The Gilroy Garlic Festival eclipsed the $10 million mark in donations by distributing a record $350,000 to 167 participating nonprofit organizations, 2013 Festival Association President Dennis Harrigan announced.
“We just celebrated ‘35 Summers of Fun’ which also meant 35 summers of success benefiting charities and organizations within our community,” Harrigan said.
The 2013 figure brings the total 35-year distribution mark to $10,366,251.
Harrison praised the 4,000 volunteers for “coming together to make our festival the best in the nation.”
“Their unselfish efforts put $350,000 back into our community right now and 10 million dollars since 1979,” he continued.
The top five donations were:
-$17,020 to the South Valley Community Church Youth Group
-$13,748 to the Gilroy HS/Christopher HS Alliance Choir
-$11,787 to the Live Oak Emerald Regime Marching Band
-$11,743 to South Valley Young Life
-$10,520 to Gilroy Police Explorers Post 818
In addition, the Festival made $267,000 in improvements to the event’s Christmas Hill Park venue; $7,000 in college scholarships to participating schools in the inaugural Garlic Bowl competition; and a $2,000 donation to the renovation of downtown Gilroy’s iconic mural, which graces the southern side of the Gardner South County Health Center building near Fifth and Monterey streets.
A complete list of revenue distribution is available on the Festival website at gilroygarlicfestival.com.
The 36th edition of the Garlic Festival returns July 25-27, 2014.