music in the park, psychedelic furs

San Benito County’s nicest kids (and maybe one or two who were a
little bit naughty) tell Kris Kringle what’s on their Christmas
list this year.
Editor’s Note: Letters appear just as they were written to Santa.

Dear Santa:

How’s it going this season? Is it busy this month for your elves? How do your reindeer fly? Could you fit all those toys in your sleigh? How do you fit in the chimneys? Does Rudolph’s nose shine red a lot? How do you go around the whole entire world in one day?

Sincerely, Ryan

Dear Santa:

How’s it going in the work shop with your elves? Do you need help? We would like to help you. You could pay us with some cookies. What I would like for Christmas is a flower maker.

Sincerely, Taylor Lange

Dear Santa:

How are you doing? Is it fun being you? By the way, can you get me a remote control snake? Is Rudolph real? Are you fast at delivering gifts?

Your friend, Dakota

Dear Rudolph:

Can you ask Santa to bring me to the north pole on the 16th – please rudolph? Your my favorite deer. Do you have a shinny nose? If you bring me – I will feed you. Could I have Hot Cocoa and Cookies.

Sincerely, L.R.

Dear Santa Claus:

How many houses are there around the world? Santa, if you come to my house I might have some cookies! Well, I don’t know yet. How is Mrs. Claus doing Santa Claus? When you come to my house, you have to come in the door. We have no chimney at all. Sincerely,

Aaron Ramirez

P.S. I hope you have a good Christmas.

Dear Santa:

I want to know how many naughty kids? I want to know how many nice kids are in the world? It must be fun to be Santa! Are your reindeers, even Rudolph ready for a big night? Can you eat the cookies in a jiffy?

Sincerely, Moraan Jud

Dear Santa:

How do the reindeers fly? How do you be so quiet when we are asleep? I hope I’m on the good list! What time do you come. I think when I go to sleep.

From Robert

Dear St. Nick:

How’s it going at the North Pole? How do you make all the toys for every kid in the world? How do your reindeer fly?

Sincerely, Cory

Dear Santa:

Santa, how everything doing here and there? Are you very, very busy in the North Pole? Do your elves want to quit? I am sure that you are busy too? Oh one more thing, how do you sneak into peoples homes? Oh, one more thing, in my stocking would you put in army men?

Sincerely, Chase Matthews

Dear St. Nick:

Is your tree up yet? How does your reindeer fly in the sky? How do you fit down the chimney, cause you are plump? Is it cold at the North pole? Does it snow a lot?

Sincerely, Jason

Dear Santa Claus:

How’s it going? I wanted to know how your elves make the toys? I also wanted to know how do your reindeer fly? Can I help you build some toys? You can pay me with hot cocoa and cookies! May my class come too? Could Mrs. Sackett come too?

Sincerely, Elizabeth

Dear Santa:

If you can get me a toy from Target – it would be a Exo Toa Bionicle. How do your elves make toys? I do not have a chimney. I would like for you to get my mom a candle for a present. I wish I could ride in your sleigh.

Sincerely, Thomas Maduena

Dear Santa:

I want to know how are your reindeer and do they ever get tired? How is Mrs. Claus and your elves, Santa?Do you get cold in the North Pole? Santa is Rudolph real? Santa can you bring a toy that I want? It is a monster in a Santa suit and it sings! I wish you a merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Diona

Dear Santa:

How cold is it in the North Pole? Do you really have cherry nose?

Sincerely RF

Dear Santa:

How are things going at the North Pole?

Love, Chad

Dear Santa:

I would like a new bike. Some new toys. Could you also bring my mom some gingerbread.

Love, Carlos

Dear Santa:

I would like a little Ashley doll house, a puppet stage and a new Mary Kate and Ashley doll.

Love, Christine

Dear Santa:

I would like a mermaid Barbie and Barbie Rapunzel. Please bring my mom a pretty sweater.

