The new Forgiving Paws thrift store is holding a grand opening and ribbon cutting Tuesday.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event
At 10 a.m. April 11, Community Solutions and Emmaus House will host a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes – The International Men’s March to stop rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. It is to be held at the corner of Fourth and San Benito streets, while Community Solutions held a similar event in Hollister last year. Designed as a men’s march against violence, male participants are encouraged to walk the mile in high heels. Women are also encouraged to participate in a show of solidarity. High-heeled shoes will be provided to every male registrant. Proceeds from the event benefit Community Solutions, a nonprofit human services agency serving South Santa Clara County and San Benito County, and Emmaus House, a Hollister based domestic violence shelter for women and children.
Forgiving Paws grand opening
The new Forgiving Paws thrift store is holding a grand opening and ribbon cutting Tuesday. The event will celebrate the grand opening at 10 a.m. at the location, 195 Meridian St., B-18. The mission of Forgiving Paws, Inc is to raise funds to support the life-saving work of animal shelters and rescues such as Pet Friends. For more information email fo************@ao*.com or call (831) 638-2119.
CERT team training
The Community Emergency Response Team’s citizens’ academy, an eight-week program, is set to start April 14 at the San Benito County Sheriff’s Office from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. concluding with an exercise May 30. There is no charge. It is run through the office of emergency services and the fire department. To register for the program or for more information, call (831) 636-4168 or email km******@co**.us.
Gavilan recital
Gavilan College is proud to announce that faculty members Maria Amirkhanian and Dahveed Behroozi will perform a piano duo recital April 17. The duo will be performing works by Gershwin, Rachmaninoff and many more. It is set for the Gavilan College Theater at 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., Gilroy. Doors open at 7 p.m. with the show at 7:30 p.m. IT is $15 for general admission, and $10 for students and seniors. Tickets are now on sale at Porcella’s Music in Gilroy, and BookSmart in Morgan Hill. Tickets can also be purchased at the door. For more information, please contact the box office at (408) 846-4973.
Healthy Kids Day
The YMCA of San Benito County welcomes the local community to Healthy Kids Day on April 25 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Healthy Kids Day is a free community event designed to inspire kids to keep their bodies and minds active through spring and summer. Healthy Kids Day features over 50 local community organizations, arts and crafts, face painting, sports and camp games for the child in everyone. The event will be held at the YMCA of San Benito County at 351 Tres Pinos Road in Hollister.
July 4 block parties
Anyone wishing to close a street in the City of Hollister (a public right of way) for a block party at any time, but especially for 4th of July celebrations, must have permission from the City of Hollister. Applications are available in the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 375 Fifth St., Hollister, or by calling the City Clerk’s Office at (831) 636-4300, x 16 or 17. Applicants must submit a completed application for a block party as well as an executed hold harmless agreement, both of which are available from the City Clerk’s Office, as well as a certificate of insurance naming the City of Hollister as an additional insured. Certificates of insurance are usually available from a resident’s home owners insurance company. Normally a request is required to be submitted 30 days prior to an event. However, due to increased requests for 4th of July permits and scheduled City Council meetings, all completed applications for this 4th of July must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office no later than Thursday, June 4, 2015, at 5 p.m. For more, call Christine Black at (831) 636-4300, ext. 16.
Teacher workshops
Anzar High School is bringing together teachers, administrators and community members for a variety of workshops on teaching. Topics include teaching science in the K-5 classroom, using rubrics to motivate high school students, owning the future of a child’s education, teaching math with Common Core and approaching the difficult topic of race in the classroom. More than a dozen workshops will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 25, a Saturday, at the high school on 2000 San Juan Highway in San Juan Bautista. For more information, contact Adam Causey at ac*****@as****.us or Angela Oliveira at ao*******@as****.us. Breakfast, lunch and parking are provided. The cost is $50, or $40 if paid before April 15. There is a group rate of $100 for teams of three. Discounts are available for parents of students in the district.
Chamber marketing seminar
The San Benito County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau is hosting a tourism marketing seminar set for 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. April 17 at San Juan Oaks Golf Club in the Fred Couples Room. It is $25 for chamber members and $40 for non-chamber members with limited seating. RSVP by April 14. It is presented by Nancy Reid and Lisa Smith from The Big Blend Network. For more, call (831) 6375315 or email ju**@sa********************.com.
Traveling silent auction
The third annual traveling silent auction to benefit the Hollister Free Wheelers is starting Friday and runs through April 4. Bidding items range from and oil & service at Auto Works to a metal angel from Visions of Christmas in San Juan. Other businesses taking part include Barone’s Florist, BCT Hobby, Bel Amour Pet Spa, Best of Times Café, Eclectic Treasures, Heavenly Bakery, Hollister Muffler, Irma’s Fashions, La Catrina Mexican Restaurant, La Maison Des Chats, Margot’s Ice Cream Parlor, McKinnon Lumber, Mission Clock & Watch, Natural Wonders, Precious Petals, Radio Shack, San Benito Bene, San Juan Oaks, Stars Beauty Salon and Union Bank.
BBQ fundraiser for Olive Festival
The first BBQ pick-up fundraiser is set for the San Benito Olive Festival, which is set for Oct. 17. The fundraiser is 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. April 16 at Brigantino Irrigation, 910 Prospect Ave. It is $20 per plate. For information, call Kathina Szeto at (831) 537-7508. The dinner meal consists of halved, oak-grilled rosemary chicken; Mediterranean farfalle pasta salad; roasted, locally grown vegetables; blended olives and olive oil and herb focaccia. The menu will be prepared by Chef Mike Fisher. Tickets for the BBQ meal can be purchased at any of the following businesses in Hollister: Postal Graphics, 1760 Airline Highway; Grillin & Chillin Alehouse, 401 McCray St.; Brigantino Irrigation, 910 Prospect Ave.; San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, 243 Sixth Street; San Benito Bene, 615-B San Benito St.; Third Base Burger Bar, 650 San Benito St.; San Juan Oaks Golf Club, 3825 Union Road; Grillin & Chillin Roadhouse, 3650 San Juan Road.
