The letter to the editor section of the Free Lance newspaper
allows members of the community to voice an opinion or a gripe.
However, as a frequent writer in the letter section being critical
of politicians, city and county issues, I feel the Citizens Voice
section has become a destructive forum. This forum allows the
printing of letters that are not signed.
The letter to the editor section of the Free Lance newspaper allows members of the community to voice an opinion or a gripe. However, as a frequent writer in the letter section being critical of politicians, city and county issues, I feel the Citizens Voice section has become a destructive forum. This forum allows the printing of letters that are not signed.

The Citizens Voice forum encourages the slime types to spew untruths without accountability.

Regardless of disclaimers, publishing the Citizens Voice without letter signatures only suggests the Free Lance condones the lies and character assassinations.

Yes, the freedom of speech and press is important, but there must be some restrictions such as one cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. If one writes to the paper on issues he or she feels need to be printed, they should also have the courage of their convictions to sign their name to that letter. There is no “letter police” to be afraid of.

The Citizens Voice is now akin to the LA Times “anonymous” reporting during this last election.

The Free Lance must not lose its creditability in the community by publishing such a forum. I sincerely hope the editors of the Free Lance consider ending the Citizens Voice or any other forum in the paper that does not include the name of the person submitting written material to be published.

Paul Grannis,


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