music in the park, psychedelic furs

Time For Lunch picnic
– Join Tim and Nants Foley for a potluck picnic, Monday, Sept.
7, at noon, at the Quicksilver Farm, 141 McMahon Road, in
Hollister. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share, a picnic
blanket, flatware and plates. Lunch will be followed by a
discussion of how to get local foods into schools, and h
ow to influence national policy around school lunches. The event
is one of many planned around the United States as part of Slow
Foods USA.
For more information on Time For Lunch or San Benito Bounty, or
to RSVP, call Nants Foley at 801-5110 or e-mail
na********@gm***.com or call Tim Foley at 245-5799.
Remember road safety for last summer holiday

SACRAMENTO – The last holiday of summer 2009 is a time to keep road safety in mind. Motorists need to make sure they do everything possible to ensure a safe and enjoyable weekend for themselves, their passengers, and everyone else on the road they share.

The Labor Day weekend is a Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP) for the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Starting Friday at 6:01 p.m. through midnight on Monday, September 7, every available officer will be on the road keeping a vigilant eye out for errant drivers. They will be on the lookout for violators of the three major causes of highway deaths: speeding, drinking and driving, and not wearing seat belts.

Last year 40 people died statewide on Labor Day weekend on California highways. Of those killed in CHP jurisdiction, more than half were not wearing seat belts.

“Make sure that you and your family safely wrap up a great summer. Observe all laws, drive defensively and buckle up your loved ones,” stated CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow.

According to the CHP, motorists can help assure their own safety by doing some very simple things when they get behind the wheel:

– Buckle up, driver and all occupants, every time on every trip.

– Observe all speed limits.

– Never mix alcohol and driving. Choose a designated driver or be one for your passengers.

– If you are making a long drive this weekend, leave early, make frequent rest stops to stay alert, and do not let delays change your driving behavior.

“We want everybody’s holiday to be filled with pleasant memories. Join the CHP in making that happen by driving safely throughout the Labor Day holiday,” said Commissioner Farrow.

Labor Day, 2009 is an Operation Combined Accident Reduction Effort (C.A.R.E.), which emphasizes added patrols on interstate highways such as I-5, I-15 and I-80.

Youth basketball league sign-ups

HOLLISTER – Boys and girls from third- through eighth-grade are invited to register for the 2009-2010 season of Hollister National Junior Basketball (NJB) on Sept. 14 or 28.

Hollister teams play a majority of their games at San Benito High School and occasionally travel to south San Jose for Sunday games during the regular season. Mandatory play rules are enforced, so all players play at least half of every game. The $250 registration fee includes a uniform, picture package, a minimum of 10 games and two hours of practice per week.

Teams are grouped by gender and grade level (third/fourth grade; fifth/sixth grade; and seventh/eighth grade) and everyone who signs up will be placed on a team.

Registration will be held Monday, Sept. 14 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Fire Station #2 at the corner of Union Road and Airline Highway and Monday, Sept. 28 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Bertha Briggs House, 1221 Memorial Drive near the Vet’s Park skateboard facility. More information, including applications and evaluation schedules, is available online at Player evaluations will be held on Oct. 4 and 11; team drafts will be Oct. 18; and practice begins Nov. 1. The season begins Dec. 6.

Time For Lunch picnic

HOLLISTER – Join Tim and Nants Foley for a potluck picnic, Monday, Sept. 7, at noon, at the Quicksilver Farm, 141 McMahon Road, in Hollister. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share, a picnic blanket, flatware and plates. Lunch will be followed by a discussion of how to get local foods into schools, and how to influence national policy around school lunches. The event is one of many planned around the United States as part of Slow Foods USA.

For more information on Time For Lunch or San Benito Bounty, or to RSVP, call Nants Foley at 801-5110 or e-mail na********@gm***.com or call Tim Foley at 245-5799.

Young professionals meeting

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Young Professionals will meet Sept. 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Maverick’s BBQ, 35 A Fifth St. The meeting will include dinner and trivia for $20, with a no-host bar. RSVP by Sept. 11 to the SBC Chamber at 637-5315.

‘Murder in the Old Wild West’ at Ridgemark

HOLLISTER – Ridgemark Golf and Country Club will be host to a murder mystery dinner Sept. 19, “Murder in the Wild Old West.’

An old reclusive rancher has died without a will and the relatives are most displeased. After a second murder; “Marshall Matt Dilling” and “Doc” will track down the guilty party with the help of the audience. To get into the spirit of the evening, revelers are encouraged to dress as their favorite old west character. The participatory mystery event begins at 6:30 p.m. with hors dourves and no host bar.

Dinner will begin at 7 p.m. and includes a butter leaf salad with dried cranberries, be followed by New York steak, mashed potatoes, seasoned vegetables, warm dinner rolls, with delectable assorted desserts. Prizes will be awarded for best costume and to those that solve the caper.

Admission is $75 per person. Tickets are limited and will be sold in advance at the office of the Lodge at Ridgemark, 3800 Airline Hwy.

