music in the park, psychedelic furs

Animal control investigates pit bull attacks
– Hollister Police Animal Control Officers responded to three
separate calls regarding pit bulls Feb. 18. The first incident
occurred at 8 a.m. in the area of Monterey and Seventh streets. A
pit bull escaped from its yard and attacked a dog being walked on a
leash. The owner of the pit bull ran af
ter the dog after seeing it run off the property. When the pit
bull attacked the other dog, the pit bull’s owner tried to separate
the two. The other dog bit the pit bull’s owner. The pit bull was
impounded pending investigation and the other dog was placed on a
10-day quarantine.
At 10 a.m., officers responded to El Toro Drive after a man
reported he was attacked in his front yard by an at-large pit bull.
The man and his dog were in his front yard when the pit bull
attacked his dog. The man was bitten by the pit bull when he tried
to break up the fight. He was taken to Hazel Hawkins Hospital for
treatment and the pit bull was impounded for a 10-day
At 3 p.m., officers received a call of a pit bull at large on
Sally Street. The pit bull was located and found to be aggressive.
The officers chased the dog to a residence in the 200 block of
Sally Street, where they found two other pit bulls tethered to a
tree. All three dogs were impounded due to poor living conditions,
and for other health and safety code violations.
Hollister Police Animal Control Officers are still actively
investigating all three incidents. Anyone with information
regarding these incidents is requested to contact Animal Control
Officer Lainy Watkins at 636-4320. Persons wishing to remain
anonymous can call WeTIP at 1-800-78-CRIME (1-800-782-7463.)
Animal control investigates pit bull attacks

HOLLISTER – Hollister Police Animal Control Officers responded to three separate calls regarding pit bulls Feb. 18. The first incident occurred at 8 a.m. in the area of Monterey and Seventh streets. A pit bull escaped from its yard and attacked a dog being walked on a leash. The owner of the pit bull ran after the dog after seeing it run off the property. When the pit bull attacked the other dog, the pit bull’s owner tried to separate the two. The other dog bit the pit bull’s owner. The pit bull was impounded pending investigation and the other dog was placed on a 10-day quarantine.

At 10 a.m., officers responded to El Toro Drive after a man reported he was attacked in his front yard by an at-large pit bull. The man and his dog were in his front yard when the pit bull attacked his dog. The man was bitten by the pit bull when he tried to break up the fight. He was taken to Hazel Hawkins Hospital for treatment and the pit bull was impounded for a 10-day quarantine.

At 3 p.m., officers received a call of a pit bull at large on Sally Street. The pit bull was located and found to be aggressive. The officers chased the dog to a residence in the 200 block of Sally Street, where they found two other pit bulls tethered to a tree. All three dogs were impounded due to poor living conditions, and for other health and safety code violations.

Hollister Police Animal Control Officers are still actively investigating all three incidents. Anyone with information regarding these incidents is requested to contact Animal Control Officer Lainy Watkins at 636-4320. Persons wishing to remain anonymous can call WeTIP at 1-800-78-CRIME (1-800-782-7463.)

Hollister Courthouse design approved

SAN FRANCISCO – The State Public Works Board has approved preliminary plans for the New Hollister Courthouse, bringing the long-awaited project one step closer to the start of construction. The new building will be a two-story, 41,500-square-foot structure that includes space for three courtrooms, a jury assembly room, a centrally located public counter for civil and criminal issues, family court services, court administration, security operations, a holding area and facility support space.

The design, by architecture firm SmithGroup, incorporates several energy-efficient and conservation measures that will make the building environmentally sustainable. The building’s features will qualify it to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certificatin by the U.S. Green Building Council.

The approval by SPWB Feb. 17 marks completion of the preliminary plans phase and enables the project to move into working drawings. Kitchell Contractors, Inc., the construction-manager-at-risk for the courthouse, is scheduled to solicit bids for construction in winter 2010, with prequalification to begin in summer 2010. Kitchell will perform local outreach to ensure that local qualified subcontractors and local suppliers have the opportunity to participate. Construction is scheduled to begin Feb. 2011 and expected to be completed in fall 2012. The $36.2 million project, managed by the Administrative Office of the Courts, was funded from the Sate Court Facilities Construction Fund.

Project information can be found online at

Graffiti abatement day

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Police Department is sponsoring a graffiti abatement day March 27. Volunteers ages 15 years and older can sign up to help out by March 26 at 5 p.m. Registration forms may be obtained at the Hollister Police Department, 395 Apollo Way; Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.; or the Hollister Utility Department, 1291 South St. They can also be downloaded at the Police Department’s Web site at Volunteers under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by a supervising adult.

