All Around Sports for preschoolers
– The YMCA is taking registration for the All Around Sports
program. Three sessions are available for the summer, at $30 each,
or $80 for all three. They include soccer at Dunne Park, June
18-July 2, basketball at Rancho San Justo Middle School, July
16-30, and Tee-ball at Dunne Park, Aug. 13-27.
The sessions are open to children 2
½ to 5 years old. Kids 2 ½ to 3 meet from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30
a.m. Ages 3 ½ to 5 meet from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Kids will learn basic technique, skill and understanding of the
rules of the game. The goal of the camp is to give the kids an easy
understanding and confidence-building experience in the environment
of youth sports.
For more information or to register, call 637-8600.
All Around Sports for preschoolers
HOLLISTER – The YMCA is taking registration for the All Around Sports program. Three sessions are available for the summer, at $30 each, or $80 for all three. They include soccer at Dunne Park, June 18-July 2, basketball at Rancho San Justo Middle School, July 16-30, and Tee-ball at Dunne Park, Aug. 13-27.
The sessions are open to children 2 ½ to 5 years old. Kids 2 ½ to 3 meet from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Ages 3 ½ to 5 meet from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Kids will learn basic technique, skill and understanding of the rules of the game. The goal of the camp is to give the kids an easy understanding and confidence-building experience in the environment of youth sports.
For more information or to register, call 637-8600.
Learn to play bridge
HOLLISTER – Starting July 26, for five weeks, residents can learn to play bridge or brush up on their skills Tuesday mornings. Instruction is 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., and supervised play is 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The cost is $10 per session. Classes are held at Dunne Park in the Clubhouse. Please sign up in advance.
For more information or to sign up, call Linda King at 801-9257.
Social Media Marketing workshop
HOLLISTER – A Social Media Marketing Workshop will be held June 30, at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito St., Rm. 204, in Hollister.
From 8:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m., the topic will be “A Best Practices and Strategy Overview for Small Businesses and Non-profits,” which will cover social media networks and how to make marketing simple. From 10:05 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the topic will be “How to Do E-mail Marketing Well.” The session will include information on reaching customers and clients through professional e-mail communications, including strategies for getting and keeping quality subscribers, increasing deliverability and open rates, how to avoid being a spammer, and tips for successful e-mail campaigns.
The workshops are free and will be hosted by Elyse Tager, of Constant Contact.
The event is sponsored by the Economic Development Corporation, the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, the city of Hollister, the Hollister Downtown Association and Constant Contact.
Summer Studio Art
TRES PINOS – Evelyn Pogrowski, of San Benito Art Academy, will be offering three outdoor workshops June 18, July 11 and August 11, from 10 a.m. to noon at the San Benito County Historical Park, in Tres Pinos. Registration for the three-day workshop is $50. Artists will do botanical and landscape pieces in pencil, charcoal and pastels. All levels are welcome. Bring a chair, large sketch pad, hat and picnic lunch.
To RSVP or for more questions, call Evelyn Pogrowski at 760-6404.
Si, Se Puede seeks donations
HOLLISTER – The Si, Se Puede Learning Center, of Hollister and Gilroy, are seeking donations for educational field trips. During the summer program, staff members and volunteers take the at-risk students on field trips to places around the region. The summer program has enrolled 48 elementary school students and 20 adolescents.
In addition to the daily curriculum, fitness and sports sessions, and reading support, the program offers field trips. Due to the expensive transportation fees, donations are requested to make the field trips possible.
To donate, visit and search for Hollister, CA. Click on Race to Fund Educational Field Trips for At-Risk Youth.
The Si, Se Puede! Learning Center is completely operated by volunteers: AmeriCorps Volunteers, community volunteers, Gavilan College volunteers, and San Benito High School volunteers. Funds are low, but expectations remain high. Any donation will be greatly appreciated, and will directly affect the students of the SSPLC.
For more information, call Charles Miller at 637-9097.
