Crumbling streets impede traffic
In the Sunnyslope neighborhood on the east side of Hollister,
there is a pocket of houses and streets that are in the
jurisdiction of San Benito County. Though El Camino Pairasio looks
urban, it is actually part of the county, and is badly in need of
repair. The road is full of potholes. Some have been patched, but
others are clearly visible.
Crumbling streets impede traffic
In the Sunnyslope neighborhood on the east side of Hollister, there is a pocket of houses and streets that are in the jurisdiction of San Benito County. Though El Camino Pairasio looks urban, it is actually part of the county, and is badly in need of repair. The road is full of potholes. Some have been patched, but others are clearly visible.
San Benito County Public Works employees are responsible for maintaining 385 miles of roadway. Maintenance work includes everything from repairing potholes and sealing cracks, paving, maintenance of road signs and markings, shoulder grading and repair of washed out roads in storms, earthquakes and other natural disasters. For residents unsure if a road is in the jurisidiction of the county or one of the local cities, they can check a list online at
To notify the office, which is part of the Public Works department managed by Director Jerry Lo, of needed road repairs, call 636-4170 or e-mail sb***@ho******.com.