Outsourcing News Reporting to India? Enough Is Enough
Outsourcing News Reporting to India? Enough Is Enough
After reading several articles about outsourcing newspaper coverage of local council meetings in Pasadena to India, I decided, “Enough is enough!”
This country is already outsourcing jobs in many industries to other countries, while our own workers seek jobs at often lower wages than they need, to live!
Much of the outsourcing includes jobs in banking and other industries making our identity theft problems even more questionable, with too many people in too many countries knowing our private business.
Local reporters know the local politicians, and many of the public who speak at meetings. They know their humor, their unique idiosyncrasies, understand their regional dialects and very specific, local quips and idioms!
I say, no more outsourcing. Keep our jobs local and employ Americans and especially keep our newspapers local.
Ruth Erickson
Local Republicans Stooping to Half-Truths, Ignoring Safety
I received in the mail a post card from the San Benito County Republican Party, which I feel was inappropriate and misguided.
It asked me to vote no on the mosquito abatement district assessment.
Here is my answer, which I hope you will print.
To San Benito County Republican Party:
The post card that I received from you is one of the most brazen attempts I have seen to try to influence voters with half-truths. It is an embarrassment as a Republican, to think the party leadership in this county would condone such a message.
It is very sad that you are appealing only to the emotions about cost with apparently no concern for the safety of the citizens of this county.
John H. Sitton