music in the park, psychedelic furs

Al-anon meetings
– Al-anon meets Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Mars
Hill Coffehouse, 610 San Benito St.
Registration starts for Cardinals
– The San Benito Cardinals Football and Cheer programs are now
accepting applications. Children ages 5-15 can register at Mountain
Mike’s Pizza, 261 McCray St., in Hollister from noon to 3 p.m. The
season starts Feb. 20. The cost is $175 for all players. Unlimited
weights for midget players, and $
100 registration.
Al-anon meetings

HOLLISTER – Al-anon meets Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Mars Hill Coffehouse, 610 San Benito St.

Registration starts for Cardinals

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Cardinals Football and Cheer programs are now accepting applications. Children ages 5-15 can register at Mountain Mike’s Pizza, 261 McCray St., in Hollister from noon to 3 p.m. The season starts Feb. 20. The cost is $175 for all players. Unlimited weights for midget players, and $100 registration.

Coaches are also needed for the cheerleading program. The team competes in American Youth Football competitions as well as Jamz and America’s Best. For more information on being a cheer coach, call 664-6420. For more information on registering for spring football, call 664-6481.

Library closed for President’s Day

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library will be closed Feb. 12 – Feb. 15 for President’s Day. The library will resume normal hours Feb. 16, at noon.

Blood drive

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, in Hollister, Feb. 18, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. To make an appointment, call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to and enter Hollister as the sponsor code. The next blood drive will be March 18, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Lenten book study

HOLLISTER – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will be hosting a Lenten book study on “The Violence of Love” by Oscar Romero, starting Feb. 17. For more information, or to participate, call the church office or Rev. Amy Denney Zuniga at 637-7570 or e-mail st****@ga****.com. The Church will also host Ash Wednesday services at 10 a.m., in English and 5 p.m., in Spanish. The meditative service helps those who attend face the reality of death even as they live into the hope of eternal life. Ash Wednesday begins the reflective season of Lent in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

SBC Republican Women Federated meeting

HOLLISTER – The February meeting of the San Benito County Republican Women Federated will be Feb. 18, at San Juan Oaks Country Club. The meeting will be a noon luncheon and the cost will be $20.

Dr. Rick Shephard, an assembly candidate for the California 28th district, will be the speaker. Call 638-0938 for reservations.

Annual dues of $30 are due if you have not previously paid. The dues can be sent to SBCRWF, PO Box 261, Tres Pinos, CA 95075.

BLM hosts workshop in Hollister

HOLLISTER – The Bureau of Land Management’s Hollister Field Office will host a workshop Feb. 22 to discuss potential social and economic impacts under alternatives in the BLM’s Clear Creek Management Area draft resource management plan and environmental impact statement.

The workshop will run from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at San Juan Oaks Golf Club, 3825 Union Road, in Hollister.

The goal of the workshop is to provide business leaders, private landowners and local government with information about the draft plan and to help the BLM identify social and economic trends to consider in public land use planning decisions for CCMA said Rick Cooper, BLM Hollister Field Office manager.

The workshop will include a presentation on economic concepts, the sources of economic data and the processes of economic analysis. Participants will discuss the social and economic values of the region and the role that the BLM public lands in CCMA have in supporting these goals and values. The workshop will focus on social and economic issues, not general planning issues and comments, Cooper said.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the social and economic data presented in the draft RMP/EIS and respond to questions about the way public land resources are integrated into the local economy and quality of life. For example:

– Have businesses seen a drop in activity/revenue since the CCMA closure?

– Have any businesses closed since the closure of the CCMA?

– Has there been a rebound in economic activity since the initial closure?

– How would CCMA draft RMP alternatives affect you economically?

– How would CCMA draft RMP alternatives affect your lifestyle?

– Does the information in the CCMA draft RMP/EIS reflect current social and economic conditions and the potential impacts associated with the range of alternatives?

Consultants from Tetra Tech, Inc. are available to answer questions before the meeting about the role of economic analysis in land use planning and how to prepare for the workshop discussions. For more information, please contact Genevieve Kaiser, environmental planner, at (720) 406-9110, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time.)

