Students at Sacred Heart Parish School collected $1,042.85
through the school’s annual Penny Drive this year and presented a
giant check for that amount Thursday to a representative from the
American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
Students at Sacred Heart Parish School collected $1,042.85 through the school’s annual Penny Drive this year and presented a giant check for that amount Thursday to a representative from the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
The fundraiser drive took place in the school’s classrooms Feb. 11–14. The friendly competition among classes was broken down into two divisions – pre-kindergarten through first grade and second through eighth grade.
Each room had its own jar, which students from filled with pennies. However, students could “sabotage” other classes and drop any silver coins – nickels, dimes or quarters – into their jars. The amount of silver money was then subtracted from the total, and the winners received a “free dress” day, a luxury as the private school maintains a dress code.
This year a first grade class and fifth grade class won.
“They need to be congratulated,” said Sharen Johnson, who received the check, “because they’re giving back to the community.”
Johnson’s grandson, Christopher Faranoe, died of cancer in 1999 at the age of 3, which prompted her to become more involved in awareness of the disease.
Relay for Life is an annual nationwide 24-hour fundraising walk that will be held in Hollister Aug. 8 and 9 at San Benito High School’s Andy Hardin Field. Fifty teams from the community solicit pledges for the amount of time team members walk. All proceeds go toward cancer research.
“This school has been so wonderful,” Johnson said of Sacred Heart’s past and present support of Relay for Life.
Two students from the seventh-grade class – David Clark and Madison Eastman – are recovering from cancer, so the students at Sacred Heart are aware of the disease’s effects. Class representatives choose a different charity each year.
“It’s fun,” said seventh grader Morgan Taylor, “and we can raise money for a charity we know.”