Program again aims to provide affordable dresses
The Dress It Up program at San Benito High School is in its
second year and with Prom around the corner, it is a good way to
find designer-donated dresses at affordable prices. San Benito High
School teacher Amy Henneman started Dress It Up last year around
April to help girls who couldn’t afford to buy an expensive dress.
Dress prices range from $15 to $20, with all proceeds going to the
class of 2010.
I volunteered at the Princess Project,
Henneman said,
and I thought what a great idea to help a lot of girls,
especially with the economy right now, to buy dresses and go do
something as part of a high school memory.
Program again aims to provide affordable dresses
The Dress It Up program at San Benito High School is in its second year and with Prom around the corner, it is a good way to find designer-donated dresses at affordable prices. San Benito High School teacher Amy Henneman started Dress It Up last year around April to help girls who couldn’t afford to buy an expensive dress. Dress prices range from $15 to $20, with all proceeds going to the class of 2010.
“I volunteered at the Princess Project,” Henneman said, “and I thought what a great idea to help a lot of girls, especially with the economy right now, to buy dresses and go do something as part of a high school memory.”
The Dress It Up program started out small in Henneman’s room, after she was inspired by the Princess Project, which provides free prom dresses and accessories to girls who can’t afford them. Henneman’s Dress It Up program gained more and more support. She moved it to a new location in Room 205, where about 100 dresses hang waiting for someone to buy them.
Paige Archer heard of Dress It Up through friends.
“[This program is] really good because there are a lot of events people need dresses for and these are pretty and affordable.”
Pieces from Dress It Up can be bought for any occasion throughout the year and the collection even has had students from Anzar calling about buying a dress.
“I had a couple girls from Anzar call for dresses for their Valentine’s Day dance and graduation,” Henneman said.
Anyone who is interested in donating a dress can do it anytime.
“I was so excited to get such a pretty prom dress there,” said Patricia Herra, who bought a dress from Dress It Up.” It’s my junior Prom so I don’t feel like going out and spending a lot of money on a dress.”
Herra was able to find a short teal Jessica McClintock dress and purchase it for $20. With the high quality of the dresses, many girls who buy them keep using them for other occasions.
Last year, about 20 girls bought dresses and more than 100 were donated, so Henneman said she hopes more girls come to the Dress It Up program this year – either to purchase dresses or donate them. Henneman added that community members have been supportive as well.
“The community is fantastic,” Henneman said. “I’ve had a lot of community members donate dresses”
Dress It Up will also be showing some of their dresses at the prom expo on Friday in order to show the variety of dresses. To purchase a dress from Dress It Up, get a hold of Amy Henneman at 637-5831 extension 367. There are many dresses available for girls who need a dress for prom.