In response to the ignorant comment made regarding the Baler
baseball situation in last week’s paper, I truly believe that Coach
Dukes will hire the most qualified person for the varsity baseball
coach position. In addition, I do not appreciate being included in
someone’s personal opinion.
I am sure there are many people in the

Baler baseball community

that feel the same way. We ALL are entitled to our OWN opinion
and we should voice them as our OWN and not as blanket statements
from all.

“In response to the ignorant comment made regarding the Baler baseball situation in last week’s paper, I truly believe that Coach Dukes will hire the most qualified person for the varsity baseball coach position. In addition, I do not appreciate being included in someone’s personal opinion.

I am sure there are many people in the “Baler baseball community” that feel the same way. We ALL are entitled to our OWN opinion and we should voice them as our OWN and not as blanket statements from all.”

“Hollister has the worst post office I have ever seen. It opens up late sometimes. There are always long lines. Some of the clerks are downright rude. The vending machines stay broken.

Take a ride to the Tres Pinos post office if you have time or go to the new UPS Store.”

“District Attorney John Sarsfield asking Sheriff Curtis “Brady” Hill to do an investigation into missing fire-damaged furniture and equipment is about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. He is actually going to assign law enforcement personnel to investigate this. Who told Sarsfield this stuff was supposedly missing?

I have a suggestion for John and Curtis: Look on the opposite side of the front page you knuckleheads, headlines “Man injured in gang attack.” Now if you want to do something useful for our community, put those people to work helping the Keystone Kops catch the gangsters responsible for that attack. Then you can try and help them solve the three unsolved murders.

What in the hell has happened to our justice system? Mr. Kiefert was right when he called it the injustice system. It seems the system is in a downward spiral with Hill and Sarsfield at the forefront of the descent.”

“Now that the cats are out of the proverbial bag, I would like someone to ask elected Sheriff Curtis Hill about the “alleged” jail beatings and his two trials. I bet you won’t get a direct answer from him. Anyone who “allegedly” beat three handcuffed human beings and then “allegedly” lied about it truly is a coward.

Mr. Hill is an elected official and needs to answer some serious questions. My guess is if he was asked a direct question, he would be like the governor in the movie “Best Little Whore House in Texas” and start dancing around, singing, “I love to do a little side step/Now you see me/Now you don’t and then I’m gone.”

Personally, I think Hill has been feeding at the public trough too damn long with a free pass.

As for District Attorney John Sarsfield (Gray to his close friends), he needs to tell us NOW what he is doing about Hill and the Brady Standard. No doubt he’ll be soft shoeing around with Hill. All they need are a couple of straw hats and canes. The new Hope and Crosby (Gray Hope and Curtis Crosby.)

My new hero, Bruce Kiefert, asked the right question, “What are you going to do Mr. Ethics?” Are you going to give up your political crony? I don’t think so.”

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