Free beginning English classes

HOLLISTER – Free beginning English classes are available for adults at R.O. Hardin Elementary School, 881 Line St., on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in Rm. 13. Classes run until Dec. 16. Classes are open enrollment, so participants can come to register at any class. Babysitting is provided.

For more information, call 636-4440, ext. 107.

Club Ed offers tutoring as school starts

HOLLISTER – Club Ed offers tutoring on a private basis at $14 in all subjects, all grades. They even have tutors for college mathematics. Contact Rachel Flores-Zepeda at 637.5831, ext.370.

Women’s Club to host first fall luncheon

HOLLISTER – The Women’s Club of Hollister will hold its first luncheon meeting of the fall at the Ridgemark Golf and Country Club dining room Sept. 9, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Following the business meeting will be a “getting to know you” time. All women are welcome. The 94-year-old club is a member of the Greater Federated Women’s Clubs, one of the oldest women’s volunteer groups in the U. S.

Reservations are required and the cost for lunch is $17. Interested women can contact Peg Lairson at 408-607-3108 ml******@hu****.net before Sept. 7.

South Bay Blue Star Moms meet up in Hollister

HOLLISTER – The South Bay Blue Star Moms, a support group for families with members in the military, will meet in Hollister Thursday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. The group is based in Silicon Valley, but some members are trying to start up a branch for those who live south of San Jose. Anyone who is already a member, or those who have family members who are on active duty or is a veteran, are invited to join. For more information, call Karol Burke Roy at 801-6935 or e-mail so***************@at*.net.

The South Bay Blue Star Moms is a military support group based in the Silicon Valley area of California, especially dedicated to supporting the troops and assisting the mothers and their families who have children serving in the United States military.

Pat’s Place in need of volunteers

HOLLISTER – Pat’s Place, a thrift shop at 101 Fifth St., in Hollister, is in need of volunteers. The thrift shop benefits Community Food Bank, which has seen a 25 percent increase in demand in the last few months.

The store sells slightly used kitchen items, furniture, clothing, books and more at low prices. According to a press release from Mary Anne Hughes, it offers “a revenue source badly needed for the Community Food Bank. The ever-increasing demand on the Community Food Bank’s services requires money to purchase food and supplies.”

She said while monetary donations tend to be seasonal, the hope is that Pat’s will offer a year-round source of income. Donations are accepted for the store, and volunteers are needed to sort the items, price them, stock and sell the items.

To find out about volunteer opportunities, call Mary Anne Hughes at 637-0340 or stop by Pat’s Place, or call 637-5500. Donations are accepted Monday through Saturday. The store Is open to the public Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Auditions for ‘A Christmas Carol’

HOLLISTER – Limelight Productions will be hosting open auditions for “A Christmas Carol.” Auditions are Oct. 9 at 6 p.m. or Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. for children ages 8 to 18, at 618 San Benito St., in Hollister. Those auditioning are asked to prepare a song and bring a small photo.

For more information, call 635-0553.

Free evening classes for adults

HOLLISTER – Free evening classes are available for adults, 18 and older, at the San Benito Adult School. They begin Tuesday, Sept. 8. The program offers three levels of ESL classes and a diploma class. Adult diploma students should being their most recent high school transcript to the first class. Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., on the new campus of San Benito High School.

For more information, call 637-5831, ext. 467.

Emergency preparedness fair

HOLLISTER – Residents are invited to an emergency preparedness fair at the LDS Church, 1670 Cienega Road, on Sept. 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Visits can learn about preparing a 72-hour kit, food storage, cooking with stored food, making bread for less than 20 cents, how to save money at the grocery store, solar energy, Ham radio, Boy Scouts, gardening tips, West Nile Virus, the American Red Cross, the fire department., PG&E and much more. Activities will be available for children.

Free art classes

HOLLISTER – Bob Wilkinson will be offering free art classes at Mars Hill Coffee House on Tuesdays from 4 5 p.m. or 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Space is limited. For more information, call 635-9218.

Math Talk program starts

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Office of Education will be hosting a Math Talk on the first Tuesday of every month, starting this month (no meeting January 2010.) The program will help teachers improve their math skills, and will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at 460 Fifth St., in Hollister.

For more information or to RSVP, call 459-5703.

Blood drive

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will host a blood drive at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, in Hollister, Sept. 17, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Red Cross will hold a weekly drawingfor a $60 gift certifcate to Applebee’s or La Pinata Restaurant, excluding high school or college blood drives.

For more information or to make an appointment, call 800-GIVE LIFE (800-448-3543) or visit and type in HOLLISTER.

Habitat throws Masquerade Ball

HOLLISTER – The Habitat for Humanity of San Benito County, Inc. will host a Masquerade Ball Oct. 9, at San Juan Oaks. Tickets are $50. No-host cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., and dancing to follow. Music will be by The Ramblers. Costumes are welcome, but not required. Masks will be sold at the door.

For more information on tickets, call 635-9904.

Free and low-cost childcare available at Gavilan

GILROY – The Gavilan College Child Development Center, which is NAEYC accredited, has child care spaces available for children who are ages 3 -5 (but not yet eligible for kindergarten) and potty trained. Families must qualify as low income. This free program runs from 8 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday. The center is located on the Gavilan College campus in Gilroy.

