Chronic Fish-Flusher Has Dreams of Goldfish Grandeur
It's clear to me that there are two types of goldfish owners in
Editorial: Council turned back on public with 400 block
How does it feel to have something special ripped away so a developer can reap profits at the expense of the community? How does it feel to know insider politics and cronyism live on?
Community Board: City puts dogs before people with parks
It says something about the City of Hollister’s priorities when dogs on the nice side of town get park funding before people on the west side.
Editorial: Interim CAO jumped the gun on talks
Interim County Administrative Officer Ray Espinosa was wrong to pronounce that supervisors should consider ending furlough pay cuts and a step-increase freeze - not only because his reasoning for such financial optimism was flawed and based on one-time injections, but also because he just threw the unions a bone for negotiations and for no justifiable reason.
Free Lance Editorial: Politics trumps public safety in debate over fire contract
Self-interests were on full display last week at the San Benito County board meeting, where officials gave priority to politics over public safety.
Editorial: Unincorporated areas should catch up before countywide tax
Before supervisors think about asking countywide taxpayers to fork over more of their hard-earned money in an attempt to help solve their deficit problems, the officials should examine prospects for a “catch-up tax” that would put the county's sales tax for unincorporated areas on par with that of Hollister.
Above all else, hope
Last Friday while deciding on this issue’s Question of the Week, I ran into a bit of difficulty. I wanted to ask our readers how cancer impacted them to coincide with reporter Nick Preciado’s coverage of the Relay for Life fundraiser held last weekend...
Measure G lawsuits harmful to county
Well, it looks like cooler heads are suddenly not prevailing on