music in the park, psychedelic furs

From handheld sprinklers to a spectacular fireworks display at the Hollister Municipal Airport, Hollister residents are in for a treat this Independence Day. Festivities at the airport start at 9:30 p.m. and organizers advise attendees bring blankets and chairs for easy viewing. Limited seating will be available at the airport ramp.

Hollister and San Juan Bautista are the only places in San Benito County that allows safe and sane fireworks on the Fourth of July.

Safe and sane fireworks, such as sparklers and smoke balls, don’t explode or shoot up into the air. Other fireworks, including firecrackers and rockets, are illegal.

“The main thing is that if it doesn’t say “safe and sane,” it’s an illegal firework,” Hollister Police Department Public Information Officer Don Pershall said. “There are a wide variety of illegal fireworks out there, but basically that’s the key.”

Pershall said that normally a citation is issued when illegal fireworks are found. The fireworks are confiscated as well.

“Usually the fire department helps us out with an extra patrol [on the Fourth of July],” he said. “We take a picture [of the fireworks] for inventory purposes. The fire department takes it from there. It’s a hazardous material.”

Deputy Fire Marshal Charlie Bedolla said the Hollister Fire Department usually fields hundreds of calls on the Fourth of July and they do their best to confiscate and mitigate the damage done by illegal fireworks. There will be six to ten patrols of police and fire personnel on the streets during the holiday.

“Accidents have happened with people getting burned, broken bones to possible amputation of fingers,” he said.

Last year there were two major structure fires. One was due to illegal fireworks, said Bedolla. The other because fireworks were not disposed of properly.

Bedolla recommends that people keep a water hose handy and an extra bucket of water to make sure fireworks are fully extinguished.

Also, many people light fireworks on top of ladders. Bedolla said fireworks should always be lit on the ground.

There are eleven fireworks stands that sell safe and sane fireworks in Hollister. The stands are operated by various nonprofit organizations including the Community Food Bank, the Hollister Downtown Association, the Nan Pipestem Wildlife Rehab Center, the Baler Band Boosters and more.

Fireworks stands opened for business on Wednesday. According to City Manager Bill Avera, sales have to stop the night of the Fourth of July.

“I think it’s an opportunity for nonprofits to do a good amount of fundraising,” Avera said Monday. “For the Fourth of July, it’s a good opportunity for people to have a good time and be safe.”

The only fireworks stand in San Juan Bautista is located in the Windmill Market parking lot. That booth does not open for business until Friday, the 30th.

Avera advised parents to supervise children during the holiday.

“Even though they are safe and sane, please be careful,” Avera said. “I want people to have fun. I don’t want people getting hurt.”

Pershall also advised residents to be safe when using fireworks.

“We’ve had serious incidents in the past regarding illegal fireworks,” Pershall said. “We encourage people not to set them off.”

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