The public art scene in downtown Hollister is taking it up a notch.
The San Benito County Arts Council and chamber of commerce plan to take advantage of the recent spate of public-art projects in downtown Hollister by launching a public-art walking tour, with plans to kick it off in September, said arts council Executive Director Jennifer Laine.
Laine expects paintings on five utility boxes—mostly paid for by a $4,000 City of Hollister contribution—and a courthouse underpass mural to be finished by the end of June. Fremont Elementary Memorial Tunnel project near the courthouse is a funding partnership between the arts council and Hollister Downtown Association.
The utility boxes and underpass will add to a growing stock of public art in Hollister, including the recently installed statue of the late Eric Tognazzini in front of the Brigg’s Building.
The arts council plans to partner with the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau on the endeavor, and expects to provide maps for the self-guided tours. There will be some sort of public celebration in September, Laine said.