music in the park, psychedelic furs

Friday 7/2
‘New York Duet’ art show

New York Duet,

an art show, will be on display at the Blak Sage Gallery July 2
to July 30, featuring works by Rhoda Bloom Chaz. The gallery is
located at 727 San Benito St. The gallery hours are Tues. through
Sat. from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information call the Black Sage
Gallery at 636-9100.

Friday 7/2


‘New York Duet’ art show

“New York Duet,” an art show, will be on display at the Blak Sage Gallery July 2 to July 30, featuring works by Rhoda Bloom Chaz. The gallery is located at 727 San Benito St. The gallery hours are Tues. through Sat. from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information call the Black Sage Gallery at 636-9100.


‘Corridos!!! Tales of the Mexican Revolution’

El Teatro Campesino presents “Corridos!!!” Tales of the Mexican Revolution. The show runs now through Aug. 1. Corridos are musical, humorous and dramatic story-telling vignettes based on a centuries-old popular Mexican folk ballad traditions. Tickets vary from $5 to $15. El Teatro Campesino Playhouse is located at 705 Fourth St. For more information, visit or call 623-2444.


‘How I Learned to Drive’

“How I Learned to Drive,” a by Paula Vogel, will be showing June 25 through July 10, on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., at the Paper Wing Theatre, 320 Hoffman Ave., in Monterey. “How I Learned To Drive” is the winner of the 1998 Pulitzer Prize. Mature audiences are encouraged. Tickets are available at or can be purchased at the door. The price is $15 general admission. For more information, call 905-5684.


‘Alice in Wonderland’

The 2010 Forest Theater Guild’s Centennial Season will be presenting Lewis Carroll’s beloved Alice in Wonderland in Carmel at the Outdoor Forest Theater from July 2 to July 30. This delightful story follows Alice down the rabbit’s hole where she discovers another world full of adventure. For ticket information, visit or call 626-1681.

Saturday 7/3


Annual Pancake Breakfast

The Hollister United Methodist Church is hosting the “All You Can Eat” Annual Pancake Breakfast July 3 and 17, from 8 a.m. to noon. The menu consists of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, orange juice and coffee. The cost is $10 for adults and $6 for kids 12 and under. Take-outs are available. The event benefits community projects such as Christmas presents for more than 200 children in San Benito County and the Relay for Life. The Church is located at 5th and Monterey St. For more information, call 637-4240 or visit www.HollisterUnited

Top Hatters

63rd annual poker run The Top Hatters Motorcycle Club will host the 63rd annual poker run July 3, starting at Whiskey Creek Saloon, 201 Fifth St., in Hollister. Check is between 10 a.m. and noon. For $20, riders receive a run pin, support sticker, barbecue meal and live music. $300 goes to the high hand in cash and a $500 gift certificate will go to the low hand. For more information, visit or e-mail ho**********@ya***.com.


Living History Day

Meet the characters of early California ath the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park, on Second Street, July 3, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Docents, dressed as mountain men, Civil War soldiers, Victorian ladies and more, will provide information to visitors. Guests can also watch cooking and craft demonstrations. Enjoy old-fashioned sodas in the saloon for $2 each. Admission is $3 for adults and children 16 and under are free. For more information, call 623-4881.


Fourth of July

Kiddie Parade The Kiddie Parade will start at 10 a.m. from the commuter parking lot at Veterans Memorial Park located at the corner of Memorial Drive and Hillcrest Road north on Memorial to Marguerite Maze School. The parade will be led by Uncle Sam and Betsy Ross. The event is sponsored by the 4th of July Celebration Committee, the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Hollister. Fireworks will begin at dusk at the Marguerite Maze School on Meridian Street. The event is sponsored by the 12 local organizations with firework booths. For more information, call Geri Johnson, City Clerk at 636-4304.


Independence Day Celebration and Barbeque

The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post Leslie L. Garrett, will commemorate and celebrate the Fourth of July with a ceremony July 4, at 11 a.m., at 58 Monterey St. Veterans and Boy Scouts will parade the colors, do a 13-gun salute and play bugles. There will be barbeque, speeches, music and fireworks. Food will be served all day, and take-outs are available for lunch and dinner. There will a selection between ribs or chicken along with beans, potato salad, coleslaw, bread and Brunswick stew. The drink selection will be coffee, juice and soda. Champagne and other adult drinks will also be available. The cost will be $5 for breakfast, $9.95 for lunch with reservations, $14.95 without reservations. All proceeds will go to supporting veterans. For more information or to book reservations call 623-4320.

