Adult hoops
The Hollister Recreation adult men’s and women’s Winter
basketball season begins on Jan. 10. Registration ends on Dec. 5.
The cost is $600 if paid by Nov. 26. After that, it is $625. Teams
are guaranteed to play 12 games. Details: 636-4390.
Adult hoops
The Hollister Recreation adult men’s and women’s Winter basketball season begins on Jan. 10. Registration ends on Dec. 5. The cost is $600 if paid by Nov. 26. After that, it is $625. Teams are guaranteed to play 12 games. Details: 636-4390.
Softball openings
The Pride of Morgan Hill, a girls fastpitch softball organization, is seeking managers and coaches for ‘A’ teams in the 10, 12, 14, 16, & 18 age groups. The deadline for applications is today. Details: Mike Turay at 408-588-6534.