Hollister Pop Warner Youth Football Organization should not use
the term teamwork in their Letter from the President if they cannot
support it. The organization, along with coach Larry Murphy, does
not know what teamwork truly means. During the games, your favored
eleven players are given the opportunity to play three to four
different positions in addition to playing forty to sixty plays
when your non-favored players play a minimum of six plays and one
position. You have thirty-three players on the team, not
“Hollister Pop Warner Youth Football Organization should not use the term teamwork in their Letter from the President if they cannot support it. The organization, along with coach Larry Murphy, does not know what teamwork truly means. During the games, your favored eleven players are given the opportunity to play three to four different positions in addition to playing forty to sixty plays when your non-favored players play a minimum of six plays and one position. You have thirty-three players on the team, not eleven.

During the games are you so oblivious to what you are doing that you don’t see the disappointment and sadness in those young boys eyes as they sit on the sidelines watching you pat the backs of your favored players. Don’t you realize your disgraceful actions unconsciously make the non-favored players question their athletic ability?

Those non-favored players have heart and know what teamwork really means because they have not given up on giving the team their 200 percent dedication.

Not like what your actions display that you have given up on them. This league is not the NFL with careers and monies at stake if a win does not come out of it. What is at stake here is the self-esteem and morale of these young boys.

Stop using the “Minimum Mandatory Play Rule” as a reason to not having to be fair. Playing the sport is for those young boys to have fun. It’s not about the coach and how many wins you can achieve. Inspire these boys and adopt an “Equal and Fair Mandatory Play Rule” within our Pop Warner League.

That shameful act of not playing all the players equally has been supported by the organization over the years. Stop getting caught-up in the position and realize that coaching is about fostering teamwork and fairness and equality. Remember, these boys are our future – as a coach you have the responsibility to instill those values in them!”

“I have some questions for the San Benito Chapter of the Red Cross:

Question: How come the doors at the Red Cross are always closed and locked and the office closed up? Isn’t the Red Cross supposed to be here for the people of San Benito?

Question: If you call the office of the Red Cross, no one local answers. All the calls go to somewhere in San Diego. Why?

Question: Who is running the Red Cross? They have a new director – but she’s never there. Why? Where else or what else is so much more important than her job here?

Question: The Red Cross used to be a very active and involved member of our community. It’s not any more. Why?”

“What’s going on inside the Free Lance? It’s not just a coincidence that all of a sudden the two Cindys, Pablo, Linda, Herman and others have decided to explore other endeavors. These people were the backbone of the paper along with Henry Harris.”

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