Thumbs Up: For the Hollister Police Department and other agencies who pitched in for security at the 8th Annual Independence Rally. There were arrests and DUIs, but the crowded rally – many are saying it was as big as they’ve ever seen – never got out of control. Police Chief Jeff Miller deserves a hand for planning enforcement that made sure the wild ones never got too wild. An especially good move was a gang crackdown beginning the Wednesday before the rally kicked off and lasting through the weekend. Police nabbed 25 people during gang sweeps. We’re sure that contributed to a smooth event.

Thumbs Up: To rally-goers who kept their rowdiness in check, spent some money and generally had a good time with little trouble in Hollister last weekend. Not only is the economic boost needed, the annual event puts Hollister on the map. Granted there are little things here and there that could stand improvement for the next Hollister Independence Day Rally, but overall it was a great event for this little town.

Thumbs Up: For Hollywood legend Marlon Brando as a tribute to his passing last Thursday evening. The brilliant actor enchanted audiences throughout his life, and his film “The Wild One” influenced a generation of bikers. His role as Johnny in “The Wild One” left an indelible stamp on Hollister, and with such films as the “The Godfather” and “Along the Waterfront,” Brando’s legacy will live on as one of industry’s greatest personalities.

Thumbs Down: For illegal fireworks users – you know who you are – for the ruckus on and in the days leading up to the July 4th holiday. Not only do illegal fireworks like bottle-rockets pose a fire risk, they annoy neighbors and keep fire and police personnel running around for days on end. Do us all a favor – stick to the Safe and Sane legal varieties sold by nonprofit organizations all over town.

Thumbs Down: For San Benito County supervisors who have failed to show any leadership on the District 5 election scandal and embattled District Attorney John Sarsfield. They have waffled and hemmed and hawed, offering neither firm support of the beleaguered district attorney, nor condemnation of his actions. With the county and the DA potentially facing a lawsuit because two women have claimed the DA is having an affair that has created a hostile work environment, it’s time for the supervisors to make their opinion clear on the matter.

To respond to this editorial or comment on this issue, please send or bring letters to Editor, Hollister Free Lance, 350 Sixth St., Hollister, Calif. 95023 or fax to 637-4104 or e-mail to [email protected]

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