Volunteers will meet at 9:15 a.m. at the City of Hollister Corporation Yard, 1321 South St. The event will last two and a half to three hours, and will encompass several locations in the city.

For more information, call Sgt. David Westrick at 636-4330.

VA Mobile Medical Team visits

HOLLISTER – The VA Mobile Medical Team and the Mobile Vet Center will be at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito St., March 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eligible veterans can see the team. They will be giving out information on VA health benefits and enrollment, as well as information on homeless and substance abuse programs.

For more information, contact Kate Severin, the VA outreach coordinator at 650-493-3000, ext. 22581 or Richard Herrera at 801-7424.

Registration starts for Methodist preschool

HOLLISTER – The Methodist Preschool, 521 Monterey St., is holding registration for summer school and the 2010/11 school year. Returning families can register March 9, at 8 a.m.; alumni families can register March 9, at 12:30 p.m.; and new families can register March 10, at 8 a.m.

For questions or for more information, call 637-4240

Auditions for upcoming El Teatro shows

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – El Teatro Campesino is holding open auditions for upcoming shows in the 2010 season. Some of the scheduled shows include “Corridos!! Tales of the Mexican Revolution,” “A Workshop Production of the Popol Vuh,” “El Fin del Mundo” and “La Virgen del Tepeyac.”

Auditions will be Feb. 27, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those auditioning should be prepared with a monologue, a song and be ready to dance. If you are interested in technical aspects or volunteering for the internship program, stop by as well.

El Teatro Campesino Playhouse is located at 705 Fourth St., in San Juan Bautista. For more information, call 261-4838 or e-mail St*******@el***************.com.

Retired teachers’ meeting

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County chapter of California Retired Teachers will hold its next business meeting March 3, at 10:30 a.m., at Paine’s Restaurant, in Hollister. Following the meeting, a luncheon will be served with a choice of teriyaki steak or chicken Jerusalem.

The guest speaker will be Al De Vos, the newly hired gang coordinator, who will speak on gang statistics in Hollister and about his job.

Great garlic cook-off accepts recipe submissions

GILROY – The Gilroy Garlic Festival committee and staff are now accepting recipe submissions for the Great Garlic Cook-off amateur cooking competition through May 1.

The Great Garlic Cook-Off will be held July 24, at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, where eight finalists from the field of entries will be selected to appear on stage at the Cook-Off to prepare their submissions. The original recipes must include a minimum of six cloves of fresh garlic or three tsps. of chopped or minced garlic. The recipes have to be prepared and presented to a panel of six judges in two hours. The eight finalists receive travel and lodging accommodations.

The 2010 Great Garlic Cook-Off Champion will receive $1,000 and the ceremonial crown of garlic. Second prize is $750 and third prize is $500.

Last year’s winner was Andrew Barth, of Winnetka, who won with his recipe for spicy garlic butter cookies with garlic goat cheese and honey.

Entries can be submitted to the Gilroy Garlic Festival Cook-Off, P.O. Box 2311, Gilroy, CA, 95021-2311, or by e-mail to cl***@gi******************.com. Submissions should come in recipe form and include a photograph of the final dish.

Registration starts for Cardinals

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Cardinals Spring Ball Football teams are still accepting registration at the Rancho San Justo field, Feb. 27 from 10 a.m. to noon for players 5-16. The cost is $175 for all players. Unlimited weights for midget players, and $100 registration. For more information, call 664-6481 or visit

Better Breathers Club

MORGAN HILL – Breathe California will host a Better Breathers Club meeting Tuesday, March 9, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at DePaul Health Center, 18550 DePaul Circle, in Morgan Hill. The meeting is a resource and support group for people suffering form lung disease, and their family members. At these meetings, guests from various health disciplines speak to the group about ways to breathe easier and more effectively manage their disease, with the goal of improving an overall quality of life. The meeting will feature Ricardo Cordes, a culinary arts teacher.

For more information, call 408-998-5865 or

Al-anon meetings

HOLLISTER – Al-anon meets Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Mars Hill Coffehouse, 610 San Benito St.

Hospital scholarship applications available

HOLLISTER – Applications for the 2010 Hazel Hawkins Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Awards are now available. Each year the Auxiliary awards scholarships to students who are pursuing a medical or medically oriented career. The total amount awarded to each recipient will be at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

Auxiliary members put in thousands of hours throughout the year running a thrift shop, the hospital gift shop and organizing their annual craft and antique faire in order to fund scholarships and purchase equipment for Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital.

To be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must:

Be a high school graduate (or equivalent)

Be a resident of San Benito County for a minimum of one continuous year

Be enrolled in a health-related course of study at an accredited institution.