Love, Kendall

Dear Santa:

I would like a new Barbie house. I would also like a really big playhouse I can play in.

Love, Mikayla

Dear Santa:

I would like some wheelie shoes and Harry Potter Leggos. Could you bring my mom a pink doll.

Love, Michael

P.S. Also a new Gameboy

Dear Santa:

I would like some Hot Wheel toys, new leggos and some fun toys.

Love Steven

Dear Santa:

I would like a toy house, a toy puppy and a toy car I can drive.

Love, Marissa

Dear Santa:

I like all the presents you gave me last year. I would like some shoes with wheels.

Love, Taylor

Dear Santa:

I would like a G.I. Joe, Spiderman action toy. Some gameboy advance games.

Love, Austin

Dear Santa:

I would like some ice skates. Some shoes with wheels. And I would like some Barbie toys.

Love, Robin

Dear Santa:

I would like Bob the Builder toys, hot wheel cars. Please bring me a Gameboy.

Love, Adrian

Dear Santa:

I would like a little pool table for my brother and me. Also some remote cars, games and racing cars.

Love, Robert

P.S. Some Leggo’s too

Dear Santa:

I would like a baby dog. And I would like a Barbie jeep with batteries.

Love, Reianna

Dear Santa:

I would like some gloves, a remote control jet. Also a remote control robot.

Love, David M.

Dear Santa:

I would like a new bike. Could you bring my mom a pretty shirt. (blue) I could use some new Barbies.

Love, Danielle

Dear Santa:

Could you bring my Mom a glass duckling. I like little dollies and my brother a big radio.

Love, Victoria

P.S. My Dad needs new tools. Don’t forget my cousins.

Dear Santa:

I am 7 years old. I know you are famous. I love your elves because they do good. I hope you don’t get cold. How old is Rudolph?

Love, Andrew

Dear Santa Claus:

I know you like cookies. I know you like Milk. Your beard is getting longer every year. Santa what I want for Christmas is a transformer toy. Do you like the North Pole?

Merry Christmas from Vincente

Dear Santa:

Santa I like Christmas. Is your beard growing. Have a happy new year. I hope all of the presents get to the children in time.

Love, Amber

Dear Santa:

I been very good this year. I know you are happy this year. I am 7 years old. My brother is 8 years old. Can you bring my cat named cat a toy? Please – a cat toy! Neighbor cats sleep on beds.

Love, Laura Washburn

Dear Santa:

Thank you for the one dollar. Christmas is my favorite holiday is Christmas your favorite holiday too. I know what I I am getting you for Christmas – do you know what it is? Is something for a present your favorite food.

Love, Antonio Freitas

Dear Santa:

I have 3 horses and a bunch of dogs. I have a bird too and so does my brother. My birds name is Chirp. I have two fish. What is you favorite cookies?

Sincerely, Kimberly

Dear Santa:

I really like Christmas – do you like Christmas? Santa I love you. I like snow balls. I like snow angels. I like snowman’s.

Love Adrian

Dear Santa:

Do you like cookies? Do you like dogs? Do you like Andrew?

Love, Anthony

Dear Santa:

Do you like cheese? Do you like to live in the North Pole? I like Christmas, do you too? For Christmas at my house, what kind of drink? Yes or No ? Send a letter back to me.

(No Name)

Dear Santa:

I love you Santa! I wish that you were here. I like you. I go to sunnyslope school. Do you like cookies?

Love, Anthony

Dear Santa:

I know that you like when kids are happy and good. I hope you help my nana Mary. I know that you are nice. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Do you like books?

Love, Selena

Dear Santa:

I know you love Christmas. I love Christmas too! What kind of cookies do you like? Is it snowing in the North Pole? Is your beard growing.