The Gavilan College child Development Center also has a fee-based program for the community which runs from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For eligibility guidelines and more information please call (408) 848-4815.

Women’s support group starts

HOLLISTER – Community Solutions is offering a women’s support group. The group is a free six-week program and is confidential. Topics include healthy relationships, domestic violence, safety planning, resources and much more.

For more information or to register, call Debbie Ruiz at 637-1094.

T’ai chi at the Grange

AROMAS – T’ai chi classes are available at the Aromas Grange, at the corner of Rode and Bardue, Mondays and Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

For more information, call 726-7151.

Sign ups for HYA Maze program

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Youth Alliance is now registering for its Maze Middle School CASA After School Program. The program includes homework help, study groups, youth development opportunities, intramural sports, the arts and local field trips. New clubs will also feature music, dance, photography and movie making. The free program is now underway. Registration forms available now at the Hollister Youth Alliance main office, 310 Fourth St., Ste, 101.

For more information, call 636-2853.

Farmers market in need of volunteers

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Farmers Market needs volunteers to help with market set up and break down Wednesdays through the end of September. Volunteers are also needed to help count the number of people in the crowd throughout the event. The market is held on Fifth Street between San Benito and Monterey streets Wednesdays between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

For more information, contact Tammy Jackson, market manager at 408-804-1234.

Art classes available

HOLLISTER – Dale Yarmuth, a member of the San Benito Arts Council and the Hollister Art League, will offer daily two-hour art sessions for artists of all ages. The classes will focus on pen and ink with watercolor. Classes are Monday through Friday, and are available during daytime or evening hours. The cost is $20 per hour, with materials and tools costing extra. Artists will also learn how to mat and frame their work.

For more information, call 634-0821 or e-mail mm****@sb*******.net.

YMCA gears up for fall events

HOLLISTER – The YMCA is now accepting registration for their summer YMCA afterschool program. The program is offered at Cerra Vista, Gabilan Hills, Ladd Lane, San Juan, Spring Grove and Sunnyslope elementary schools. The program includes homework help, asset development, value lessons, organized sports, arts and crafts, nutritious snacks, special events and learning centers. Some financial assistance is available, and fees, days and times vary by site.

The Homework club is also available for $110 a month for one hour everyday after school.

Other upcoming activities include the YMCA Sharks and Parks youth hockey league that starts in September. The program is $80, or $75 before Sept. 5. Three divisions are available, including first and second grade, third through fifth grade and sixth through eighth grade. In addition sign ups are available for co-ed soccer for kindergarten to fifth graders. The fee is $80, or $75 before Sept. 5. For more information, contact Kristie Agan at ka***@ym**************.org.

An annual membership is required to participate in YMCA programs, $30 per individual or $55 per family.

For general information, call 637-8600.

Friends of the Library book sale

HOLLISTER – Books for all ages and interests are available for purchase at $2 per bag at the shed behind the San Benito County Free Library on Fifth Street every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 636-4107.

San Benito Stage Company seeks members

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company is planning its 2010 season of productions, including children’s, teen, family and dinner theater programs. The stage company is seeking support in the form of members, sponsors and volunteers. Members enjoy benefits such as ticket discounts, advertising, and free show passes depending on level of sponsorship. For more information, call 636-0122 or visit

Red Ribbon Poetry Contest submissions accepted

HOLLISTER – High school writers in San Benito County have one month to craft the perfect poem for Red Ribbon Week. County of San Benito Behavioral Health staff will be collecting submissions for its first every Red Ribbon Festival Poetry Contest between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1.

The contest is open to students in grades ninth through 12th grade who reside in San Benito County and the top prize is $50. Second and third place winners will receive a prize of $25 each.

To submit a poem:

Participants can submit one poem that is a maximum of 30 lines, single spaced in 12-point font. Originals will not be returned, so keep a copy.

In the upper right hand corner, include your name, a parent or guardian’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, the name of your high school, Principal’s name and grade level. At the end of each submission, include an originality statement: “This will certify that the above work is completely original,” followed by your full name.

Poems must be e-mailed or postmarked by Oct. 1. They can be submitted in the body of an e-mail to jo*****@sb***.org or mail to: Julissa Orozco, 1131 San Felipe Road, Hollister, CA 95023.

Winners and runner-ups will be notified during the Red Ribbon Run/Festival on Oct. 24.

For more information, call 636-4020 and ask for Renee or Julissa.

Pinnacles accepts applications for artist in residence program

PINNACLES – Pinnacles National Monument staff are now accepting applications for the fall Artist in Residence program. The residency program runs from Sept. 28 to Oct. 11, with lodging provided on the east side of the park. The program is open to all 2-D and 3-D visual artists and photographers. The artists will be able to produce a few pieces of original artwork, depending on the medium. Artists interact with the public, often leading talks about their art and experience in the park.

Local art councils, guilds and galleries help in the process of selecting the artists, and provide locations for display of work beyond the park.

The Artist in Residence program was launched in Fall 2008, and this fall will mark the third residency.

For more information or to apply, visit or contact Michael Rupp at 389-4486, ext. 243 or Mi**********@np*.gov.

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