Whoa, doggies! How can it be October already? Didn’t I just pack up the Christmas decorations and put them away? (Well, yes … but that’s a whole other story.) I know we’ll blink and it’ll be Thanksgiving, blink again for Christmas, and then we’ll be celebrating the New Year.

October is my favorite month of the year, and this year even more so. On Sunday, Oct. 8, from 2-4 p.m. you are invited to the dedication of Emmaus House at the corner of Sunnyslope and Valley View roads. There will be a short ceremony at 3 p.m. and tours of the home and refreshments will be available. The opening date of the shelter will be announced. At the end of the reception, the doors will be locked, and the public will never again be invited in. If you’ve never seen this beautiful home, the product of the generosity of our entire community, make a point to at least stop by. I think you will be very impressed and proud of our work.

Fall is also time to remind ourselves that the winter is almost upon us. It traditionally has been a time of preparation and maintenance around the house. Let’s look at a dozen things you might want to check (Thanks to Bob Vila!):

1. Roof: Inspect the roof and around vents, skylights and chimneys for leaks. Repair as necessary. Call your local Realtor for a referral to a good roofing contractor.

2. Attic: Close vents to conserve heat. Call your local Realtor for a referral to a handyman if you don’t want to crawl around up there yourself.

3. Gutters: Clean gutters and drain pipes so leaves won’t clog them and be sure they drain away from the house. Call your local Realtor if you no longer climb ladders.

4. Fireplace: Clean fireplace of ashes. Check chimney for loose or missing mortar. Have chimney professionally cleaned. Make sure damper closes tightly. Call your local Realtor for a referral to a good chimney service.

5. Filters: Clean or replace filters once a month, or as needed. Check and clean dryer vent, air conditioner, stove hood and room fans. Keep heating and cooling vents clean and free from furniture and draperies. Call your local Realtor if you need assistance.

6. Safety Equipment: Ensure that all smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are in good working order. Replace batteries in appropriate devices as needed, or at least twice each year. Call your local Realtor if you need information on safety.

7. Refrigerator: Make sure your refrigerator door seals are airtight. Test them by closing the door over a dollar bill. If you can pull the bill out easily, the latch may need to be adjusted or the seal may need to be replaced. In addition, if you have a coil-back refrigerator, vacuum the coils at least twice each year. Your refrigerator will run more efficiently with clean coils. Also, stock up! A full refrigerator uses less energy than an empty one. Call your local Realtor if you want him or her to bring over a case of water to fill your fridge.

8. Faucets: Check for leaky faucets in kitchen and bathroom. Replace washers as necessary. Call your local Realtor for a referral to a great plumber.

9. Windows and Doors: Do you have drafty doors or windows? Replace seals as needed. Your local Realtor still has the name of a handyman waiting for you.

10. Siding and Paint: Examine cracks and holes in house siding or paint. Replace caulk if necessary. A small knife can work well for cutting away old caulking from house siding. Slice down alongside it from both directions with the blade and use the knife to lift out the old caulk bead intact. If this seems too complicated, you can always call your local Realtor. Good painters are part of their network.

11. Heating System: Have heating system serviced. Change filters. Chances are, your local Realtor knows who does good work for a fair price.

12. Hot Water Heater: Drain hot water heater. Remove sediment from the bottom of the tank. Not your idea of fun? Call your local Realtor to find out who can do this for you.

Okay, quick! What is the common thread in all these inspection points? You got it: CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR!

Some people truly believe all Realtors are out for a quick buck on their backs. I challenge you to call your Agent and ask for assistance outside of a transaction. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that most agents believe client care reaches far beyond the confines of one transaction. You have a Realtor to be your partner in all areas of home and investment ownership. Take advantage of that opportunity.

And using a segue with the word opportunity, there are 378 homes available in San Benito County and 513 in south Santa Clara County. What a great opportunity for buyers! Now that gas prices are heading south and the Feds didn’t raise the rates, you have no excuse for sticking your head in the ground. Get out and check out the marvelous inventory! Call your local Realtor to show you around.

And be kind to your Realtor.

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