Your lead story in Wednesday’s paper (10/15/03) is despicable on
several accounts. First, its huge headline,
Investigation attacks Scagliotti,
gives credence to some anonymous cowards bent on stirring up
dissension in the county, slandering good people and groundlessly
attacking Measure G.
Your lead story in Wednesday’s paper (10/15/03) is despicable on several accounts. First, its huge headline, “Investigation attacks Scagliotti,” gives credence to some anonymous cowards bent on stirring up dissension in the county, slandering good people and groundlessly attacking Measure G. Then you repeat their completely baseless accusations in some detail. What kind of journalism is that? Answer: Yellow journalism.
Apparently, the slime is starting to spread. Instead of investigating its source, you apparently want to help slop it out. Didn’t you ever hear of “investigative journalism?” Is your paper simply going to be a gossip sheet along the lines of the National Inquirer?
Mark D. Levine,
San Juan Bautista