music in the park, psychedelic furs

City, county and statewide elections will be taking place on Nov. 6. There are several things you can do to make casting your ballot easy.

To check if you’re registered to vote, you can enter your information at the county election website. If you enter your name, state issued identification number, last four digits of your social security number and date of birth, the system will instantly tell you if you are registered to vote in this election. Visit

If you are registered to vote have moved, you can change your address through the Department of Motor Vehicles and choose to automatically register or re-register to vote.

Oct. 22 is the deadline to register to vote in the November election.

California voters can register online at, or in person you at public libraries, post offices, government offices and the DMV.

The San Benito County election office will also mail residents a registration form if you request one by phone at 831-636-4016

Vote-by-mail requests must be must be made at least seven days before the election. You can print your request form from

and mail it to 440 Fifth St., second floor, room 205, Hollister, CA 95023.

Your vote-by-mail ballot must be postmarked on or before election day in order to be counted. It can also be dropped at your polling place on Nov. 6.

Information on citywide candidates can be found through the city clerk’s office or by calling the clerk’s office at 831-636-4300, ext. 17.

Registering to vote is free, and there is no postage required for voter registration applications.

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