Volunteers needed for Street Festival
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Downtown Association is looking for volunteers and vendors for the 25th Annual Street Festival and Car Show on July 16. Those interested in volunteering, can call 636-8406 or e-mail ev****@do***************.org.
Community Action Board seeks resident input
The Community Action Board members, the county board charged with reviewing state Community Development Block grant applications, are looking for input from residents about their top priorities for San Benito County.
The board members have created a survey to ask residents what their priorities are for the grant applications, which are submitted from local nonprofits. Enrique Arreola, the deputy director of the Community Services and Workforce Development department, said the board members want to have at least 1,000 surveys by June 30, so that CAB can take that information into account when reviewing submissions. The three-minute survey asks residents to list which of sixteen categories are very important to not at all important so that the board members can rank the top priorities in the community.
To complete the survey, visit and find the link on the page or go to
For more information on the survey or to complete it, call 637-9293.
Blood drive
HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will host a blood drive in Hollister, June 30, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Cultural Hall, 1670 Cienega Road. To find out more or schedule an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to and enter the sponsor code HOLLISTER.
Summer reading program seeks donations
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – Julie Englehardt, who is conducting story times at the San Juan Bautista Library, is seeking donations or sponsorships for the summer reading program. The donations are needed to get prizes to give out awards or books to the participating students.
Any business or person interested in donating can contact Engelhardt at 635-9674.
Rabies vaccination clinics
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Health Department and the Hollister Veterinary Clinic are working together to offer low-cost rabies immunizations for dogs and cats. Upcoming dates include July 13 and Aug. 17, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., in the Animal Shelter Parking Lot, 1331 South St., in Hollister. The fee is $9 per pet. Dogs should be leashed at all times and cats should be caged during the clinic.
To comply with county law, dogs and cats between four months to one year should be revaccinated within twelve months. Revaccinations should be every three years thereafter.
For more information, call the Environmental Health Division at 636-4035 or the Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.
HDA seeks volunteers
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Downtown Association is looking for civic-minded groups to help with watering the hanging planters on San Benito Street. Weekday and weekend time slots are available. Equipment and training will be provided.
For more information, call Brenda Weatherly at 636-8406.
Vet Center offers counseling services
HOLLISTER – The Santa Cruz County Vet Center, from Capitola, will offer one-to-one counseling services to all combat veterans experiencing readjustment issues or psychosocial problems, as well as veterans suffering from past military sexual trauma. Any combat veteran who is filing a claim for post-traumatic stress disorder will be able to obtain free, confidential evaluation and counseling the first and third Monday of each month, at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito St., in Hollister.
The counselor assigned to the building is Carolyn Carpenter, MSW, LCSW, and she will begin seeing clients in June. Call 464-4575 or 650-444-7381 to schedule an appointment.
Registration opens for Kids Rule camp
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company Children’s Summer Theatre Camp, Kids Rule, is taking registration. The camp runs June 20-24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The camp is open to students 6-13 years old. It includes workshops in ensemble music, dance movement, acting, improv, pantomime, small group vocal and much more.
For more information, call Kristy Burchard, the founder and camp director, at 636-6810.
Friends of the Library change meeting time
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the San Benito County Free Library have changed its monthly meetings to the fourth Monday of each month, at 5:30 p.m., at the library, 470 Fifth St., in Hollister.
For more information, call Ruth Erickson, president, at 637-0987.
Red Cross seeks volunteers
HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross, Monterey Bay Area Chapter is looking for volunteers to staff the Hollister chapter office. The chapter office is located at 357 Fifth St., and the hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shifts are four hours, once a week, but any hours will be considered.
For more information or to find out about volunteering, call the Red Cross office at 636-2100 or volunteer Howard at 297-3696.
Adult literacy tutors needed
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library is seeking volunteer tutors for its adult literacy program. The goal of the program is to reduce illiteracy within the county, raise education levels through instruction, teach the importance of reading to children and help local families or individuals become lifelong readers.
