– The Easter Bunny has nothing on Alene DeBrito.
Rather than taking just one day to spread some sweet treats
around, DeBrito and the employees of DeBrito’s Chocolate Factory
have spent hours during the past few weeks creating a variety of
specialty baskets, candies and other holiday treats for those
looking for something a little different this holiday.
Hollister – The Easter Bunny has nothing on Alene DeBrito.
Rather than taking just one day to spread some sweet treats around, DeBrito and the employees of DeBrito’s Chocolate Factory have spent hours during the past few weeks creating a variety of specialty baskets, candies and other holiday treats for those looking for something a little different this holiday.
“We have been so busy,” DeBrito said. “We’ve been molding bunnies, making baskets and filling specialty orders.”
DeBrito has come a long way in the 13 years since she started her company, which grew from a demand for the chocolate-covered apricots she used to make for the customers who would buy fruit from her family’s local orchard each year. She used a larger apricot, creating a bigger and better tasting candy, and her treats became a hit. Today, her company employs seven people, receives dozens of mail and/or internet orders daily, supplies several grocery chains (such as Nob Hill Foods and Cosentino’s) with merchandise, and makes thousands of “designer” caramel apples to ship to customers nationwide each week.
When asked if she ever imagined how much her business would grow, DeBrito simply laughs. “No, never,” she said. “I just keep working away. I like candy, and wanted to share it with others.”
DeBrito still specializes in her chocolate-covered apricots, but she also makes a butter toffee, pecan clusters, turtles and other chocolate covered fruits. Visitors to the factory can purchase a variety of stuffed animals and gift baskets, although don’t expect to find the same items available every time.
“We don’t do brochures, because I like to change our packaging every year,” DeBrito said. “I like to try new looks. We do a lot of corporate gift packages at Christmas time, and we have to go the extra mile to be different.”
One of DeBrito’s newest creations, “designer” caramel apples, is also one of her biggest sellers. Several local organizations, such as Hollister Heat, sell the apples as a fund-raising event, and DeBrito says one school in Morgan Hill tripled its profits last year when switching from its usual fund-raiser to her apples.
“The apples are a big hit,” she said. “We cover them in caramel, chocolate, nuts, candies…there is such a variety. We make between 30-35 different apples. We ship thousands of them every week. And people who use them (as a fund-raiser) have told me it’s the easiest fund-raiser they’ve ever done.”
As popular as DeBrito’s products have become, however, DeBrito says some local residents are often surprised to find out her candy factory is actually located in Hollister.
“Many people don’t realize our shop is even here,” she said. “I hear it a lot – ‘I see your sign every day on my way to work, and I never stop.’ People just drive right by.”
But for anyone looking for a last-minute Easter treat or just something a little extra special, DeBrito says visiting her chocolate factory should be tops on their list.
“We’ll have plenty of chocolate bunnies as well as all kinds of other delicious candies and apples. We also carry stuffed animals and baskets in our gift shop. If you’re looking for an Easter treat, we are the place to come.”
DeBrito’s Chocolate Factory is located at 160 Briggs Road in Hollister. Hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm and Saturday 10am. to 5pm. For more information regarding merchandise, call 637-0164 or visit their Web site at www. debrito chocolate.com.