Love, Deandra

Dear Santa:

I love Christmas. I have been good all year. What is your favorite kind of drink? Have you been busy all year? You are the best. Can you put something in my Bitty Baby’s stocking? I would like a boom box for Christmas. How are your elves doing? Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Love, Lauren

Dear Santa:

It is rainy here. I have red hair. I like horses. I like dogs too. I have a dog, we have 5 fish. What is your favorite animal?

From, Rebecca Fox

Dear Santa:

I would like to meet you that is my first present. I would like to meet comet. I hope I can get a tractor to help with the groceries. Would you like to meet me?

Love, Jacob

P.S. Would you find a home for my dog Miya?

Dear Santa:

I like Santa. I wonder what I’m getting. Santa is fun! Santa is your beard getting bigger.

From, John

Dear Santa:

Here is the list of toys I want you to give me. Please leave the toys on my table, please. Tell me if you like pizza and cola – circle one – yes or no. Merry Christmas.

Toy list: DVD’s, Baby Samantha, Game Boy, Polly’s Sparkle Style House, Ice Age, Lilo & Stitch, Spirit, Scooby Doo. If you no what DVD’s I got, don’t get one of those for me. Send me a note back please.

Vanessa Deanda

Dear Santa:

My name is Stephanie. I wish you a merry Christmas. I am in kindergarten and I’m 5 years old. Here’s my wish list. I want Game Boy Advance, two Barbie house’s, three Barbies, Baby Doll and doll clothes.

With love, Stephanie

Dear Santa:

My name is Ricky Jay Castro. I am 2 years old. I want a choo choo train. Sometimes I am a good boy. My mommy says it’s when Iam asleep. I will leave cookies for you. I love you.

Love, Ricky

Dear Santa:

My name is Melissa Castro. I am 8 years old. I am in third grade. Ibelieve in you. I want a wake board and a bratz doll. I love you!

Love, Melissa

Dear Santa:

My name is Jessica Castro and I am in fifth grade. I am ten years old. All I want is my family to be together and happy. Thanks for listening.

Love, Jessica Castro

P.S. Have a merry Christmas! P.S.S. and if you wanted to leave a toy or something – it’s OK!

Dear Santa:

I love you. Please put me a Bratz Doll and um a Mary Kate and Ashley Doll and um a Britney Spears phone. I also want lip gloss – I’m almost 5 years old. I have been a good girl. I wanted to say I want my auntie Velissa to come visit cause Ireally miss her right now!

Love Stevana (Stevie) Dixon

Dear Santa:

How are you? I put out some cookies and milk for you and carrots for your deers. What I want for Christmas is a real cotton candy maker, a blue Haro bike, a razor scooter, Sponge Bob stuff, money, money clip, a Target gift card, an Albertson’s gift card, a soft and squooshy blue blanket, a new baseball glove, a new robe, some more gowns for the night, a Shrinky Dink, a fib binder and a Barbie Shop with Me cash register.

Love, Erika Christine Leshinsky, age 8

P.S. Have a good Christmas. Please write back.

P.S.S. Please leave my presents under my Christmas tree in my room.

Dear Santa:

For Christmas I would like a globe and a Big Boy tool set. Also, everyone in the world to be happy.

Nicholas Jackson

Dear Santa:

I would like a new yellow bike and cargo ship and a remote control truck. But most of all metal detector. I’ll leave some milk and cookies out for you.

P.S. Write back to me.

Love, Dalton D.

Dear Santa:

I would like to talk doll and McDonald food service and a doodle writing pad. I will leave some cookies for you.

Love, Tala D.

Dear Santa:

How are you? I hope you are fine. On Christmas Eve I will be leaving you some chocolate chip cookies and some carrots for your reindeer.

For Christmas I would like a puppy to keep my dog Chuckie company. I hope you and Mrs. Claus have a merry Christmas.

Love, Kristen Valencia

Dear Santa:

Thanks for all the presents last year. My name is E.J. Herrera. I am 8 years old. I am doing very good in school. I would like a Game Cube, Game Boy Advance, a Harry Potter video game and books. Please bring something for mom and dad, Nate, Leah, Lizzy and our pets. I’m going to leave a grilled cheese sandwich and hot cocoa.