Downtown Spring Cleanup
The Hollister Downtown Association is hosting a downtown cleanup from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. April 18. Meet at Fourth and San Benito streets. Bring your brooms, dustpans, gloves, clippers and shovels. Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H Clubs, Church Groups, Service Clubs, students needing service hours and community minded adults are encouraged to come and help.
HDA Plant Sale
Planning is now underway for the 2015 Plant Sale and Garden Expo from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 18 at the corner of Fourth and San Benito sreets. This free event for the public will have annuals, herbs, bedding plants and mixed pots for sale at discounted prices. It will also have information about composting, water efficient landscapes and rebate programs to assist residents in planning or re-inventing a yard or garden area. All proceeds to benefit the HDA’s community events and programs.
4-H pancake breakfast
4-Hers will be hosting a pancake breakfast to benefit the San Benito County 4-H clubs from 7 a.m. to noon Sunday April 19 at Bolado Park on 9000 Airline Highway in Tres Pinos. For a $5 donation, attendees will enjoy pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, potatoes, juice and coffee.
Cards for a Cause
CASA of San Benito County will be hosting it’s annual Cards For A Cause Fundraiser on Saturday, April 24 from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Hollister Elks Lodge. Tickets are $60, which includes dinner and player’s choice of poker or Bingo, or $45 for dinner only. Event also features raffles, auctions and more! For more information, please visit www.casasanbenito.org or call (831) 637-4992. Proceeds from this event will provide support, resources and advocacy for children in San Benito County’s foster care system, giving them a powerful voice and brighter future. Please note that you must be 21 or older to participate in poker.
Wine & Beer Stroll
The third Wine & Beer Stroll put on by the Hollister Downtown Association is set for 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. May 2. Participating businesses will be paired with a local winery or craft brewery where attendees will be poured a one-ounce taste of wine or beer. It is $25 prior to the event. It is $35 the day of event. Participants must be 21 or over to attend the event. Tickets are available on the HDA website: http://www.downtownhollister.org/downtown-wine-beer-stroll/ Please call (831) 636-8406 or email ev****@do***************.org for more information.
Free Comic Book Day
Bill’s Bullpen in Hollister is one of thousands of comic book shops around the world celebrating the comic book art form May 2. On the 14th annual Free Comic Book Day, more than two million comic books will be given away by participating stores. Free Comic Book Day kicks off at 10 a.m. May 2 and runs until all free comics are given away at Bill’s Bullpen, 207 Fourth St. For more information, call (831) 636-1180 or go to FreeComicBookDay.com.
Farmers market starts in May
The Downtown Hollister Certified Farmers’ Market starts in May. It is every Wednesday from 3 p.m.-7:30 p.m. from May 6 to Sept. 30. Located on San Benito Street between Fourth and Seventh streets, it includes such items as fresh produce, flowers, organic meat and poultry, specialty baked goods (including gluten free), local olive oils, honey, sausages, barbecue items, free entertainment, culinary demonstrations and more. Call Market Manager Tammy Jackson at (408) 804-1234 for questions about being a vendor at the market.
Mission Fiesta planning under way
Planning is under way for the 2015 San Juan Bautista Mission Fiesta and the Fiesta Committee is looking for volunteers from the community. This year’s Fiesta celebrates the 203rd year anniversary of the Mission church’s dedication to St. John the Baptist. The Fiesta honors the Mission’s history and all the peoples past and present. The committee invites persons with organizational skills, historical knowledge, helpful equipment, artistic talents, and other such gifts to step forward and share their skills for the success of the event. Other volunteers are also needed at the event to support the many teams that operate Fiesta. Would you like to join an action subcommittee to make things happen? It takes more than 100 people to plan, set up, run activities and booths, clean up and put away. Fiesta 2015 will be held on June 28in the historic Mission Olive Grove.
Elks pancake breakfast
The Hollister Elks Lodge will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on May 17 from 8 a.m. to noon. The menu will consist of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee and juice. Adults are $12 and children under 12 are $6, with proceeds going to local charities. For reservations please call (831) 637-8088 for Elk members and their guests.
California Indian Market
The 31st annual California Indian Market & World Peace Dance Festival is set for May 2 and May 3 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the San Juan Bautista School Soccer Lot, The Alameda and Highway 156. It will include Native American arts, crafts, dance, drums, foods, music. It will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Aztec dance groups. There is an educational benefit with a $1 donation. It is free to children under 12. Organizers will be honoring military veterans and Cinco De Mayo. It is sponsored by the Gilroy Children’s Center and San Juan Bautista Rotary Club. For more information, go to www.peacevision.net or call (831) 623-4771.
Japanese Temple Garden discussion
The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden at 920 Riverside Road in Hollister is hosting “Dharma Talks-2015 with Rev. Cathy Toldi” from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. April 6 and April 20. Everyone is invited to these meetings. For more information, please call Don at (831) 637-6361.
Kids Rule Theatre Camp
San Benito Stage Company is presenting the children’s summer theatre camp, Kids Rule. It is set for June 22-26 with a theme of “Kids rule on Broadway.” It includes workshops in ensemble music, dance movement, acting, improve, pantomime, small group vocal, auditioning and more. Entry forms are available at Postal Graphics, sanbenitostage.org or by calling Kristy at (831) 636-6810.