City considers options with difficult budget situation
With the tough economy and difficult budget in the city, there
is a possibility for a street sweeping service reduction, Community
Services Director Clay Lee confirmed. Lee noted how the city has
not increased its monthly rate in several years for street sweeping
services. Costs have gone up, so the fund is starting to get close
to being in the red, Lee said. As city officials go through the
budget, one consideration is street sweeping and whether to either
cut back service
– a less frequent schedule – or slightly raising the rate.
City considers options with difficult budget situation
With the tough economy and difficult budget in the city, there is a possibility for a street sweeping service reduction, Community Services Director Clay Lee confirmed. Lee noted how the city has not increased its monthly rate in several years for street sweeping services. Costs have gone up, so the fund is starting to get close to being in the red, Lee said. As city officials go through the budget, one consideration is street sweeping and whether to either cut back service – a less frequent schedule – or slightly raising the rate.
Every other week is a possibility in residential neighborhoods, where it is weekly at the moment. He noted how there aren’t many cities, meanwhile, that even offer that level of service. Lee also pointed out how the sweeping is daily in the downtown area – to make it more attractive and to keep debris out of the stormwater drains.