San Benito County Arts Council will host a virtual celebration of the 6th annual San Benito County Poetry Out Loud Competition on Friday, Feb. 5 at 6pm.
This Zoom event features poetry performances by local high school students, a live announcement of county winners, and other highlights.
The winner of the county competition will advance to the California State Poetry Out Loud contest. The California State champion will then advance to the Poetry Out Loud National Finals where awards and school stipends will be distributed.
This event is free and open to the public.
To register to attend, visit sanbenitoarts.eventbrite.com.Â
Since 2005, Poetry Out Loud has reached more than 3.8 million students and 60,000 teachers from 16,000 schools nationwide. This February, Poetry Out Loud will take place in San Benito County for the sixth time with support from the California Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Poetry Foundation.
For information, contact the San Benito County Arts Council at am*********@gm***.com.
Online art workshops begin
Registration is now open for a new series of single session, Adult Art Workshops hosted by the San Benito County Arts Council.
These live, virtual workshops will be presented and taught by local artists and are designed for participants of all skill levels ages 18 and older. Two workshops are scheduled for February with announcements for classes in March and April coming soon.
The Arts Council’s first adult workshop is Intro into Sketching with Hollister artist Clay Peer. In this workshop, scheduled for Feb. 10 from 6-7:30 pm, participants will be introduced to sketching techniques with a focus on the use of line and shade. All artists, both new and experienced and all those looking to explore different techniques and exercises for sketching are encouraged to participate.
Next up is Wet-Felting Texture with Aromas fiber artist, Susan Shirley of Mosshollow Hill, on Feb. 17 from 7-9pm. Participants will learn the difference between types of wool and create samples of the various techniques. Materials needed for this workshop are available for purchase at the Mosshollow online shop. Links and details can be found at the workshop’s event page.
Enrollment for each workshop is $10, materials not included. All art workshops will meet on Zoom.
For online registration and workshop details and materials lists, visit www.sanbenitoarts.eventbrite.com.
Adult Art Workshops are presented by the San Benito County Arts Council as part of its Community Art Education Program and are made possible with the support of the California Arts Council, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, United Way and Monterey Peninsula Foundation.
For information on other Arts Council Programs, visit www.sanbenitoarts.org or email in**@sa***********.org.