The deadline to apply is April 16.

A complete list of eligibility rules and application packets are available at Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital Lobby, San Benito High School, Gavilan College, on the hospital Web site at or by contacting Frankie Arballo in the HHH public relations office at 636-2644 for additional information.

Second dosage due for H1N1

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Public Health Department would like to remind parents of children 2 years through 9 years of age who received their first dose of H1N1 vaccine to get their second dose of the vaccine. The CDC’s recommendation is for all children in this age group to get the recommended two doses of H1N1 vaccine approximately one month apart for the optimal immune response.

Free H1N1 Vaccinations are available at the SBC Public Health Department by appointment only on Wednesday from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Call 637-5367 to schedule an appointment.

In addition, SBC Public Health Department in a collaborative effort with First 5 San Benito is offering free on-site clinics for H1N1 vaccinations throughout San Benito County schools and preschools. To find out if and when an on-site clinic is being offered at a specific school or preschool, interested persons can contact the Public Health Department for additional information.

Free film series for seniors

MORGAN HILL – Gavilan College is offering a free film series for seniors 55 and older at the Morgan Hill Community Playhouse, Wednesdays, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. through May 26. The course is open entry, meaning participants do not need to attend all the sessions. The course is noncredit.

Instructor Grant Richards is a graduate of Gilroy High School and Gavilan College, who earned his B.A. in liberal arts at California State University, Chico, and an M.A. from Sacramento State University. He teaches film history and film production at Gavilan College.

Some of the films that will be screened include “Goldrush,” “Psycho,” “Regarding Henry,” “Stranger Than Fiction” and more.

Students can register by calling 408-852-4859.

Tax help starts

HOLLISTER – The American Association of Retired Persons Tax-Aide program offers free personal tax counseling and preparation assistance to all taxpayers with middle and low income, with special attention to those 60 and older. On Mondays and Fridays through April 13, volunteers will be at the Hollister Community Center, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., to offer help. Appointments are required and residents are asked to bring their tax package they receive in the mail, last year’s return, and all relevant information on income and expense. Volunteer counselors are not trained to assist in preparing tax returns that report business, rental or partnership income.

For more information, or to make an appointment, call Irma at 630-0642.

Additional tax help is available to low-income individuals, seniors and other eligible taxpayers on Tuesday evenings from 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the San Benito County Free Library through April 13 through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. Limited appointments are available. Contact Betty at 636-4107, ext. 18 during library hours to set up an appointment, or e-mail bm****@li*.us. Participants should be bring this year’s tax booklet, a photo ID, social security card, W-2 form, 1099 form, verification of other income, deductions and credits, and a copy of last year’s tax return.

Clean air art contest

MONTEREY – The Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District is inviting students in first through eighth grade in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties to participate in its 12th annual Clean Air Month Calendar Art Contest.

The theme this year is “Let’s Clear the Air.” Students can show how their families can improve air quality through biking, walking, carpooling, riding the bus, telecommuting or other ideas. The deadline to submit posters is March 19, 2010.

The contest will commemorate Clean Air Month at an awards ceremony May 19, at the Air District’s board meeting, where 13 award recipients will be announced. In addition, the artwork will be featured in a 2010 calendar.

Please submit artwork to the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, 24580 Silver Cloud Court, Monterey, CA 93940.

Student art contest 2010

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – The Native Daughters of the Golden West (NDGW), Parlor #179 of San Juan Bautista, is sponsoring a Student Art Competition to encourage the interest of students and the general public in the historical and natural treasures of California, around the theme “Connect, Communicate, Change.” The contest is open to all students in grades 9 through 12 in any school in San Benito County. Enrollment in an art or photography class is not required.

Basic guidelines state that all art work must be original student work of a California landmark or historical location that played a part in the history of California. Also allowed are original illustrations of an event or people, portraying an historical event or period in California. Student photography guidelines state that students may enter photographs of any historic site, park, natural, formation or fauna that contributes to the natural beauty of California. All artwork and photographs must be accompanied by an entry form that includes a brief description of the subject and the reason the subject is important and relevant to the State of California. Entries may be prepared in class, with suggestions and input from others, but the artwork and photographs must be those of the students.

There will be an outside guest juror to select the artworks best suited for awards at both the local and state levels. The first place winners of the local level, will also be entered in a contest at the state level of the NDGW. All original artworks and photographs are due by May 1. All entries must be accompanied by an entry form, available from all high school fine arts departments in San Benito County. The pick-up date for all artwork is June 5, except for first place winners, whose works will be delivered to the state level NDGW student contest. First place winners will be contacted to pick up their works after June 15. Darlene Boyd is available to answer inquiries at 623-2750.

