Hollister theater-lovers, get ready to be shaken up this weekend.
San Benito Stage Company’s teen musical, “All Shook Up,” opens Friday at the Granada Theatre in downtown Hollister.
The musical, which was inspired by and features the songs of Elvis Presley, is based on William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” and is set in 1950’s midwestern America.
“It’s a fun, comedy of errors, love story,” said co-producer, Brian Murphy.
In the story, a guitar-playing, motorcycle rider, Chad (Roberto Nolasco), shows up to a town where music is banned. Grease-monkey, Natalie (Betsy Molchan), falls for roustabout, Chad, and to get his attention, she develops a crazy scheme. Wild love stories ensue with other characters, as well.
Audiences will enjoy hearing such popular songs as “Heartbreak Hotel” and “It’s Now or Never.” Scenes with “Jailhouse Rock” and “Blue Suede Shoes” give audiences a great treat with the fun scenery and dance numbers. Lesser known ballads of Presley’s such as “There’s Always Me” and “Fools in Love” also find places in tender storylines.
Directed by Aaron Hernandez and Angela (Jula) Prak, and choreographed by Raeann Collison, co-producer Camille Blevins said the actors are more than ready for opening night. The show has been running the smoothly for weeks and many of the actors have been off book since the second week of rehearsal.
“It’s going to be a great opening night,” Murphy said.
For opening night only, Murphy said audiences can expect a reception after the show, which is a new tradition for the stage company.
Apple cider and cake will be served, and the audience can meet the cast.
The Granada Theatre is located at 336 Fifth Street, Hollister. Dates and times for “All Shook Up” are October 27 and 28 at 7 p.m., November 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7p.m., and October 29 & November 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available for presale at Postal Graphics, 831-636-3787, and at www.brownpapertickets.com. Adults are $16 and Seniors & Students are $13. Group 4-pack tickets are $48 (Advance sale only).
For more information, visit www.sanbenitostage.org or call 831-636-0122.