Editorial: With oil comes opportunity, and work for the county
A renewed interest in San Benito County oil exploration is an opportunity worth serious examination from government leaders, but they will have to take an equally serious look at addressing environmental concerns centered on advancing extraction methods such as fracking.
Casino highlighted desperate need for jobs
The proposal to build a casino near Hollister did one good
Los Valientes should identify themselves
There is a time and purpose for anonymity. Our Citizens Voice
Editorial: Every day matters on homeless shelter
We commend the Homeless Task Force and county officials for pursuing the former convalescent hospital on Southside Road as a much-needed permanent homeless shelter, but we encourage supervisors to move ahead with utmost expediency because every day literally matters and widely affects the overall quality of life in this area.
Yes, a Single Vote Makes a Difference
The most unusual result of the recent election did not come from
Editorial: Hollister should set geographic limits for safety workers
Police Capt. Carlos Reynoso's use of a taxpayer-funded patrol car for his daily commute to and from work – around 100 miles round trip – underscores that the city needs a policy requiring newly hired, sworn, public-safety personnel to live in or near Hollister.