In regards to the weekend article in the Citizens Voice, I think
it is very rude and of poor choice to print something as to say why
a 17-year-old girl and older boy should not have a child together.
I think it’s extremely inappropriate to put in there, ‘jailed for
statutory rape,’ when you don’t know the person, situation or
anyone involved.

“In regards to the weekend article in the Citizens Voice, I think it is very rude and of poor choice to print something as to say why a 17-year-old girl and older boy should not have a child together. I think it’s extremely inappropriate to put in there, ‘jailed for statutory rape,’ when you don’t know the person, situation or anyone involved.”

“In response to the Free Lance on Jan. 14 ‘Teens left with few options,’ a word from a home grown former teen.

Teens who find themselves at Target, Kmart and Taco Bell after school and weekends are teens looking for trouble. When I attended Hollister High, my parents REQUIRED me to go straight home after school and start my homework. Later in the evening, my parents checked my assignments to make sure they were completed. Why don’t these TEENS and their PARENTS do the same?

As far as activities go, school has year round sports and plenty of school clubs with adult advisors and supervision if you really want to get involved in constructive activities that will eventually lead you to become responsible members of society.

I was kept occupied on weekends by my parents. Ever hear of washing dishes, mowing lawns and washing cars?

Not long ago, you yelled for a skateboard park. What happened? You defied adult supervision, rules and regulations – which is why you refuse to participate in school activities. Truth is, you don’t want to surround yourselves in an atmosphere that will allow you to cultivate a behavior that will eventually lead you to become responsible members of society. Please don’t burden society with your losing attitudes and behavior crying about what you need.”

“Well Mr., Ms. or Mrs. heard it all or whoever you are. Your reply in Citizens Voice is representative of those who don’t think before overreacting! You cannot justify how your infrastructure will get financing. You don’t justify how these low cost housing will pay their way. You don’t say where the money is to come from for fire and police. Remember, the city is broke.

Why do you want to lock out family homes? What is the property tax bill on a $165,000 low income house compared to a $400,000 home? What is the difference in permit fees to build a valued home compared to a low-cost home? You want all growth inside the city limits in high density apartment housing like the Russians. The Board of Supervisors passed a 30 percent low-cost housing for the county, NOT the city! This does not help the city! It has no bearing! What you prefer comes straight from socialistic idealism, which has never worked!

You supporters of Measure G are radical. Measure G will kill housing and commercial building, then where will your children graduating from high school find a job locally? Where will they live? Do you want them to live in a two-story apartment on some city block that has no yard for their children to play in and where crime will be high? Watch out! The crime rate will go up and there will be no police patrol!

This should wake up all you voters that live in a single family dwelling to what kind of mentality is behind Measure G. These proponents of Measure G want to do away with what you would like to live in or do live in – a NICE modest home and put you in apartments or tenant housing! Vote NO on Measure G!

What we need are responsible people to hold supervisor positions that can put forth a clear and comprehensive plan for a MANAGED growth that will benefit the county. One that will provide reasonable housing for our citizens and commercial growth that will provide jobs!

Therefore, I once again stand on the issues I put forth in this letter that we need a change in our leadership so VOTE the rascals OUT! If not, the county is going to go the same way as the city and all I will be able to do is say ‘I TOLD YOU SO!'”

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