Can it get any worse?
Days before an election already marred by ham-handed attempts at
character assassination from several sides, financial disclosure
statements required under California law reveal that a full page
advertisement carried in this newspaper was paid for not by the
person who presented the newspaper with cash and claims that it was
his work, but by a former county supervisor.
Can it get any worse?
Days before an election already marred by ham-handed attempts at character assassination from several sides, financial disclosure statements required under California law reveal that a full page advertisement carried in this newspaper was paid for not by the person who presented the newspaper with cash and claims that it was his work, but by a former county supervisor.
The ad omitted key information in an attempt to damage the character of Art Cantu, a candidate for district attorney. Documents now on file with the county elections office appear to show that former Supervisor Richard Scagliotti paid the tab and sent errand boy and former Hollister Mayor Brian Conroy by the paper to hand over the money.
The idea that a person who held office, who was himself exposed to dirty politics San Benito style, would attempt to inflict that damage and pain on someone else leaves us nearly speechless.
It is shameful.
To his credit, District Attorney John Sarsfield brought the money chain to light in his financial disclosure statements, and further disavowed any knowledge of the ad’s content prior to its publication. Since the stunt may also be illegal, Sarsfield sought to involve the Fair Political Actions Commission.
It gets even seamier. A reporter for this newspaper received a scrap of anonymous hate mail suggesting she hang herself. The sheriff’s department is now in possession of that bit of correspondence.
We’ll vote on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, we’ll still be neighbors.
It’s past time for the lies, innuendos and grossly negative campaigning to stop, for us all to contribute what we can to the community we share.
Dismal voter participation is only one manifestation of the effect of dirty politics. Good people are dissuaded from running for office. One such person put it succinctly this week: “As long as my kids are living at home, politics is off limits. I won’t put them through it.”