Love, 8 year old E.J.

Dear Santa:

I want a Game Cube a PS2 and a 10 inch TV, Lord of the Rings – Two Towers. I’m Tim Valenzuela – I’m 8.

Dear Santa:

What is your wife’s name? How do you get in if there is no chimney? Where do you live? How is your reindeer doing? How many elves are there? What is your phone number? I would like you to say hi to your reindeer for me. I have been helping my mom so I have been good. I would like a Barbie.


Sydney Locsin

Dear Santa Claus:

What do you feed your reindeer? What do you eat? What do you do most at the North Pole? How do you get to every house in one night? Santa, I have been good and bad this year. I have been swiching to bad and good. If I do get presents here is what I want – a dirt bike, a tattoo kit and new clothes. You probably know I want a lot more things.



Dear Santa:

How many elves do you have? Do you wear red clothes? Where is your toy factory? How many presents do you have to make? I was bad a little bit. This is how I got in trouble. I was running on the tan bark at school. I want a Play Station Two. When you deliver toys do you have left overs.



Dear Santa Claus:

Hi Santa! How is your reindeer rudolph? What do you have an elf for Christmas? I have been nice this year. I want a motor x cycle. How are the elves? How do your reindeer fly. How many elves do you have in your factory? What do you feed your elves? Where do you get all those supplies to make toys? Are you really magical?


Marcus Angulo

Dear Santa:

Hi Santa. Hay Santa how old are your elves? How do you get down the chimney when there is a fire? How do your reindeer fly? Santa you know what I like to motor cycle ride and snow board. Santa, I want a snowboarding helmet because I can use it for a lot of things.


Morgan Daleo

Dear Santa:

What is your reindeer’s names? How many cookies do you ear? how can you get down the chimney. Do you have a real name? How many reindeer do you have. I want a new hat. Ireally want a new hamster. I want a new dress.



Dear Santa:

Please tell Rudolph I love you – thanks! Be well. I would like a Game Cube and what I really wish for is to see Rudolph. How do you get across the world. How is Mrs. Claus – okay.


Stephen Simmon

Dear Santa Claus

How are the reindeer? Do the elves fly? What I want is a remote control plane. Are your elves cranky? Are the reindeer cranky?

Sincerely, Michael

Dear Santa Claus:

Who is your favorite reindeer? How do you watch over us? How do you get over here? How do you carry all the toys? I want a pogo stick. I want a kite. I want clothes. I want skates.


Salinam Sheldon

Dear Santa:

What machines do you use to make the toys? Do you have a special throne? What do your elves eat? I want a pack of champion digimon caraso pokemon cards, playstation with spyro year of the dragon game. 50 yu-gi-oh cards. I have been good at school.


Russell Swartz

Dear Santa Claus:

Hi Santa Claus. How do you fly? How do you do magic? How do you get in the house? How do you not get tired of doing all those houses? Santa Claus I want please a quad if you can. Santa Claus can you please give me all the GI Joes and some guns please.


Dominicke Gastello

Dear Santa Claus:

What do you feed your reindeer? How many reindeer do you have? How do you go to all of the houses in one night?

I want a skateboard.


Xavie Ybarra

Dear Santa:

Hi Santa, How’s it going? Do you have somebody in your factory that makes your list or do you just do it? I know that I have been bad and good this year. But I’m sure next year I will be better. What is your reindeers name? Why do you like Christmas? Do you like flying? I want a Play Station 2 – o.k. Santa?


Nolan Ballin

Dear Santa:

What is your address? What do you feed your elves? What are your reindeers names? What do you do? I want a new blanket. I would like a lot of toys. I like Santa Claus for bringing me toys. Santa how are you going to get down from the roof. Thank you Santa for toys.



