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September 7, 2024

Aid, not words, for Burma

Mother Nature is doing what the United Nations, a flock of

Letter: Response to trustee’s racism claim

I am writing this letter in response to the guest view in which Ray Rodriguez accused the administration of San Benito High School of racism based on having separate presentations in both English and Spanish that were related, but not the same, and your response to it in the paper. While I agree with neither of you, I do agree with both of you in one sense: the time has come for all people of all races, colors, religions, physical abilities and ethnicities to be treated fairly and equally and to have equal opportunities and access to all our society has to offer. I have a simple suggestion as to how we might achieve this. It has to do with getting rid of one small punctuation mark that will forever cause race to be an issue in this and all countries, THE HYPHEN.

San Benito County needs small, charming communities

I have attended many meetings relating to the update of the San

Political terms defined

With politics dominating the news, I thought I would put

Guest View: Bar owner incensed over biker rally talks

Until I received a call from the lovely reporter from KION yesterday I had no idea that the city had lost its mind again.

Deja vu

There is certainly a lot of controversy about the idea of an

Letter: Hospital belongs to property owners

Re: Full page Ad “Losing hospital coverage” frightened me and I worried how that advertisement affects others. That full page advertisement challenged attention demanding thought. To deal with fear we must know the truth. The truth is that no one is ever denied care at...

Letter: Response to piece about schools, armed guards

In today's Free Lance (December 28, 2012, page A4), Frank Perez of San Benito High School states that "I believe I speak for all educators" in opposing armed guards in schools. Doesn't SBHS have a police officer on site? Isn't that officer armed? If not, what good are they? Mr. Perez is entitled to his opinion. I am entitled to mine. Mine is that teachers are arrogant, overpaid left wing ideologues who fill our young peoples' minds with socialist garbage. I believe that I am Taxed Enough Already.

Hurricane Katrina Shows why Politics Matters

Like many of you who love New Orleans, I find myself taking

