‘Tis the season for holiday greetings—and doorstep package theft—and Hollister Police are on the lookout for their first reported suspect this winter.
On Nov. 27, an unidentified woman stole a package from the front doorstep of a residence on the 1100 block of Marne Drive, according to Hollister police. Officers are asking for the public’s help identifying the woman, whose image was captured on the victim’s home surveillance system.
The victim of the crime told police she was contacted by a Hollister resident who found the empty package container several streets away from the victim’s home, police said. A packing slip with the victim’s phone number on it was left behind. The package contained several items before it was stolen.
The victim has a video surveillance system and was able to provide police with footage of the theft. Hollister police subsequently released photos of the female suspect from the surveillance system in hopes the public can help identify her.
Anyone with information about this case can call the Hollister Police Department at (831) 636-4330. Those wishing to remain anonymous can call the WeTip Hotline at 800-78-CRIME. Information provided to WeTip may qualify for a reward.

Police are reminding residents that package thefts tend to increase this time of year. Residents are advised to gather packages from their front door or mailbox as soon as possible. Residents can also consider the following tips to avoid being a victim:
- Have packages delivered to your work;
- Schedule deliveries for times you will be home. This keeps packages from sitting unattended for long periods of time;
- Buddy up with a neighbor. Tell your neighbor you are expecting a package and keep an eye out for each other;
- Require a signature. This extra insurance ensures that you won’t have packages piling up at your door;
- Consider using a smart locker, or provide special instructions to the delivery person to place packages out of sight or to lock in a container on your property.