Hey! I resemble that remark
After three weeks I am still laughing at that letter to the
editor in the Pinnacle where Ronald Rocha gives me hell for daring
to question the bullyboy tactics of LULAC, the pompous defenders of
the Mexican-American elite.
Hey! I resemble that remark

After three weeks I am still laughing at that letter to the editor in the Pinnacle where Ronald Rocha gives me hell for daring to question the bullyboy tactics of LULAC, the pompous defenders of the Mexican-American elite.

I vehemently object to Mr. Rocha’s accusation about my character. He’s absolutely right but I object.

Rocha says I should state the facts. What does he want next from me, the truth?

Then he states, “every Mexican native American living in this country should stand up and show their disgust regarding the insulting article” written by me. Rocha wants every Mexican in the United States to show their disgust for me. Usually they don’t do that until they get to know me. Aye chee waa waa.

Then of course as is obligatory, he goes into what a hard life he had growing up in the white man’s America. Boo hoo, boo hoo. I had it rough, too. We had an upstairs maid but no upstairs.

Finally Rocha opines Mr. Valenzuela would not have the position or opportunities he has today without the help from LULAC or organizations like LULAC. Another reason for me to dislike LULAC. Do you think I like my “position” writing a weekly column for the Pinnacle when all I ever wanted was to be an exotic nude dancer? The only reason I can think that I am turned down by nightclub owners is because I’m a Mexican. I want to be a male stripper but where is LULAC when I really need them? “Put it on! Put it on!” Aye chee waa waa.

I had my room at the Hotel Dabo in downtown Hollister all reserved for last week’s 50th Hollister High class reunion. I have been on jury duty since the first week of August and this week, a full month later, the case just went to deliberation. But I promise I will be there for our 60th. So please, Mrs. Dabo, save that Abba Zabba you put on my pillow for 2018.

Can you believe this? For weeks I have been writing about almost nothing but what happened in 1958. The Superior Court in Los Angeles where I am a juror is the largest in the United States and the cornerstone says, “Built in 1958.” I knew it all my life but I need no more proof that I live in the twilight zone.

When Isaac Hayes of “Shaft” fame died two weeks ago my memory immediately went back to the Oscar show of 1972, one of the most memorable TV moments ever according to a list compiled recently by TV Guide. When Hayes came on the Oscar stage and you heard the first few notes of “Shaft” it was what television should always be about.

But I did laugh though when Hayes quit doing the voice for a character on “South Park” because they mocked his “religion:” Scientology. But according to the creator of “South Park” “Hayes has no problem, and he’s cashed plenty of checks with our show making fun of Christians.” Shaft Christians – not Scientologists.

Loved that poll in the Hollister Fifty Cent Lance: “Do you have a problem with athletes making a political statement at the Olympics?” Hell, the whole damned Olympics is nothing but political, from the first time the Greeks ran in the nude and “accidentally” bumped into the rear of the front-runner. Again and again. Aye chee waa waa.

Answer to last week’s quiz: The reason I didn’t ask Academy award winner Joan Fontaine about her Oscar-winning sister, Olivia de Havilland, is that they hate each other more than Ellen Degeneres having to judge a Mr. Nude America contest.

While others think “The Dark Knight,” the Batman movie was too long I wish it had gone on for an hour more. Why can’t they revert to a common practice in the 1950s and 1960s of inserting an intermission in the middle of long films? “Ben Hur,” “Oklahoma” and even comedies like “Mad Mad Mad Mad World” had intermissions and lost nothing in their presentation. Pop quiz: Why didn’t “Godzilla vs. Bambi” have an intermission?

When I lived in Hollister I loved Papa Murphy’s. If Victor Gomez would run the city as efficiently as he runs Papa Murphy’s then Hollisterites in District 5 should definitely toss their vote his way. Just don’t look for Papa Murphy on the ballot but put your X after Victor Gomez.

Love that school district that lets teachers pack heat. Glad the nuns at Sacred Heart in Hollister were not given guns in 1947. An “altered” boy’s worst nightmare: a nun with a gun.

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