Dear Santa:

How are you feeling? I want a gundom. It is one of my favorite things I really wanted all this time. How are the elves doing in their day of toys. How are your reindeer? How are the elves making all the presents?



Dear Santa Claus:

How are you doing? I have 4 questions to ask: #1 can people see you? #2 how can you eat all of the cookies? #3 how do your reindeer fly? #4 how do you go down the chimney. I have been really good at taking turns and sharing my toys. The thing I want most for Christmas is a toy home that goes with a trailer.


Robert Peres

Dear Santa Claus:

How does your reindeer fly? How do you deliver all those presents in one night? Why do you have a big beard? Do you even give presents to animals too? Sometimes I am good and sometimes bad. I like animals. I like games and toys. I want a computer game. I want a cordless Playstation.


Stephen Prado

Dear Santa:

What kind of food do you give your reindeer? What is your favorite color? Are you going to eat the cookies and milk? What are the names of your reindeer? I want a Play Station 2 and I want a dirt bike. I was very good this year. I didn’t pout or cry.


Jose Javier Garcia

Dear Santa:

I am 3 years old and I have been a good boy this year. I would like to have a castle for Christmas this year. I would also like to have a Barbie video and some more playdough. Would you like me to put out some snacks for you and the reindeer? What about some cookies?

Love, Jack Mills

Dear Santa:

I am 2 years old and I have been a good girl. I want a sleep and Snore Winnie the Pooh for Christmas this year please. My cousin Jack wants a castle. I would also like a dora doll. I will leave some milk and cookies out for you and reindeer food for your reindeer. Do you like Winnie the Pooh cookies?

Love, Samantha Fedele

Dear Santa:

I like you a lot. I wish I could have for Christmas is pajamas that are blue with clouds on them. Because I want the pajamas that I like. I wish I could have a pair of pants and shirts. Because I like to wear them. I wish I could have some slippers that are blue. Because mine are ripping. I wish I could have a barbie shop with me cash register. Because I really wanted it a lot. I wish Icould have a CD player with a bd. Because my brothers and sisters have one, but I don’t and my mom and I are going to leave cookies for you.

To Santa from Ruby

Dear Santa:

I want a talking power ranger, a telephone Power

Ranger Spiderman, and a big motorcycle so I can ride on. and another Christmas tree.

Love, Larry (age 3)

Dear Santa: I want two presents and a Santa.

Love, starr (age 3)

Dear Santa:

I want some presents two! I want them to be toys.

Love, Brianna (age 2)

Dear Santa:

I would like a batman, hot wheels, spiderman and toys. that’s all!

Love, Daniel (age 3)

Dear Santa:

I would like presents and trees. I am sitting in a chair.

Love, Montse (age 3)

Dear Santa:

I would like a Christmas tree and a big microwave. thats all!

Love, Gabriella (age 3)

Dear Santa:

I want a blue’s clues toy, toy story, and dora.

Love, Kaitlin (age3)

Dear Santa:

I have been very good this year especially when I listen to Mom. I would like a little remote control car because I could run in to people.

From Simon

Dear Santa:

How are your reindeers doing? How is Mrs. Claus and the elves? We have a giant Christmas tree, it’s 10 feet tall!!! I want a Spiderman movie and a Spiderman Game Boy Advanced please! Mommy says I’ve been pretty darn good! I’ll leave some cookies and milk for you.

Love, Marcus Robinson (6 years old)

Dear Santa:

I want an official Boy Scout knife, Raiders blanket, Yamaha 4 pad digital drum set, Rumble Robot, Red Team Game Boy Advance with Sponge Bob Squarepants. Hober Man Mega Spitter slingshot please.

By Jaret Lantis

Dear Santa:

I am almost 5 years old, I would like for Christmas is a train set. My brother is 8 months old and his name is David. Would you please send him a stuffed bear Winnie the Pooh. Have a very merry Christmas.

