It’s Thanksgiving again and it’s still my favorite holiday because it’s a four-day weekend for lots of working stiffs, there’s no gift-giving pressure, minor family disputes are put on hold, a couple of football games are on TV and it’s acceptable—no, it’s expected—that you’ll eat yourself into a stupor. What’s bad about any of that?
In addition to those perks I’d like to suggest another; if you’re a decent human being, give yourself a pat on the back. For all the world’s problems and for all the bad people both “over there” (wherever that is) and right here, the truth is the vast majority of us are pretty decent. There are more than a few areas of the world and some here, where decency has sort of worn off, but not too often. That’s why it’s such a big story when it becomes obvious.
I did not say most humans were perfect: we sometimes cross the line and keep a found wallet stuffed with cash; we are often biased, selfish or suspicious of strangers. After all, we are only human, but most of the time I think people are pretty decent to each other, especially when they see others in real trouble.
If you want to credit some outside force for your decency, be it God or religion, your parents or family, teachers, coaches, community, sergeants, friends, heroes, a book you read or a film you saw, or any combination that’s ok with me; just don’t forget to give most of the credit to yourself. After all, it is you, not others, not Facebook, Twitter, or your friends, that make the final decision on who you really are.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Richmans.
Marty Richman is a Hollister resident and former Free Lance columnist.