Friday 7/9


Open Mic Night

The San Benito County Free Library will host an Open Mic Night July 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., 470 Fifth St., in Hollister. The even is open to all ages, styles and languages. Participants can share poetry, music or song. Bring something to share or just come and listen. For more information, call Joe Navarro, 634-0263 or e-mail po******@ya***.com.


Opens San Benito Stage Company presents “Oklahoma!” by Rodgers and Hammerstein. The show runs July 9-25, at the Granada Theatre. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets are $16 for adults, $13 for children/seniors/students. Four-packs are available for advance sale only at $42. $1 of each ticket will benefit the Historical Park Garcia House Visitors Center. Tickets are available at Postal Graphics, Running Rooster and at the door.

Saturday 7/10


Flea Market

he IC Caring committee will host a flea market, July 10, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Immaculate Conception Church parking lot, 7290 Airline Hwy. Participants can rent a space for $20 plus 10 percent of proceeds from items sold or participants can drop off items on the church office porch prior to July 9. For more information, call 628-3216.


Hillside Christian Fellowship

6th annual Golf Tournament Hillside Christian Fellowship will be hosting the 6th annual Golf Tournament July 10. The event will benefit the Cutting Edge Youth and other youth programs in San Benito County. Any business or individual may sponsor a hole for $150. Any monetary donations or material goods to be used for the raffle are also greatly appreciated. The event will be held at Ridgemark Golf and Country Club, 3800 Airline Hwy. Participants will meet at the club house. Registration will be from 6 to 8 a.m. At 8 a.m. there will be a shotgun start. There will be a four person scramble, a 1:30 p.m. lunch, awards and raffle, and a live auction. The $130 tournament fee includes: lunch, green fees, range balls, cart, prizes and awards, and gift bags for each player. Dress code is a collar shirt, no jeans, and no metal-spiked shoes permitted. Others can attend the lunch for $30. For more information, call Ben Bannister at 801-0845, Tony Lamonica at 902-5008 or Jim DeLapena at 524-2405.


Pinnacles Star Party

Pinnacles Partnership, in association with Pinnacles National Monument, is hosting a star party July 10, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., in the group site area at sites 128 and 129. Guests will have a chance to look through telescopes to enjoy views of the ringed planet of Saturn, along with distant nebulae, star clusters and galaxies. Park in the overflow lot on the park’s East Side near the Pinnacles Visitor Center in the campground. A $5 per vehicle entrance fee is required, but there is no charge for the program. General Park information, can be obtained by visiting or by calling 389-4485.


Coyote Creek Bird Walk

Jane Haley, a former National Park Service docent and Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center volunteer, will lead a bird walk July 10, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. along Coyote Creek, north of Morgan Hill. Participants will have an opportunity to observe migratory birds as well as discover an appreciation of local birds, their habitat and ecological importance. Due to the terrain the walks are not recommended to young children. The programs are free, but space is limited and reservations are required. For more information or to register, call 408-779-9372 or e-mail ed*******@we*****.org.


Ansel Adams: Portrait of America

Ansel Adams: Portrait of America opens July 10, at the Monterey Museum of Art-La Mirada located at 720 Via Mirada in Monterey. The exhibition is the first world-tour stop for the largest collection of iconic photographs to be seen in one place. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $5 general admission. Free admissions will be offered to MMA members, children under 12, NARM, and AAM members. For more information visit or call 372-5477

Saturday 7/17


High School Alumni Scholarship Fundraiser

The San Benito High School Class of of 1971 Scholarship will hold their third annual fundraiser at Veterans Memorial Park in Hollister on Saturday July 17. The fundraiser will include a barbecue and silent auction, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person, and everyone is invited. The class of 1971 Scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors who plan to attend a college, university, technical school, or vocational school. For more information about the scholarship and upcoming fundraiser, visit the Class of 1971 Scholarship blog at

Downtown Street Festival

The Downtown Hollister Street Festival is July 17, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event features a classic car show and live entertainment, including Red House, Sound On, Bornia Boys, Fender Benderz, DJ Rori G. Nelson and local youth group performances. Admission is free and there will be free watermelon available. Other food booths and vendors will also be available. New this year is a pedal car display. For more information, call 636-8406 or visit During the Street Festival, West Coast Music and Dance FX will be hosting a free music and dance day for all ages. For more information, call 635-0553.