The program offers free tutoring to any resident of San Benito County. Learners meet weekly with trained volunteer tutors, for personalized one-on-one instruction and assignments. Tutors will be trained in supporting adults as they improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers should have knowledge of basic English spelling and grammar, must be 18 years of age, and willing to commit to at least 1.5 hours a week for six months.
For more information, call Wendy Kay or Rosa Garcia at 636-4107, ext. 20, or e-mail wk**@li*.us or rg*****@li*.us.
Thursdays at the symphony series
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Symphony Group is taking orders for the 2011-2012 San Francisco Symphony season. The group takes a bus from Dunne Park at 8:30 a.m. on the day of the performances and returns by 6:30 p.m.
Performances are Oct. 27, Feb. 2, and April 19 at 2 p.m. Prices are $201 for front orchestra; $288 for premium orchestra; $240 for orchestra; $180 for upper orchestra; $213 for premium first tier; $186 for first tier; $117 for premium second tier; and $90 for second tier.
All orders must be accompanied by payment and include a $15 handling fee. Patrons who wish to be seated together should send their forms in the same envelope. All tickets will be mailed in July to the name and address on the order form. If requesting upper orchestra, please give a second choice of seating.
For more information or for an order form, call Sally Crissman at 630-0750.
Kinship Center memberships available
HOLLISTER – Kinship Center Gabilan Chapter of San Benito County is accepting associate or family members. Associate memberships are $25 and family memberships are $100. Kinship Center’s mission is to help every child have a safe, loving family that will be there for a lifetime. Kinship Center helps place infants, children and teens who have been removed from their homes due to severe abuse, neglect or abandonment. Their goal is to place kids with adoptive families so they won’t have to spend time in foster care.
This year, Kinship hosted a May Open House, where guests got a personal look at the extreme needs in San Benito County and how Kinship helps traumatized children. They also added an educational component to the annual Wine and Food Tasting, at Paicines Ranch. Kids’ photos and stories decorated tables throughout the event.
Associate members can also purchase merchandise, such as a cookbook, totes, aprons and throw blankets.
For more information on supporting Kinship Center, call 634-0238 or visit 719 San Benito St., Suite A, in Hollister.
Students of the Constitution
HOLLISTER – Students of the Constitution is a monthly series that introduces people to the United States Constitution and other historic documents. It will be held the third Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m., at The Vault Restaurant. The event is free and open to anyone interested in attending. For more information, call 537-3611.
AARP Driver Safety program
HOLLISTER – The AARP Driver Safety Program is a refresher course for drivers who are age 50 and senior. AARP membership is not required. This course may be taken online at or in the classroom. The initial classroom version is an 8-hour course, which is normal taught in two-four hour sessions, and then a renewal class that is four hours long can be taken every three years.
All graduates receive a certificate that may entitled them to a reduction in their California auto insurance. The course covers age-related physical changes, declining perceptual skills and rules of the road. The classroom tuition is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non members. The online course may be taken in segments over a month or so and costs $15.95 for AARP members and $19.95 for non members.
Those interested in taking the course in a classroom can register for the course in Hollister on June 16, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., which will be held at the San Benito County Free Library, 490 Fifth St. To register, call Brian Lindberg at 408-307-6448. Other classes are scheduled in nearby towns. For a full schedule, visit
Pinnacle Quilters meets
HOLLISTER – The Pinnacle Quilters of San Benito County meets monthly in San Juan Bautista on the third Tuesday of the month in the San Juan Community Center, 10 San Jose St. A visitor fee of $5 is charged.
Masonic family group meeting
HOLLISTER – Athena Chapter No. 46 Order of the Eastern Star meets the first Wednesday of every month at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Building, corner of Fourth and San Benito streets in Hollister. For more information, call Sue Bishop at 637-3554.
The San Benito Lodge No. 211 meets the second Wednesday of every month at the Masonic building at 8 p.m. For more information, call Steve Carpenter at 637-9082.
