music in the park, psychedelic furs

Bullet train has local impact
Public utilities code 185000-185036 authorizes the High Speed
Rail Authority to build the Bullet Train in California, and when
they buy the land for this Son-of Amtrak boondoggle, they are
directed by 185036(b) to,

acquire rights of way through purchase or criminal domain.

Bullet train has local impact

Public utilities code 185000-185036 authorizes the High Speed Rail Authority to build the Bullet Train in California, and when they buy the land for this Son-of Amtrak boondoggle, they are directed by 185036(b) to, “acquire rights of way through purchase or criminal domain.”

HSRA’s funding initiative will be on the ballot next year for their first $10 billion start up money. What will this mean to Gilroy, Morgan Hill (and other towns through which it passes)? It won’t be on UP’s property rights as it trumps HSRA’s eminent domain powers, if the Supreme Court’s coal slurry pipeline decision governs. So, it must run parallel to, just east of UP’s tracks, through Gilroy and Morgan Hill.

In addition to substantial new tax burdens like those imposed for construction of BART, LA METRO, VTA Light Rail (Heavy Socialism), etc., property owners’ desires and intentions for their homes and businesses will be pre-empted by Rodo bin Diridon’s HSRA terrorists. What will happen to property values in the path of this Soviet style horizontal elevator?

The route that this Black Hole Frankenstein is required to take by these Sections “shall be fully coordinated and connected with commuter rail lines.” Thus the Bullet in the Brain Train is pointed right at the heart of downtown Gilroy and Morgan Hill.

Residents and business owners just east of UP’s tracks can expect their property values to plummet. Who will compensate them for this taking?

We did not learn anything from the Amtrak fiasco and now we are doomed to suffer the consequences. History will say of us on the 100th anniversary of the formation of the partnership of Lenin and Trotsky and the creation of their newspaper (Spark) later known as Pravda (truth), we allowed the conflagration to start here in our own backyard. Caveat Viator!

Joseph P. Thompson, ESQ


Enjoys writer’s views

I would like to congratulate The Pinnacle for adding Mark Paxton to your list of interesting columnists. His recent column referring to those who try to walk the fine line between what is legal and that which is decent was very welcome. We have far too little common courtesy. As one patrolman I talked to recently said, the governing rule of behavior has become “can I get away with it?”

Wesley C. Rolley

Morgan Hill

Not a school bond supporter

Why would the Gilroy Unifit School District be willing to pay an outside “bond consulting” firm over $750,000 if Measure I passes? The answer is, simply, THEY DON’T LISTEN. People – particularly, parents – packed the District Office demanding school and schedule choice. They voted 6-0 against. Superintendent Diaz handpicks “taskforces” to echo his wishes, and the Board rubber-stamps his every recommendation.

What I find the most hilarious is the Board’s non-response attitude to anyone who is critical of them. When they were looking for “community input,” I sent a detailed suggestion of a set of L-shaped, two-story buildings at the current high school, complete with lockers, wide, indoor corridors, and an outdoor, central, sheltered quad. This would be expensive at first, but cheaper long-term (for heating, A/C, roof maintenance, etc.). This would better the current campus, accommodating more students and providing more comfortable quarters than the current flood plain, and be far cheaper than building a whole new high school. While I would hardly expect my idea to be implemented, I did expect at least one response from at least one Board member. (They do not merit the title “Trustee.”) Not a peep.

Measure I only purchases the land and a little construction of a new high school. This merely sets us up for yet another (a third) 25-year debt-finance a few years down the road. And in those few years, they will let another elementary school go to hell, just as they did recently, to provide extra eye candy to help them sell more “bonds.” Vote NO on Measure I, and remove the two incumbents (Rogers and Owens)!

Alan Viarengo


Symphony thanks newspaper

The South Valley Symphony offers a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to the Pinnacle Publishing Company, the winner of the coveted Arts Council Silicon Valley Arts and Business Award in the category of First Time Business Support to a non profit organization.

The Pinnacle was selected on Oct. 8 for this honor from a prestigious group of six nominees, including Applied Materials, Garden Court Hotel, Shoreline Amphitheatre, Silicon Valley Bank and Sing Too Chinese Radio.

South Valley Symphony was most pleased to nominate Pinnacle Publishing Company, publishers of The Pinnacle and The Pinnacle South Valley, for their extraordinary and consistent support of the Symphony by their publicity, editorial and feature article support and photo coverage of the 2001/2002 concert season and the fundraising events. This partnership of The Pinnacle-South Valley Symphony continues to the present season, which commences on Saturday with the opening concert at Gavilan College Theater. Through the generous support of The Pinnacle, the Symphony has been able to broaden the overall public support, donor participation and attendance at the Symphony concerts and activities.

It is well known that a goal of The Pinnacle is support of the Arts. Through the personal leadership of Publisher Tracie L. Cone and Editor Anna Marie dos Remedios, the entire staff of The Pinnacle is truly making a difference in the quality of life in our communities.

We ask that all readers and advertisers of The Pinnacle join the South Valley Symphony in recognition of The Pinnacle Publishing Company for their continuing quality achievements.

Alfred J. Navaroli


South Valley Symphony

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