Singles dinner group

HOLLISTER – There is a singles dinner for 50+ individuals, every third Saturday of each month. The dinner has rotating hosts with potluck style meals. The next dinner will be Feb. 20. For more information, contact Sandi Gowers at sg*****@sb*******.net.

Lenten book study

HOLLISTER – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will host a Lenten book study on “The Violence of Love” by Oscar Romero. For more information, or to participate, call the church office or Rev. Amy Denney Zuniga at 637-7570 or e-mail st****@ga****.com.

Parkinson’s caregiver support group

HOLLISTER – Family or friends who are caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s or those suffering form the disease can join a monthly support group that provides information on Parkinson’s disease, current medications and research, how to deal with the loss of function, develop good self care skills, and what steps are necessary to plan for the future. Monthly speakers address these issues as well as other issues such as finding community resources like home care, adult day care, transportation and other needed services that could be available to you and your family member. Speakers- are provided each month from different organizations on a variety of topics related to Parkinson’s disease or care giving

The group meets the first Tuesday of every month at the First Presbyterian Church, 2066 Cienega Road, in Hollister, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

The group is sponsored by Jovenes de Antano, Health Projects Center and Parkinson’s Institute. No fees are required.

For more information, contact Kim Harman at 636-4977 or Shirley Kennedy at 673-3839.

GriefShare meetings continue

HOLLISTER – GriefShare, a Christ-centered recovery and support group for those who are grieving a love one meets at Grace Bible Church, on the corner of Sixth and Monterey streets, Mondays at 7 p.m. The meetings include nationally recognized experts on grief and recovery topics. Seminar sessions include “God’s Prescription For Grief,” “The journey of Grief,” “The Effects of Grief” “When Your Spouse Dies” “Your Family and Grief” and “Stuck in Grief.”

For more information, call 637-1394.

Alzheimer’s support group

HOLLISTER – The Alzheimer’s support group meets the second Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Pamphlets and books on Alzheimer’s can also be checked out from a resource library at the Community Center. For more information, call 636-8838.

Grief and loss support groups

HOLLISTER – Central Coast VNA and Hospice is offering free grief and loss support groups in Hollister, Monterey, Salinas and Gilroy. Central Coast VNA and Hospice has been providing quality in home care, end of life care and community health services as well as support for those struggling with grief and loss. The support is provided by bereavement specialists, spiritual care counselors and licensed social workers. The Hollister group meets at the Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the first and third Monday of every month.

The Gilroy group meets at the Kaiser Medical Center, 7520 Arroyo Circle, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of every month. A Salinas group that focuses on the death of a pet meets at the SPCA for Monterey County, 1002 Hwy. 68, from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The Monterey group meets at the Visiting Nurses Association, 5 Lower Ragsdale Drive, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. A Salinas group meets at the Salinas Valley Comprehensive Cancer Center, 501 East Romie Lane, from 4:30 to 6 p.m., on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.

For more information, call Tony Price, the bereavement coordinator and counselor, at 758-8243 or e-mail aj*****@cc***.com.

Library book sale

HOLLISTER – The Friends of the Library Saturday book sales will be held in the book shed behind the library and the Historical Society, 470 Fifth St. from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday in November. It will be cancelled on rainy days. Books are available at $2 a bag, as are videos, tapes and more. Donations are accepted, as are donations of used and new books. For more information on the book sale, call 636-4107.

Census Bureau hiring in South County

TRES PINOS – The U.S. Census Bureau is kicking off their 2010 census and looking for individuals interested in employment with good pay, flexible hours and paid training.

Test sessions are currently being held, with more now being scheduled in San Benito. Recruiters are securing sites and setting up dates for rural San Benito County as well, with testing sites to include Immaculate Conception Church in Tres Pinos, Jefferson School in Paicines and Bitterwater Tully School in the Paicines / Bitterwater area.

Call 866-861-2010 or 831-998-9670 for more information.

Foundation launches ‘Friends’ campaign

HOLLISTER – The Community Foundation for San Benito County is launching its Friends of the Community Foundation fundraising drive. Adults can become a friend by donating $35 and children under 18 can be become a friend with a donation of $5.

The money donated is used to fund a variety of programs each year through grants for arts and culture, education and youth, health and social services, agriculture and environment, community enhancement and economic development. Friends will receive an annual newsletter and an invitation to a special yearly event.

Some of the agencies to receive grants form the Community Foundation in recent years include Oriana Chorale, Fishes and Loves food pantry, the Hollister Youth Alliance, Community Food Bank and the San Benito County Heritage Foundation, among others.

