As we welcome 2009, the staff of the Weekend Pinnacle invites
you to take a final look back at 2008. Photographers Daniel A.
Cressman, Nick Lovejoy and Sarah Regnier, along with Publisher Mark
Paxton and City Editor Melissa Flores, captured San Benito County
residents each month at work, at play – generally just living life
in this beautiful and unique area we are proud to call home.
As we welcome 2009, the staff of the Weekend Pinnacle invites you to take a final look back at 2008. Photographers Daniel A. Cressman, Nick Lovejoy and Sarah Regnier, along with Publisher Mark Paxton and City Editor Melissa Flores, captured San Benito County residents each month at work, at play – generally just living life in this beautiful and unique area we are proud to call home.