A man driving a Mercury SUV sustained injuries this morning when he went off the road on Union Highway and collided with a tree. The man was conscious and talking around 10:10 a.m., when he was airlifted to Stanford Medical Center for treatment.
A CHP officer said his medical status was still being determined when he was airlifted but he was conscious and talking.
Rescue units from Calfire, Hollister Fire Department and American Medical Response spent about 40 minutes extracting the man from the vehicle. After they got him out on a backboard, the paramedics checked his vitals and moved him into an ambulance to await the arrival of an air ambulance.
The accident was initially reported at 8:45 a.m., with reports of a possible car and tree on fire. CHP Officer Luis Alvarez said there was no fire.
“He was traveling eastbound (on Union Road) and veering left at about 35 to 40 miles an hour straight to the tree,” Alvarez said.
The cause of the accident is still under investigation.