The Community Foundation also administers scholarship funds, unrestricted endowments and donor-advised endowments.

For more information, visit, stop by 829 San Benito St., Ste. 200, in Hollister or call 630-1924.

ARC offers classes in Hollister

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross Hollister Service Center is conducting CPR and first aid classes. Classes through February are available for registration.

For more information, on enrolling in the classes or for the full schedule and registration, visit or call 636-2100. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 357 Fifth St.

Red Barn run set for May

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – The Red Barn Run is scheduled for May 23, at 10 Windhaven Ranch in San Juan Bautista, to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The registration fee for the 5K is $38 and for the 10K is $43. Fees will increase May 1.

Registration cost entitles entrants to a souvenir T-shirt, a barbecue lunch and a free beer for participants 21 and over. Live music will be provided by The Local Groove, and participants can receive a complimentary leg massage. Awards will be given for first, second and third place in each divsion.

For more informaiton, to volunteer or to register visit

WERC volunteers needed

MORGAN HILL – The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center in Morgan Hill is accepting applications for volunteers who care about wildlife and who are available to work during the morning, one day a week. Duties include cleaning, feeding, and caring for injured, orphaned or sick native wildlife. All volunteers are required to be at least 16 years old. Volunteers at our site work a 3-4 hour shift and are asked to make a three-month commitment.

WERC operates under permits issued by the California Department of Fish and Game, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

For more information, e-mail ed*******@we*****.org or go to our Web site at

House watch program

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Sheriff’s Office is offering a House Watch Program for county residents who are going on vacation or going out of the area for any length of time.

To participate in the program, residents can fill out a House Watch information form on the Sheriff’s Office Web site and fax to 636-1416 or mail the form to the Sheriff’s Office at 451 Fourth St., Hollister, CA 95023.

For more information, call 636-4080 or visit

Homeless shelter needs donations

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Homeless Shelter is in need of donations of warm blankets and paper products such as dinner plates, hot/cold cups, napkins, paper towels and personal-size toiletries.

This interested in helping out can call Kathy Hough at 801-0265 or Cilly Fisher at 637-6357.

Donations needed for Rancho fundraiser

HOLLISTER – Rancho San Justo Middle School parent volunteers are seeking prize donations for their “Gift of Education Gala” to be held April 16 at the Elks Lodge in Hollister. Proceeds from the event will help fund participating students for a trip to Washington, D.C. next summer through WorldStrides, an educational company organizing the trip. Donations of gift baskets, gift certificates and other items are welcome. Donations are tax deductible.

For more information, contact Jennifer Ippolito at 638-0900 or Leah Kincheloe at 297-2341.

Members needed for Library

HOLLISTER – The Friends of the San Benito County Free Library is recruiting new members and people to serve on the board to help plan the future of the library. The monthly meetings will be held the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.

Due to the large increase in library cardholders and the increase in circulation, more help and input is welcome.

For more information, call Mary Schneider at 637-1794.

Returning Catholics group

HOLLISTER – Sacred Heart-St. Benedict Parish will be hosting a weekly meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m. for returning Catholics. The gathering is an opportunity for participants to understand the church through presentations, questions and discussion. Those who have left the church and are interested in returning are encouraged to attend.

For more information, contact Dolores Fenzel, the adult faith formation coordinator, at 637-9212.

Club Ed offers tutoring

HOLLISTER – Club Ed offers tutoring on a private basis at $14 in all subjects, all grades. They even have tutors for college mathematics. Contact Rachel Flores-Zepeda at 637-5831, ext.370.

Pat’s Place in need of volunteers

HOLLISTER – Pat’s Place, a thrift shop at 101 Fifth St., in Hollister, is in need of volunteers. The thrift shop benefits Community Food Bank, which has seen a 25 percent increase in demand in the last few months.

The store sells slightly used kitchen items, furniture, clothing, books and more at low prices. According to a press release from Mary Anne Hughes, it offers “a revenue source badly needed for the Community Food Bank. The ever-increasing demand on the Community Food Bank’s services requires money to purchase food and supplies.”

She said while monetary donations tend to be seasonal, the hope is that Pat’s will offer a year-round source of income. Donations are accepted for the store, and volunteers are needed to sort the items, price them, stock and sell the items.

To find out about volunteer opportunities, call Mary Anne Hughes at 637-0340 or stop by Pat’s Place, or call 637-5500. Donations are accepted Monday through Saturday. The store is open to the public Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Math Talk program continues

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Office of Education will host a Math Talk on the first Tuesday of every month. The program will help teachers improve their math skills, and will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 460 Fifth St., in Hollister.

For more information or to RSVP, call 459-5703.

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