BLM specialists are also available to answer questions before the meeting. For more information, please contact Sky Murphy, Hollister Field Office environmental coordinator, at 630-5039, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Parkinson’s caregiver support group

HOLLISTER – Family or friends who are caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s or those suffering form the disease can join a monthly support group that provides information on Parkinson’s disease, current medications and research, how to deal with the loss of function, develop good self care skills, and what steps are necessary to plan for the future. Monthly speakers address these issues as well as other issues such as finding community resources like home care, adult day care, transportation and other needed services that could be available to you and your family member. Speakers- are provided each month from different organizations on a variety of topics related to Parkinson’s disease or care giving

The group meets the first Tuesday of every month at the First Presbyterian Church, 2066 Cienega Road, in Hollister, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The group is sponsored by Jovenes de Antano, Health Projects Center and Parkinson’s Institute. No fees are required.

For more information, contact Kim Harman at 636-4977 or Shirley Kennedy at 673-3839.

Alzheimer’s support group

HOLLISTER – The Alzheimer’s support group meets the second Thursday of every month from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Pamphlets and books on Alzheimer’s can also be checked out from a resource library at the Community Center. For more information, call 636-8838.

Grief and loss support groups

HOLLISTER – Central Coast VNA and Hospice is offering free grief and loss support groups in Hollister, Monterey, Salinas and Gilroy. Central Coast VNA and Hospice has been providing quality in home care, end of life care and community health services as well as support for those struggling with grief and loss. The support is provided by bereavement specialists, spiritual care counselors and licensed social workers. The Hollister group meets at the Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the first and third Monday of every month.

The Gilroy group meets at the Kaiser Medical Center, 7520 Arroyo Circle, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of every month. A Salinas group that focuses on the death of a pet meets at the SPCA for Monterey County, 1002 Hwy. 68, from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The Monterey group meets at the Visiting Nurses Association, 5 Lower Ragsdale Drive, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. A Salinas group meets at the Salinas Valley Comprehensive Cancer Center, 501 East Romie Lane, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.

For more information, call Tony Price, the bereavement coordinator and counselor, at 758-8243 or e-mail aj*****@cc***.com.

Student Film Fest workshops

HOLLISTER – On Feb. 12, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Blak Sage Gallery, a workshop on Claymation and Animation will be held for students interested in learning the iStopMotion program, basic storyboarding, lighting and more.

A March 11 workshop scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will focus on camera technique and editing where students can learn about using high-definition cameras, tripods, accessories and sound. Films created in the workshops are eligible to be entered in the film festival.

For more information on the film festival, call the Arts Council at 636-2787. For more information on the workshops, call 408-846-4983 or visit The Student Film Festival is sponsored by the San Benito Arts Council and Community Media Access Partnership.

A Taste of Spain

HOLLISTER – DeRose Winery will be hosting ‘A Taste of Spain’ wine tasting Feb. 13, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., 9970 Cienega Road, in Hollister.

The cost is $20 per person. Wine club members and guests are welcome. The event will include a wide selection of Spanish wines, cheeses, meats and homemade paella.

For more information, or to RSVP, call 636-9143 or e-mail in**@de********.com.

Applications available for artist in residence program

PINNACLES – Pinnacles National Monument staff is now accepting applications for the spring 2010 Artist Residency. The residency period is from April 5 to 18, 2010, with lodging provided on the east side of the park. Applications must be postmarked by Feb. 19 to be eligible for this spring residency.

The Artist in Residence program is open to all 2-D and 3-D visual artists and photographers. The artist typically produces a few pieces of original work, depending on the medium, and agrees to donate at least one finished piece to the park. Artists also interact with the public, often leading talks about their passion for art and their experience at the park.

Pinnacles launched the Artist in Residence program in the fall of 2008 as part of the Centennial Celebration, and this is the fourth residency. This program immerses artists in the serenity and tranquility of a park wilderness setting. Far away from the lights, sounds and distractions of city life, artists can find inspiration in the solitude and the surroundings of the park.