GriefShare meetings continue
HOLLISTER – GriefShare, a Christ-centered recovery and support group for those who are grieving a loved one will meet at the home of Greg and Tricia Harvey, 145 Vine St. The group will meet for 13 weeks, Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The meetings include nationally recognized experts on grief and recovery topics. Seminar sessions include “God’s Prescription For Grief,” “The journey of Grief,” “The Effects of Grief,” “When Your Spouse Dies,” “Your Family and Grief,” and “Stuck in Grief.”
For more information, call Grace Bible Church at 638-1394 or Greg Harvey at 207-6560.
Bertuccio’s Market supports sports
HOLLISTER – Bertuccio’s Market has selected two days a week when the owners will donate 10 percent of the purchase price to local sports. Customers can come in on Sundays and mention the Balers to donate a portion of their purchase to the athletic fund at San Benito High School. Those who come in on Wednesday can mention Pop Warner Football and Cheer to donate 10 percent of the purchase.
Probation department seeks mentors
HOLLISTER – The probation department is seeking community members who are interested in becoming a mentor for a six-month to one-year period working with juveniles on probation. The program is a voluntary program for the students and requires a one-hour to three-hour commitment each month. Both male and female mentors are needed, as well as community members with a variety of career backgrounds.
Those interested in becoming a mentor are encouraged to fill out an application. After that, the potential mentors will go through an interview with Richard Vasquez and the fingerprinting process before they are paired with a student.
To find out more, call Vasquez at 636-4070 or e-mail yl***@co**.us.
Minimum qualifications for mentors:
– Be at least 21 years of age
– Not have been convicted of a felony or places on deferred adjudication for a felony offense within 10 years, not currently be on felony probation or parole and never have been convicted of a sex offense or be registered as a sex offender
– Possess a valid driver’s license or other form of valid identification
– Have reliable transportation and proof of liability insurance
– Possess a reasonably flexible schedule with the ability to maintain a long-term, one-on-one commitment
– Possess and be able to relate experiences which will enhance the mentoring relationship.
Veterans Medical Team to visit
HOLLISTER – The Veterans Administration Medical Team, from Palo Alto, will be having an outreach program for all Veterans on the first Tuesday of each month at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito St., from 1 to 5 p.m. The team will have doctors and nurses to address medical and mental issues as well as a Veteran Service Officer, who will process claims.
For more information, call 637-4846.
Learn to play bridge
HOLLISTER – Classes and duplicate bridge games are available at Dunne Park, in Hollister. For the full schedule, please call Linda King at 801-9257.
Art League calendar on sale
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Art League 2011 calendar, “San Benito County Life,” is now available for sale. The colorful calendar includes reproductions of original artwork by local artists, of barns and agriculture scenes. The calendars may be purchased at Country Rose Gallery, 722 San Benito St., or the Blak Sage Gallery, 727 San Benito St. All proceeds go toward San Benito High School scholarships.
For more information, call 634-1627 or 637-6062.
Co-Dependents Anonymous meets
HOLLISTER – A Co-Dependents Anonymous group meets Saturdays, from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Mars Hill, in the conference room, 610 San Benito St. Co-Dependents Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is recovery from codependence and the development and maintenance of healthy relationships. The group can help those experiencing denial, low self esteem, control issues (the lack or over use with yourself and others), or compliance issues.
Parkinson’s caregiver support group sets meetings for 2011
HOLLISTER – Family or friends who are caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s or other movement disorders, or those suffering form the disease can join a monthly support group that provides information on Parkinson’s disease, current medications and research, how to deal with the loss of function, develop good self care skills, and what steps are necessary to plan for the future. Monthly speakers address these issues as well as other issues such as finding community resources like home care, adult day care, transportation and other needed services that could be available to you and your family member. Speakers- are provided each month from different organizations on a variety of topics related to Parkinson’s disease or care giving
The group meets the first Tuesday of every month at the First Presbyterian Church, 2066 Cienega Road, in Hollister, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The meetings will be held in the new building, in front next to the parking lot. The scheduled meetings are May 3, June 7, Aug. 2, Oct. 4, Nov. 1 and Dec. 6. There will be no meeting in July or September.
