The Gilroy Garlic Festival Association is seeking contestants, including those in the Hollister area, for the 35th annual Miss Gilroy Garlic Festival Queen Pageant. Contestant applications are available at the Garlic Festival office, 7473 Monterey St., or at gilroygarlicfestival.com.
Contestants are judged on personal interview, speech, talent and evening gown. In addition to the selection of Miss Gilroy Garlic Festival Queen, scholarships will be awarded to many pageant contestants.
Gilroy Garlic Festival will award $1,000 to the winner, $500 to the first runner-up and $250 to the second runner-up and will give out a Past President’s Scholarship and a Past Queen’s Scholarship. Christopher Ranch will award $5,000 to the winner, $3,000 to the first runner-up, $2,000 to the second runner-up and give an award to each princess. Other awards include the OLAM Scholarship, the Franca Barsi Miss Gilroy Garlic 1986 Memorial Scholarship and the Founding Father’s Scholarship.
Applicants must be a resident of Gilroy, San Martin, Morgan Hill, Hollister, San Juan Bautista or Aromas; a single female who has never been married and has no children; a high school graduate by June 2013; and between the ages of 18 to 24 by July 2013. Deadline to submit a completed application is 4:30 p.m. March 15.
The Miss Gilroy Garlic Festival Pageant is scheduled for 5 p.m. May 18 at the Gavilan College Theater, located at 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd.
For more information, call the Garlic Festival office at (408) 842-1625.