Jocelyn Rayas

Dear Santa:

I am 5 years old, I would like some puzzles and my own CD player with some DVDs and TV roller shoe skates. Have a nice Christmas.

Johnathon Gonzales

Dear Santa:

I am 7 years old. I would like a ship with a lazer cannon. I have been a good boy. have a merry Christmas.

Ricky Castille

Dear Santa:

I am 4 1/2 years old, I have been a good boy. Could you find my house. I would like a bigger Hot Wheels scooter and a bigger bike. have a happy and merry Christmas.


Dear Santa:

I think I deserve presents because I was trying my hardest in school. For christmas I want Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City, the new eminem CD and a paint ball gun and the CD. I will try harder next year.

Love, Rolo

Dear Santa:

How you been? I would like a present and everything.

Love you lots,

Cole Cramer

Dear Santa:

I am one year old and I have been a very good girl this year. My sisters Sophia and Samantha and my cousin Jack said they think I would like Princess Doll and a Snore Winnie the Pooh for Christmas, but you can decide since I can’t talk much yet.

Love, Genevieve Fedele

Dear Santa:

I am 4 years old and I have been very good girl this year. I finished my letters and letters sounds at school this week. I would like a make-up kit and a Dora the Explorer backpack for Christmas this year – if I forget I will try again. I will leave food for the reindeer and you on Christmas Eve.

Love Sophia Fedele

Dear Santa:

I like all the presents you gave me last year. I would like some shoes with wheels.

Love, Taylor (kindergarten)

Dear Santa:

My name is Mark Sitton (Nicholson). I am 16 mos. old. For Christmas, I would like for my mama and gamm to let me climb on whatever I want, go outside when I want to, play in the bathroom when I want to, for them to stop telling me “no” but that would be more of a Christmas miracle. Also, I would like new clothes and shoes because I grow so fast. Also, I want the Doggies, Mercedes and Harley to let me play with them.

Thank you!

Mark Sitton (Nicholson) and my mom Cassi Sitton (Nicholson)

Dear Santa claus:

I hope you have a good trip on your sleigh. My friend Alex King wants to wish you a merry Christmas. Make sure you don’t leave dust by the chimney like you did last time. Well, tell your reindeer that I say hi and Mrs. Claus too. Well try to wake me up if you can!

Love your friend, Emily Mare Kovach

Christmas list: walkie talkies, Barbie Beetle (any color for Bratz doll)

something for my bird Candy (purple cage)

Bratz Doll (yasmin)

Hand Coller TV

alarm clock

and thats what I want for Christmas.

Dear Santa: I am Damon Perez. I live in Hollister. I think I have been a good boy this year. I have good grades and I listen to my mom and dad and help my friends. I would like the following presents:

X-Box with the game, a Tim Brown plaque, box of football cards, three more GI Joe’s.

Thank you, Damon Perez (2nd grade)

Dear Santa:

I have a couple of questions: Santa how do you get down the chimney? Santa how are the elves? Santa how is the weather at the north pole? Santa where do you find all the toys that the kids want? My birthday is on Feb. 27. Santa I really really want the desk. I also don’t care what color it is.

Love, Nicole

Dear Santa:

How are your elves? How are your reindeer? How do you go down the chimney? How do your reindeer fly? I like to play games. I want you gi oh cards.

From Josh

Dear Santa Claus:

How are you doing? Is it cold at the North Pole? How do you fit down the chimney? How are your reindeer and elves? I am 7 year old. My name is Devon. I want an ice cream maker and a snow cone maker and a baby doll and a tent.

Thank you Santa.

from Devon

Dear Santa:

Did you finish the toys? Is your belly really that fat? How does Rudolphs nose glow? Does your elves really have pointy ears? I want a Game Boy CD rans. I want an Easy Bake Oven and yo gi oh cards.