Speakers and refreshments will be served at every meeting.
The group is sponsored by Jovenes de Antano, Health Projects Center and Parkinson’s Institute. No fees are required.
For more information, contact Kim Harman at 636-4977 or Shirley Kennedy at 637-3839.
Blue Star Moms meet monthly
HOLLISTER – The Hollister city group of the South Bay Blue Star Moms meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Those interested or who would like more information, should call Karol Burke at 801-6935, e-mail so***************@at*.net or visit
Library book sale
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the Library Saturday book sales are held in the book shed behind the library and the Historical Society, 470 Fifth St. from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday. It will be cancelled on rainy days. Books are available at $3 a bag, as are videos, tapes and more. Donations are accepted, as are donations of used and new books. For more information on the book sale, call 636-4107.
Members needed for library
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the San Benito County Free Library is recruiting new members and people to serve on the board to help plan the future of the library. The monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Due to the large increase in library cardholders and the increase in circulation, more help and input is welcome.
For more information, call Ruth Erickson at 637-0987.
San Benito Aquatics seeks members
HOLLISTER – San Benito Aquatics is a nonprofit, year-round swim team. They offer swim lessons, competition and non-competition swim team, masters swim and dry land training for all ages. Enrollment is open year-round. Coaches are on deck every day from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Rovella’s Gym.
For more information, call 630-3042 or visit
Seeking space for free library
HOLLISTER – Residents are seeking a small, rent-free place to hold a free library and share Catholic books. Anyone with a space, may contact Mario Corota at 636-5290.
Hollister Lions Club meets
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Lions Club holds its meeting at the Dunne Park Clubhouse on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.
For more information, call Sharon McCarthy at 630-0125.
Seniors needed for volunteer opportunities
HOLLISTER – The Monterey Bay Retired Senior Volunteer Program is looking for people 55 and older who would like to give back to their community by volunteering with one of the many nonprofits in San Benito County. RSVP provides a critical link between individual seniors in the community and nonprofit agencies. The group has been working to connect seniors to volunteer opportunities for 39 years. RSVP recruits, interviews and refers volunteers to more than 60 nonprofits.
Nonprofits are also welcome to contact RSVP if they are interested in connecting with volunteers.
For more information, call Regina Henderson, the outreach coordinator, at 427-5070 or e-mail re****@sc***************.org.
Low-cost helmets available to local kids
HOLLISTER – The Child Injury Prevention Coalition, in partnership with the San Benito County Public Health Department will be offering low-cost bicycle helmets at Off the Chain Bikes. Helmets are $5.
To get a voucher, families need to present a WIC or Medi-Cal card, along with a valid form of ID. Vouchers for a low-cost helmet can be purchased at the Public Health Department Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 439 Fourth St. Payment is due when picking up the voucher.
For more information, call Public Health at 637-5367.
Ladies Auxiliary meeting
HOLLISTER – The Ladies Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 9242, meets the second Monday of the month to the second Saturday of the month. Meetings start at 2 p.m., Room 204, Veterans Building, 649 San Benito St.
For more information, call Dolly De Vasier at 637-1980.
Caregiver support and education group meets
HOLLISTER – The Caregiver support and education group, formerly the Alzheimer’s support group, meets the second Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. The meeting is facilitated by Kim Harman, who said the name has been changed to reflect that the group is open to any caregivers who are helping someone with dementia or memory impairment. Pamphlets and books on Alzheimer’s can also be checked out from a resource library at the Community Center. For more information, call 459-6639, ext. 16. The group is sponsored by Jovenes de Antano and the Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center.
Team Baler continues monthly fundraisers
HOLLISTER – In an effort to raise $100,000 to avoid cutbacks to athletic programs at San Benito High School, Team Baler will be hosting a monthly tri-tip barbecue on the second Wednesday of every month. Partners for the fundraiser include Progresso’s Tamale Parlor and Hollister Drive-In Market.
Those interested in being part of Team Baler, Balers Supporting Baler Athletes, can pick up a donation form at the San Benito High School student payment center, the student activities office or go to the athletics page, and click on the Team Baler link.
