I would like to thank you for running this year’s VFW announcement for the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest. We received over 150 entries from six different schools. Thank you.
I’m pleased to announce the winner of the 2012 VFW Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest was Andrei Vladimirov, a seventh-grader from Sacred Heart School. His essay, “What I would tell America’s Founding Fathers,” was judged first out of over 150 entries. His essay along with runner-ups Jack Stegeman and Anthony Picchi from Southside School and Abigail Greene from Tres Pinos School, were forwarded to the 12th District for the next level of competition.
Andrei Vladimirov will receive a check for $100 for being the winner of the VFW’s Post 9242 contest. Jack Stegeman, Anthony Picchi and Abigail Greene, along with fellow runner-ups Riley Scherr from Sacred Heart, Amanda Barrientos from Spring Grove School and Connon Champion from Cienega School will receive $25 each. Certificates of Merit will be awarded to the writers of the essays.
Bob Burnham, contest chairman