Brittany Slaton, daughter of Teresa and Doug Slaton Jr. of
Hollister, who was competing as Miss Clovis Rodeo, is now the proud
Miss California Rodeo Salinas 2009.
Brittany Slaton, daughter of Teresa and Doug Slaton Jr. of Hollister, who was competing as Miss Clovis Rodeo, is now the proud Miss California Rodeo Salinas 2009.
Brittany Slaton was named Miss California Rodeo Salinas 2009 at the first performance of the 99th California Rodeo Salinas on Thursday, according to a press release from California Rodeo Salinas.
Brittany competed against seven other ladies competing for the coveted title and came out on top. She will represent the California Rodeo Salinas “as they begin to honor and celebrate 100 Years of Rodeo in 2010,” according to the statement.
She is 20 years old and is currently studying at Gavilan College working to achieve an associate’s degree in communications with plans to transfer to California State University, Fresno to earn her bachelor’s degree. According to the press release: “She has been riding horses since age 11 competing in English and Western Pleasure. In high school she began participating in 4-H and high school rodeo events such as barrel racing, pole bending and cutting. Most recently she has been active in reining classes. While actively competing in and acquiring titles to various horse and rodeo organizations she has enjoyed being a representative of rodeo, the equine industry and the western way of life. Outside of the arena Brittany enjoys dancing, baking and photography.”
During her reign as Miss California Rodeo Salinas, she will represent the California Rodeo Salinas at rodeos through out California and Nevada, according to the rodeo.
The California Rodeo Salinas will celebrate 100 Years of Tradition July 15-18 in 2010. The California Rodeo Association is a nonprofit organization that strives to preserve and promote the traditions of the California Rodeo Salinas and the West.