Interested artists can find more information at or by calling Tammi Skalitzky at 389-4486 ext. 243 or e-mailing ta*************@np*.gov

YMCA holds camp during winter break

HOLLISTER – The YMCA of San Benito County will be holding a President’s Camp Feb. 15-19 at the YMCA Afterschool Portable at Sunnyslope School. Hours will be from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The fee for this program is $149 for the week. Activities will include walking field trips, recreation, arts and crafts, guest speakers and more. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.

For more information and registration visit the YMCA of San Benito, 339 Fifth St. Hollister, call 637-8600 or visit

City/County Housing Expo

HOLLISTER – City and county officials are sponsoring a free, two-day housing expo designed to help stabilize the local economy and minimize the negative effects of residential vacancies and foreclosures.

Sponsored by the County Housing and Economic Development Division and the city’s Redevelopment Agency, the event will be held Feb. 25 and 26 at the Veteran’s Memorial Building, 649 San Benito St. in downtown Hollister.

Day 1 will focus on foreclosure prevention between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., while Day 2 will discuss opportunities for prospective homebuyers. Walk-ins are welcomed but RSVP’s are recommended.

For more information, contact Maria Mendez at 636-4316, ext. 10 or by e-mail at ma**********@ho*******.gov.

Clean-air art contest

MONTEREY – The Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District is inviting students in first through eighth grade in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito++ counties to participate in its 12th annual Clean Air Month Calendar Art Contest.

The theme this year is “Let’s Clear the Air.” Students can show how their families can improve air quality through biking, walking, carpooling, riding the bus, telecommuting or other ideas. The deadline to submit posters is March 19, 2010.

The contest will commemorate Clean Air Month at an awards ceremony May 19, at the Air District’s board meeting, where 13 award recipients will be announced. In addition, the artwork will be featured in a 2010 calendar.

Please submit artwork to the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, 24580 Silver Cloud Court, Monterey, CA 93940.

Hospital scholarship applications available

HOLLISTER – Applications for the 2010 Hazel Hawkins Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Awards are now available. Each year the Auxiliary awards scholarships to students who are pursuing a medical or medically oriented career. The total amount awarded to each recipient will be at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

Auxiliary members put in thousands of hours throughout the year running a thrift shop, the hospital gift shop and organizing their annual craft and antique faire in order to fund scholarships and purchase equipment for Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital.

To be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must:

Be a high school graduate (or equivalent)

Be a resident of San Benito County for a minimum of one continuous year

Be enrolled in a health-related course of study at an accredited institution.

The deadline to apply is April 16.

A complete list of eligibility rules and application packets are available at Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital Lobby, San Benito High School, Gavilan College, on the hospital Web site at or by contacting Frankie Arballo in the HHH Public Relations office at 636-2644 for additional information.

Census Bureau hiring in South County

TRES PINOS – The U.S. Census Bureau is kicking off their 2010 census and looking for individuals interested in employment with good pay, flexible hours and paid training.

Test sessions are currently being held, with more now being scheduled in San Benito. Recruiters are securing sites and setting up dates for rural San Benito County as well, with testing sites to include Immaculate Conception Church in Tres Pinos, Jefferson School in Paicines and Bitterwater Tully School in the Paicines / Bitterwater area.

Call 866-861-2010 or 831-998-9670 for more information.

Foundation launches ‘Friends’ campaign

HOLLISTER – The Community Foundation for San Benito County is launching its Friends of the Community Foundation fundraising drive. Adults can become a friend by donating $35 and children under 18 can be become a friend with a donation of $5.

The money donated is used to fund a variety of programs each year through grants for arts and culture, education and youth, health and social services, agriculture and environment, community enhancement and economic development. Friends will receive an annual newsletter and an invitation to a special yearly event.

Some of the agencies to receive grants form the Community Foundation in recent years include Oriana Chorale, Fishes and Loves food pantry, the Hollister Youth Alliance, Community Food Bank and the San Benito County Heritage Foundation, among others.

The Community Foundation also administers scholarship funds, unrestricted endowments and donor-advised endowments.

For more information, visit, stop by 829 San Benito St., Ste. 200, in Hollister or call 630-1924.

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