More sign damage has been reported in the Measure J campaign, this time with obscene graffiti found on a prominent sign along San Benito Street.
Sara Andrade said a co-worker Thursday morning found the obscene vandalism all over two large pro-Measure J signs placed on the lawn of her insurance business near San Benito High School. There were also various small signs stolen from the lawn as well, Andrade said.
She removed one of the vandalized signs, but covered graffiti on the other and left it standing.
“It’s bringing more attention to the sign than before,” said Andrade, who had not reported it to police “They’re turning their necks to look at it.”
The stolen and damaged signs continue a trend experienced on both sides of the Measure J campaign.
The No on Measure J side issued the following statement in light of the damage on San Benito Street.
“The No on Measure J campaign appreciates that passion on both sides of the debate over the future of petroleum operations in San Benito County and the fate of our local energy industry.
We also strongly encourage our supporters to stick to positive expressions of that passion and trust the Yes on J campaign does, too.
Both campaigns are reporting defacement, destruction and theft of campaign signs. We ask our supporters and other Measure J opponents to respect the Yes on J campaign, its campaign signs and community members we encounter on the street or online who see the election differently than us.”