Singles dinner group
HOLLISTER – There is a singles dinner for individuals 50 and over, every third Saturday of each month. Each month, a member of the group will host a potluck-style meal, offering up a main course while other members provide side dishes, appetizers or desserts. For more information, contact Sandi Gowers at sg*****@sb*******.net.
Al-anon meetings
HOLLISTER – Al-anon meets Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito St.
Grief and loss support groups
HOLLISTER – Central Coast VNA and Hospice is offering free grief and loss support groups in Hollister, Monterey, Salinas and Gilroy. Central Coast VNA and Hospice has been providing quality in home care, end of life care and community health services as well as support for those struggling with grief and loss. The support is provided by bereavement specialists, spiritual care counselors and licensed social workers. The Hollister group meets at the Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the first Tuesday of every month.
For more information, call Mick Erickson, the bereavement coordinator and counselor, at 758-8243.
Returning Catholics group
HOLLISTER – Sacred Heart-St. Benedict Parish hosts a weekly meeting on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. for returning Catholics. The gathering is an opportunity for participants to understand the church through presentations, questions and discussion. Those who have left the church and are interested in returning are encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact Dolores Fenzel, the adult faith formation coordinator, at 637-9212.
Class of ’81 preps for reunion
HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School class of 1981 will hold its 30-year class reunion Aug. 13, at the Hollister Elk’s Lodge. The cost of the event is $45 per person.
For more information, e-mail Anita Warren at an*********@ho*****.com or Tony Ureno at To***********@ch*****.net.
Class of 1961 seeks members
HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School Class of 1961 is requesting help in finding the following classmates: Frank Barberi, Jeffrey Cane, Louise Capitanich, Norma Lee Cole, Livio De Biasio, Eileen Degang, Donald Fairley, John Garcia, Angelina Gonzales Alvarez, Steve Green, Johnny Hedrick, William Hill, Jeffery Kane, Sayeko Katashima, San Juana Martinez, Kaye Miura, Pat Nordin, Terry Nunes, Jackqueline Rashe, Jean Rodgers, Lucy Rodriguez and John Stevens.
Call Barbara Poggi 637-7539 or Patsy Zuniga at 637-6062 if you have any information on how to contact any of these people.
Redwood education grants available
SAN FRANCISCO – The Save the Redwoods League, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting ancient giant redwoods, is offering education grants for schools, park cooperating associations and nonprofits that can provide redwoods education in and out of the classroom. The league will award up to $100,000 total in grants to fund redwood education programs and create opportunities for people of all ages to visit and learn about redwood forests.
Proposals are requested for projects that:
Provided engaging, firsthand experiences in redwood forests for people of all ages and diverse backgrounds; help K-12 classroom teachers teach students about redwoods; foster the sharing of redwood resources or evaluate the existing redwood education programs; engage the public in redwood forest research through citizen science projects.
For more information or to apply for a grant, visit
Bear Gulch Cave to be closed temporarily
PINNACLES – The upper and lower Bear Gulch cave will be entirely closed through July 15 to allow Townsend Big Eared Bats to raise their young. The bats, which are listed by the State of California as a species of special concern, raise their young (pups) and hibernate in the cave. After July 15, the lower half of the cave will reopen. These dates are tentative depending on the activity of the bats.
When visiting the cave, please remember that it is the home of a sensitive species. To avoid disturbing the bats, please keep voices down. If you happen to see a bat in either of the park’s caves, please do not disturb it or shine your light directly on it.
The Bear Gulch Cave (closer to the east entrance of the park) and the Balconies Cave (closer to the west entrance) both offer the opportunity to explore a talus cave. Please remember to bring flashlights and wear sturdy shoes. Seasonal streams run through both caves, and the rocks can be slippery when the stream is flowing.
For more information please contact the Pinnacles Visitor Center at 389-4485 or visit When visiting Pinnacles National Monument, please be aware that no gas stations are available in the park.