set for Sept. 6 from 4-7 p.m. at the historic Paicines Ranch, just south of Hollister. More than 50 regional wineries and restaurants will be featured, as well as live and silent auctions. All proceeds benefit foster and adoption services in San Benito County. Tickets are $50 per person before Aug. 23. Thereafter, tickets are $55 until sold out. Tickets may be purchased online at www.kinshipcenter.org , or in Hollister at Bene, She’s or Postal Graphics.
Business After Hours
The San Benito Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau will host its next Business After Hours event from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 13 at Golden Eagle Mortgage Group, 260 Tres Pinos Road.
Gavilan ‘Spirit Awards’
Nominations are open now through Aug. 29 for the 2014 Gavilan College Community Spirit Awards. Anyone who lives or works in the Gavilan Joint Community College District may nominate a business, individual or organization for all they do that contributes to the quality of life in our communities. Each year, three sets of awards are presented, for the communities of Morgan Hill, Gilroy and San Benito County. In each community an individual, a business, and a nonprofit organization are selected for their history of service, their impact on the community and the inspiration they provide to others. Nomination forms, more information, and a listing of past award recipients are available online at hgavilan.edu/pio/Community_Spirit_Awards.html. For more information, call (408) 848-4724 or email jb*******@ga*****.edu.
Stuff the Bus campaign
Now in its second year, United Way’s “Stuff the Bus” project collects backpacks, school supplies and donations to help low-income and homeless children around the county be prepared for school. The supplies are distributed through the San Benito County Office of Education. Last year, this event raised over 100 backpacks filled with school supplies. This year United Way has a goal of 500 filled backpacks. In 2012-2013, the San Benito County Office of Education reported there were 442 children in our county classified as homeless or in transition. The COE also reports over 55 percent of San Benito County children qualify for free and reduced priced meals, for 2013-2014. Help the group send these neediest students back to school prepared and ready to learn. Community members are encouraged to donate new school supplies at YMCA, Target, Round Table Pizza, Union Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Enterprise Martial Arts and the Hollister United Way office. You can also make a donation for a filled backpack on the website www.unitedwaysc.org. The campaign runs until Aug. 9, when volunteers will gather at the Target parking lot in Hollister to “Stuff the Bus” with donated school supplies. To learn more including locations of collection buses, the list of needed items, volunteering or donating online, go to www.unitedwaysc.org.
Kids at the Park
The 21st annual event put on by the Safe Kids California San Benito Partners is set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 13 at Dunne Park, at West and Seventh streets in Hollister. The free event includes raffle prizes and healthy snacks. There is free bicycle parking for those who bike to the event. For more information, call (831) 636-4390.
HDLA fundraiser
The Hollister Dual Language Academy is hosting a second annual school fundraiser, Una Noche de Música, at 5 p.m. Aug. 16. People can order tickets through Eventbrite. The HDLA Presents Una Noche de Música. There will be music, food and drinks. Live bands such as the Silveradoz and Mariachi Alma de Mexico with DJ Tomas and Sergio Martinez will perform. There will be a live auction, silent auction, lots of dancing, a beer and wine bar, and plenty of great food. There is a $25 early-bird ticket or $35 at the door. For more information, call (831) 634-1161.
Preschool classes
Methodist Preschool currently has openings in its three- and four-day a week Pre-K classes for 2014-15. For a tour and/or more information, please call (831) 637-0440.
Indoor soccer clinic
First Presbyterian Church is sponsoring an indoor soccer clinic for students 8-13 years of age Aug. 11-15 from 10 a.m. to noon in the gym on the church campus. The cost is $10 per player; soccer experience is helpful but not necessary. The clinic will include drills and pick-up games. For more information or to reserve a space call Debbie at the church at (831) 637-4350.
Health Foundation open house
Residents should mark their calendars for the San Benito Health Foundation’s Open House set for 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 15. People can learn more about services and programs available in San Benito County. For more information, call (831) 637-6871.