Jazz Under the Stars

The Homeless Coalition of San Benito County will be hosting this year’s Jazz Under the Stars event July 17, at St. Benedict’s Church, on Fairview Road. The event will feature more than 20 local wineries and restaurants as well as smooth jazz by the Magnolia Jazz Band. All proceeds go to support the Homeless Coalition of San Benito County. Tickets are $50 each or a table for 10 can be reserved for $500. For tickets, call 637-8399 or call 801-9531 for more information.

Sunday 7/18


Pet Friends Open House

Pet Friends spay/neuter Clinic is having an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sun. July 18. For more information, call 634-1191.

Sunday 7/25


Pet Friends barbecue fundraiser

Pet Friends is holding a barbecue fundraiser, July 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the San Benito Bank parking lot. The fundraiser will help care for dogs and cats at Pet Friends while they await permanent homes. For more information, call 634-1191.


Movies in the Park

The Plaza History Association presents Movies in the Park. Screenings include “The Big Country” on July 30, “Shane” on Aug. 27 and “Vertigo” on Sept. 24. The Showtime will be sunset. The event will be held at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Plaza Lawn located at 19 Franklin St. Refreshments and snacks will be available at the Park stable. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. The will be a blanket area towards the front with a low back chair seating area toward the rear of the lawn. It is encouraged to dress warmly. For more information, call 623-4526.

Peace of Mind Dog Rescue yard sale

Peace of Mind Dog Rescue will be holding a yard sale July 17, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 1050 Westward Drive, in Hollister. The money will go to Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, which was founded to provide help to dog guardians in finding a permanent home for their dogs when they can no longer care for them due to illness, death or other challenging life circumstances, and to relieve the suffering of senior dogs that end up in animal shelters. For more information, call Gayle Jackson at 638-1068 or visit



The 15th annual Monterey Bay Reggaefest will be held July 30, 31, and Aug. 1. The event is family oriented including the annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament for boys and girls grades 6 through 12. There will also be a full bar for attendees 21 and older in the Turf Club, and the outdoor beer garden. There will be arts and crafts booths along with food and drinks from the many cultures being represented at the festival. Prices are $95 in advance for a 3 day pass and $110 at the gate, Friday $30 in advance and $40 at the gate, Saturday or Sunday $40 in advance and $50 at the gate. Kids 8 and under are free, kids 9 to 12 are $10 per day. VIP backstage passes meet and greets, all access includes admission at the gate. For more information or to purchase tickets visit and or call the ticket hotline at 394-6534 for advance purchase.


Tuesday 8/3


National Night Out

The San Benito County Sheriff’s department will be hosting a National Night Out event Aug. 3, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the San Benito High School Football Field. The 27th annual National Night Out is a crime and drug prevention event. The event will include a guest speaker, community partner booths, a free hot dog and soda, local entertainment for children and give aways. For more information, call Bridgette Lyons at 630-5194.

Saturday 8/7


43rd Annual Scottish Games and Celtic Festival

The 43rd annual Scottish Games and Celtic Festival will be held Aug 7 and 8 at Monterey County Toro Park, 501 Hwy. 68 between Monterey and Salinas, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The festival will include a variety of live Celtic entertainment with the massed pipe bands and parade including California pipe bands and Highland and Irish dancers. The event will also feature Scottish heavy athletic competition events including the famous Caber Toss. There will also be a new event similar to hockey being featured. There will be children’s games and more than 50 vendors offering British and Scottish food and drink along with Scottish and Irish crafts, jewelry, clothing, and music. On Sunday, the festival will feature a “Salute to the Irish” and will include Irish entertainment and Irish Dancing. For more information, visit or call 333-9423.

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