Badlands is bad dental hygiene
I will miss Kate Woods’ Badlands column like a toothache.
Reba Jones
Badlands is bad dental hygiene
I will miss Kate Woods’ Badlands column like a toothache.Â
Reba Jones
Place committed political suicide
Are the rumors true that the Pinnacle was pressured into removing Kate’s column? This is so painful to watch. Some papers are driven by the spirit of people, like my hero Ben Franklin, other papers, well, in his words “An empty bag does not stand up.” Who is Richard Place? Does he realize this is political and business suicide?
A. Black
San Martin
Glad Woods is out to pasture
Thank you for putting Kate Woods out to pasture. I read the Pinnacle for the local news and to understand the local issues. If I want to read about Republican bashing and constant attacks on President Bush and the war against terrorist, I would read the liberal biased San Francisco Chronicle. I stopped supporting the advertisers in the Pinnacle because of Kate Woods. But now, thanks to your important step, I have once again started to support your advertisers. Thank you for doing the right thing in support of the community.
Dan Russo
Morgan Hill
Woods synonymous with serious journalism
I began reading The Pinnacle in large part due to the well-written articles and provocative column written by Kate Woods. Kate’s style has not changed over the years. Unceremoniously dropping her column now gives the appearance that she is being silenced. If so, this is an egregious mistake, for the journalistic integrity of The Pinnacle has been compromised.
In the recent editorial announcing the column’s suspension, there came a call for less rancorous political dialogue, and a belief that political figures strive to do what they think is best for their country. I think this gives them too much credit. It is my belief that what we call elections are really more like auctions, where politicians do the bidding of those who finance them. In a democracy, it is vitally important that investigative reporters and political satirists like Kate Woods be allowed to shine a light on the goings-on in our community and our nation. They provide an invaluable service in educating the public.
Nearly a century ago, a determined investigative reporter named Ida Tarbell brought to light the illegal activities of Standard Oil. As a result of her reporting, the nation’s most powerful monopoly was broken. Our community needs an Ida Tarbell, especially in an election year. If The Pinnacle is to be taken seriously as a newspaper, Kate’s column must be restored.
Paul Richard
Kudos for Main Street’s stand
Kudos to the powers that be at the Pinnacle for finally taking a stand against DOG worshipping Kate Woods and her semi-monopoly of Pinnacle print space. I actually liked the Badlands opinionated column when it was just that, an opinion but when opinions begin to cloud and distort actual news, that is where I draw the line.
Journalism 101, reporting is an account of the facts, a reporter’s opinion has no business in a news story. If you want people to know what your opinion is, write a column.
Ron Silva
Online Pinnacle reader
What country are we living in?
We are living in frightening times. Our president believes “there should be limits on freedom.” The Pinnacle will allow a reporter to be muzzled.The Patriot Act passed by two measly votes, with an attachment for the building of prison “camps” here on U.S. soil. India will build nukes with our blessing. The Freelance publishes unflattering photos of petty criminals because it wants to help law enforcement. (Right. Rat out your neighbors. Call Curtis Hill if they don’t mow their lawns or have a POS auto in the driveway.)
And Hollisterites eat it up! “We love the drunken biker rally with the naked boobies.” “Support our troops or shut your yap!” “Where’s all the nice news?” and of course “the VTA is a communist conspiracy.”
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Tara Larkin
Pinnacle has a screw loose
Without Kate Woods, there is no reason for me to bother reading the Pinnacle. I live in Morgan Hill and the Times is a very good newspaper. (Maybe they have an opening for a columnist?)
I question the sanity of the Pinnacle’s management in cutting Woods out … agree with her or not, she had many readers. Perhaps some lawyers are at work here, and the suits don’t want the heat.
Jack Powers
Morgan Hill
Bush critics exude tired rhetoric
I’m not sure what happened with this whole “Kate Woods” saga. Based on the Letters I’ve been reading it sounds like censorship or banishment for whatever reason. Maybe she was fired – who knows.  Frankly I don’t care. I just want to let all of her supporters know that they need not worry; they can still feed themselves with the same old played out anti-Bush rhetoric from Aljazeera, Michael Moore, the New York Times and
Aaron William Rodriguez
Bushbots are at home in Hollister
It’s unfortunate that the Pinnacle no longer has “the other side of the story” to counterbalance the all too familiar “W knows best” mindset that is prevalent in San Benito County. While I did not always agree with her, by dismissing Kate, Hollister has proved once again that it is indeed home to the Hayseeds.
K. Bengard
Mountain View