75.4 F
September 19, 2024

Community Board: City council uses sensible approach on marijuana

But the Hollister City Council must take a hard look at putting in restrictions to bar dispensaries from downtown, other areas where children congregate.

Guest View: Foundation leader tells history with 400 block

As a result of the strong and passionate voices we have heard from the community, I would like to provide you with more insight on how we got to where we are today in planning for a new Philanthropic Center for San Benito County, a lasting home for the Community Foundation, as well as a hub for charitable collaboration—convening diverse voices to address local issues and opportunities.

Guest View: Former nurse speaks out on hospital situation

Inspirational nurses providing quality healthcare transforms a building into a hospital. This metamorphosis portrays the exact vision of our founding father, T. S. Hawkins. His astounding gift compensated his broken heart by providing unimagined compassion to our small community. The untimely death of his darling granddaughter who had no hospital care moved him to unknown generosity. She was his Shirley Temple. She loved helping the sick and the poor. This observation can be confirmed by looking at her sweet photo hanging next to Madelyn’s Gifts as the aroma of food reaches from the “Little Sunshine café”. Her grandfather nick named this precious sparkle of a child, “Little Sunshine”.

Guest View: Spring into immunity

With the coming of summer, families of sixth-graders are looking forward to a fun-filled season that also includes the mandatory tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccination for seventh-grade entry. This middle-school rite of passage is frequently left to the precious last days of summer vacation. This quirk of human nature causes a late-summer “Tdap tsunami” at local pharmacies, healthcare providers’ offices, and here at Public Health Services.

Guest View: Whine without solutions on athletic balance

Whine and complain, moan and groan, it appears that’s all your “Community ‘Insight’ board” can do. Throwing slings and arrows out and never once offering a solution to the problem. I do not even intend to argue about the “intentional deceit” of your editorial.

Guest View: Hollister school district pays teachers well

Why are the teachers of the Hollister School District (HSD) demanding the board approve raises when their earnings and pay schedules show that they are very well paid compared to local workers, families, or even the teachers at the much wealthier Gilroy Unified School District (GUSD) and others? The demands appear so unjustified one must wonder if they are serious or is this just a stress test or bow shot for the new Superintendent.

Letter: Lots to love in this great hometown

I love Hollister. It’s a great place to live. We have open space, a historic downtown, not far from beaches, wonderful wine trails, caring community organizations, wonderful churches, schools with hardworking teachers, a great police department. I could go on and on.

Letter: Disappointed in 400 block move by the council

I was very disappointed in the city council’s decision to sell the grassy corner lot at Fourth and SanBenito streets. It has become a treasured corner for many community activities and will be greatly missed if this happens. I hope you will revisit this decision.

Letter: Shame we can’t trust officials with money

It’s a shame we can’t trust our supervisors or council to properly manage Measure P funds should the measure pass. They already manage a significant portion of our sales and property taxes. Our form of government gives our elected representatives the responsibility to prioritize the spending of funds for the needs of citizens. In this economic crunch, we’ve all seen required services cut and witnessed salaries and benefits skyrocket. The majority of funds would be spent on salaries and benefits to re-hire the road crews that had been let go.

Letter: Awestruck by local music at Oriana show

This past May 15, I attended the Oriana Chorale concert right here in Hollister. I admit I have not attended many of these events, but agreed to join a friend for this concert and I am so happy that I did. It was so very special that I have to share my experience.

