Campaign stresses a drug-free life to students
After a week-long anti-drug campaign at Marguerite Maze Middle
School, students had some fun at the Red Ribbon celebration last
week. Students met Cal-Fire firefighters and some donned
firefighter gear. The helmets and jackets were over-sized for young
Maddie LePore and Marleen Alvarez.
Campaign stresses a drug-free life to students
After a week-long anti-drug campaign at Marguerite Maze Middle School, students had some fun at the Red Ribbon celebration last week. Students met Cal-Fire firefighters and some donned firefighter gear. The helmets and jackets were over-sized for young Maddie LePore and Marleen Alvarez.
Others got a feel – if not a taste – of what its like to be drunk when they tried on “beer googles” that blur ones vision similarly to intoxication. Cheyenne Herrick was one student who attempt to walk a straight line quite unsuccessfully with the goggles on.
Other local schools celebrated Red Ribbon Week with activities such as Crazy Hair Day or Sports Day.