My name is Keith Snow, In 2012 there was an arson at a building off of Sunny slope. I knew it was arson, they told me no and that I didn’t know what I was talking about. It took time for them to admit that it was arson. Then 2014 On the 23rd I talked with the fire chief and that day I knew for a fact that Dollar Tree and Larry’s Liquors was arson, just on how they said the fire was started and being experienced in blueprints. It was in the center of Dollar Tree. On the news they also said it looks like it started in the middle of the Dollar Tree. I wrote to the police chief that it was suspicious, then all of a sudden it was in the paper that it was suspicious and came out to be arson. I gave him several of my ideas on how to find out and I am good at hazard waste. Because the multiple companies that I worked for use to remove hazard waste.
Watching the meeting on Jan. 21, I was out of town that day but I did get to watch it, because I watch all the meetings, especially the county board meetings. From the 21st meeting they talked about drilling, but I knew once they said that had to do with fracking. And that meeting about drilling was on the 29th at the golf course and the next one will be on November 6. If you look at the whole big picture. On the meeting on the 27th they are letting our jobs go. City jobs. Not taking any responsibility and hiring other companies. The council wants to hire a company that is a private sectored company and do the job for us, and sweep our streets and cut our trees that was said that day at the meeting.
On the 24th I emailed the council about the surveillance cameras. The mayor knew what I emailed and still made a disrespectful comment towards me saying that they were from Costco, which they are not – they are from They cost 200 dollars a piece and 40 cameras would be 8,000 dollars. They are high performance cameras all weather proof and tough terrain.
 When I watched the board meeting on the 21st like I said earlier, the board wants the city to pay for everything. They mentioned something about five tire blow-outs a week and they want the city to pay for that, and the sports park they want them to pay for that also but the school board owns that not the city. The school board wants the city to be partners for that. It is wasteful spending like everything else. We are losing jobs and they cannot even read proposal contracts. Just like the vice mayor asked would it cost if they broke a contract, well that is common sense. You have to pay the company in which contract you break or breach. Then you have to pay the city workers to finish the work of the contract you break. It is time to make a stop to all this. We need to have workshops so the people can be involved. Only the people they want and they know is who they want to be involved. We are losing out and it is making our city weak. We have to strengthen the city.
The next major thing for our future is searching for 50 billion gallons of oil, which is called fracking! And that is what’s going to happen. Look it up online and what it can cause, death, contamination, toxins. The new water treatment plant can be contaminated. The city will be a toxic mess. I want to prevent this from happening; that’s my specialty as a retired engineer. That cost millions and billions of dollars if that happens here and the state will take over our city and county.  Do you think that one death from the flu in our city is horrible, it will be more than that if they let fracking into our city. They want to make billions of dollars if they find the 50 billions gallons of oil. They already planted an office here, the company that wants to do it. Let’s be realistic, you can see what’s going on. Our vision for our city is gone. The bad judgment calls are really hurting our economy and people are losing there jobs with no explanation. We need to have a voice, which we do not have.  
November 2014. It is your choice on who you pick for our future.
Keith Snow, Hollister

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