From Mark to Santa

Dear Santa Claus:

How are you Santa Claus? Did you make the toys? Do you really have elves Santa? Are you magic Santa? My name is Jenna, I am 7, I am in 2nd grade. For christmas I want a Bratz Nail Place. I want a sewing machine, a Barbie train.

From, Jenna Patri

Dear Santa:

I want to know how you get down the chimney? How are you doing Santa? How do your reindeers fly? Why do you eat alot of cookies? My name is Adam. I am 7 years old. I want a X-Box.

From Adam

Dear Santa:

How are you doing Santa? and how are your reindeer doing too? And how are your elves doing? And how are your toys going to? Do you know how old I am? I am 7 and my name is Zoie. And I want for Christmas is a stuffed animal dog.

From Zoie

Dear Santa Claus:

How are the reindeer doing? And how are the elves? How are you? How is the weather? For christmas I would like some yu -gi-oh cards.

From Connor Parker

Dear Santa:

How is your elves? How is your reindeer? How do you go down the chimney? How is the North Pole? I would like a Play Station 2 for Christmas. and I would like GI Joes and I would like reslers for Santa. One more thing, yu-gi-oh cards.

From Levi

Dear Santa:

How are you doing? Do reindeer really fly in the sky?

From Jonathan Castanada

Dear Santa:

How are your reindeers doing? Are your elves done with the toys? How do you get down the chimney? How is it in the North Pole? For Christmas I would like an X-Box and a remote control car. a pack of yu-gi-oh cards.

From Frankie

Dear Santa:

How did you teach your reindeer to fly? How do your elves make so many toys? How do you get down the chimney? How do you get all the toys to all the children in the world? My name is Robert and I’m in seventh grade. Santa will you bring me some yu-gi-oh cards and Hot Wheels and western action figures and a chalk board and Spongebob Joke Pants book? Thank you from Robert.

Dear Santa:

How are you doing? Are you done making the toys? Is the North Pole still cold? How do you give all those toys in one night? My name is Rene and I am in second grade. Also I want a Power Ranger Linggha Storm Mega Sword. Thank you Santa.

From Rene

Dear Santa:

How are you Santa? How are your reindeer? How is the North Pole? How do you go around the world in 24 hours? How is your elves? My name is Tristen. I am in the 2nd grade. I want Hot Wheels and a Game Cube. I want yu-gi-oh cards.

From, tristen

Dear Santa Claus:

How are you doing? How is your reindeer? How do you get around the world in 24 hours? How is your elves? this is what I want for christmas. I want a Baby Born and an ice cream maker. Thank you Santa Claus.

From, Amy

Dear Santa claus:

How do you go down the chimney. Santa is it cold at the North Pole? Santa how does your reindeer fly? How do you go around the world? I am seven years old. I been very good this year and I like Christmas. Can I have an X-Box? Can I have a Hot Wheel set. Can I have army men? Santa can I have the game Mortal Combat? Can I have the movie Mortal Combat?

From, Isaiah

Dear Santa:

I have been a very good girl this year. I would like a Forty Niner jacket for Christmas and a Outburst game, also to have a good Christmas with my baby brother and sister.

Sincerely, Brittany Ann Destefanis

Dear Santa:

I have been a good girl. This Christmas I think I would like a table & chairs. Also, a baby doll.

Love, Zoie Lugo – 15 months old

Dear Santa:

I have been a good girl. I would like a Barbie Game Boy please. Also a bell for Prancer.

Love, Ashley Stone Lugo

Dear Santa: I would like a Hello Kitty bed set and a Rudolph purse. I have been a very good girl.

Love, Genevie Destefanis

Dear Santa Claus:

I’m not trying to be rude, but how do you fit down a chimney? I was wondering because your kind of plump. How are your reindeer? Also, How are your elves? Also, Mrs. Claus, How are the boys and girls doing this season? Also, my friend Robby, has some rockets you can blast off! If I could have just that it would be great!

Sincerely, Thomas E. Sullivan

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